Moving forward in my journey!

Hey MFP Cysters,

I originally joined MFP sooo long ago I'm not even sure when it was. Maybe around 2011. It has changed a ton since then. There was no app, no linking fitness tracking devices, no macros, etc.

I rejoined MFP back in April when I got an email about changing my password. Well, I did that, and just logged back in with no real plan to stick with it again. But, tracking one day, turned into a week, and that turned into about 3.5 months. I had over 100 days tracking my food, created 70 recipes, etc. At first it was just whatever I ate. Not trying to be "healthy," just keeping track. I went ahead and set a goal, losing 1 lb a week.

When I was doing this in 2011 I think my starting weight was 250-ish. I honestly don't remember. I don't think it was my highest weight (up to that point) but it also was much less than my highest weight since then. I don't know what I got down to then. Maybe 225?

In 2011, my youngest kid was 1 and I was desperately fighting against PPD. Unfortunately, despite attempts to medicate my way out of depression, I languished under the dark cloud of depression for years. I didn't care how much weight I was gaining. I grew out of practically every pair of pants and most of the shirts I owned. My highest weight in 2004 was 262 lbs, I had gotten down to 200 lbs (couldn't get 199!) by the end of 2005.

I regained some weight in 2006 and hovered around 230 for a bit. I was pregnant in 2007 and again in 2009/10. I have two wonderful daughters who are now 8 and 10 (11 next month). As I said, depression had me in its clutches for years after the birth of my youngest. Granted, I've had depression (dysthymia) for over 20 years. I _finally_ started to emerge from the cloud of depression in May of 2017.

I had stopped weighing myself years ago. I didn't care. At some point between 2012 and 2015 I weighed 280-something. Then in April of this year, I weighed myself for the 1st time in years. Yep, I did it. I had gotten myself above 300 lbs. 303.2 according to my scale. I'm about 5' 7". 😕

By the end of July I had gotten to 288! Down 15 lbs!! Right on track with my goal of 1lb per week. Guess you could say I took a summer break. I have not tracked my food since. But, I'm back. Put the app on my phone. Ready to keep releasing this weight. Reaching out to other MFPeeps.

The good news (to me), I stepped on the scale yesterday and 288 exactly. For not tracking, I'll take maintaining my loss. I am very grateful for that. While I didn't track, I kept veggies on my plate as often as I could.

It has taken me years of fighting day after day to not let the beast of depression annihilate me. I'm currently kicking its butt. I haven't felt this good in years. Instead of having a "good" day maybe once every couple weeks and every other day being miserable, now I have lots of good days, some not so great days, and maybe once or twice a month a really rough day. It used to be the opposite.

I'm strong and super positive. Again. Finally!!!

I _know_ I can do this. For years I couldn't even care enough to even *want* to try.

So, I'm here ladies, to keep moving in the right direction. Looking for friends for support on this journey and to share my positivity and encouragement with you!

I have no MFP friends and don't know how to add any. If you'd like, please add me as a friend.


Melissa 😊


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    Welcome! I'm sorry this greeting is so delayed. I've been struggling terribly myself as of late. I'm glad you're hear with us, and ready to fight back and keep up your momentum! Best of luck as you continue on!

