October Challenge



  • kwiris0328
    kwiris0328 Posts: 51 Member

    SW 299.7
    CW: 296.7
    Exercise: mall walking today
    Calories under 5/5 days
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Excercise 40 mins aerobics
    11,624 total steps
    Under calories
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    One week in... and I am doing okay, but need improvement.

    Starting weight 337.4 lbs
    Current weight 336.2 lbs
    Loss 1.2 lbs

    Calories - under by 1,164
    Daily Steps - 716
    Exercise - none

    Calories - under by 1,498
    Daily Steps - 174
    Exercise - none

    Calories - under by 686
    Daily Steps - 652
    Exercise - none

    Calories - over by 163
    Daily Steps - 1,062
    Exercise - none

    Calories - under by 504
    Daily Steps - 1,300
    Exercise - none

    Calories - over by 1,834
    Daily Steps - 829
    Exercise - none

    Calories - under by 1,045
    Daily Steps - 4376 (walk included)
    Exercise - walk 42:44 minutes

    Was over 2 days instead of 1 and exercised 1 day instead of 3... but tomorrow is a new day and start of new week!
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    10/5 starting weight 413

    exercise . walking , cleaning the house , want to pick up to at lease 5000 a day. 4 days 5000 + steps per day

    days under calorie goal . 8

    will weigh once a week on Mondays . weigh in 409 ... total 4 pounds down ....also did a 42 hour fast this past weekend , sugars are perfect , so happy I did it , will do another one sometime this week .
  • kwiris0328
    kwiris0328 Posts: 51 Member
    Week one summary:


    Total lost in October: 4.5
    Exercise week one: 1/7 days
    Calories under 7/7 days

    I need to work on exercise as usual, BUT that’s my best loss in one week for a while! Here we go week 2!
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member

    Trying to give myself up to the challenge this month and get out of the fitness protection program! 🤪🤣 Had a nice walk last night. Miscalculated my distance along the river and ended up in downtown. Oops... so, not a short distance day!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    @kwiris0328 : awesome, keep it up!! @RunaMarti : that’s a beautiful place; love it!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm here! Sorry if I've appeared to be MIA. In a nutshell, I am pretty sure that I have lost a little bit -maybe a pound or half a pound - but I want to wait until Monday to weigh in.

    My goal was to walk 6000 - 8000 steps daily. I have done and or exceeded that. Twice I've actually hit 10,000 (whoa!!).

    My food intake has been a hard one. My mom had moved in with us for a while -which was great because she cooked every single day, and we had healthy measurable things. But now that she is gone we have gone back to picking up quick things and eating out. Our work schedule makes it so difficult to come home and prepare a meal. We do have a crockpot that we use quite often, but my daughter borrowed it and we just got it back last night. Hoping for a home-cooked meal tonight!
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    @cnavarro002 : great job with all the walking! My husband and I found ourselves ordering out several times a week when we were short on time and something that has helped me is to dedicate one day to grilling up a bunch of chicken and then anytime I am short on time, I know I have something healthy I can throw together with some veggies for a healthy meal. I also always have a few healthy meals frozen and waiting for me. For example, right now in my freezer, I have turkey chili and a turkey meatloaf. I have them in there for nights I have zero energy to cook and can just toss it in the oven or microwave and have a healthy option.
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @CheezWhiz88 thanks for the ideas! I am soooo bad at meal planning! That is one of my biggest weaknesses! I know that I should, but I have never even tried. This morning I got excited because I was able to bring leftovers for lunch. I now have goals, meal plan!!
  • MamaMaryPants
    MamaMaryPants Posts: 36 Member
    Just joined and I am so in!
    I started the month at 325 and am currently 324, (hopefully keeping on going) I am under my calorie goal at least 6 out of 7 days and this month so far was 6 out of 7 for first week, 7 out of 7 last week and so far so good this week.
    I definitely need to work on my excercise and will be adding movement in but don't know if I can get up to 3 times a week (hopefully by the end of the month I will be though.)
    I'm very excited about this.
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    sw 413
    cw 409

    exercising Gym and working at home , doing my 5000 steps a day if I can.
    doing some fasting on a 42 hour one right now .

    4 pounds lost so far .
  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    @cnavarro002 : I am pretty forgetful with planning meals so that’s why I now dedicate one day to it. I found a great website skinnytaste that has easy recipes and when I input them into MFP, they had tons of their recipes already uploaded. Something to consider! Their website is easy to navigate and you can search by various things, like proteins and such.
    @MamaMaryPants : That’s a great name! something that helped me is to create opportunities to exercise. For example, tonight it was raining so my husband was going to drop me off at the door to the store we were going into, so I suggested instead that we park in the furthest spot. Sure, we got a little wet on the walk, but it was just extra walking to get in :)
    @tammyfranks2 : great job, you’re killing it!
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    edited October 2018
    sw 413
    cw 404

    fasting so eating under goal calories , 16 days under went 42 hours in my fast last 2 days , so my 404 might go up tomorrow , hopefully not to far up . working out 3 days a week , but trying for 5000 steps a day .

    9 pounds so far .

    thank you @CheezWhiz88
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    Checking in with 2nd week update.

    SW 337.4 lbs
    CW 334.8 lbs

    Days under calorie goal 4/7
    Days of exercise 3/7

    Feeling particularly blah. Realized that even though I have changed my caloric intake dramatically the last 7 or so weeks, my body is stubbornly holding onto its weight. Never lost weight so slowly while making such changes. Age may nine the largest factor. Hormones maybe, too. But I feel icky and as if my work is for nothing. I know that’s not true, but try telling my “heart” that. Getting to be awfully hangry again.

  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Even though I am late I will start now.

    October 1st SW: 325
    October 3rd CW: 321
    October 15th CW: 316

    Given that I have just been given the green light to return to the gym and I am not allowed to go every day I have been to the gym 4 days of 15 and I have had other activity on 4 other days. Really I have been just trying to get back fully in the swing of things and so far so good.

    My boyfriend and I started our on personal goal of 15 pounds by Thanksgiving. We started that yesterday. As of today he is down 2.2 and I am down 1.8. So that is a good start.

    I am hoping to be more present more and I feel MFP is what really keeps me motivated.
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @RunaMarti I totally get where you are. I feel the same way. I lose a few pounds and then I seem to just sit there at the same weight for a month or 2. It's frustrating. There are times when I start to feel sorry for myself and I really want to give up. But I don't want to be where I was before, and I definitely don't want to stay where I am. It's hard, but I have to keep going hoping that eventually I'll see the pay off, even if it's not right now. Stay on course! YOU DIDN'T COME THIS FAR, TO ONLY GET THIS FAR!
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    Hey everyone! Had an emotional week full of tons of gluttony 😩 Hoping to get back on the wagon and stay on for awhile again... thanks @cnavarro002 for the encouragement!!

    SW 337.4 lbs
    CW 339.4 lbs

    Days under calorie goal 3/7
    Exercise 0/7

    Hope to do MUCH better this next week!!
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    sw 413

    cw 401

    days under goal 22

    exercise , 4 times a week at gym but try to walk 5000 steps a day at home or gym .. 2 days this week I only got 3000

    feeling good , been fasting , eating keto .

    3 pounds down since last weigh in.
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    sw 413

    cw 400