Roll Call~Sunday 1/20/19

manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Snowed over night. Freezing rain now. Possibly sub zero temps tonight and tomorrow night.

    Football today after shoveling and snow throwing.

    Avoided getting snack food for games.

    Be OP ;-)
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,963 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Spent another four hours cleaning in the shop, yesterday. Still looks a bit cluttered, buy way better than it was.

    See reports of horrendous weather back east. Have to figure those of you living there are used to such things, just as we in the PNW ignore rain.

    Grandkids coming over after church and staying for the night. Their parents are going on a razer crab-digging trip organized by DS' engineering firm. Low tide is around 10 p.m. I'm guessing the office is closed tomorrow. Anyway, we are invited over for chowder.
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Present and accounted for. Good Morning Everyone. Rain here currently but temps going to plunge starting about noon then the worry is ice. It's a good day for watching football. Have a Great Day!

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,590 Member
    Good Morning!

    Dave, thank you for the recipe. I will try it this week and probably thicken about half and recombine with the whole veggies.

    It sounds like a good weekend to be on the West Coast. We had a spring day yesterday, but rain is returning today. DW went on a walk/hike with a friend and I headed to Hayward to WI. Exciting afternoon of running errands, a big part of married life. Not sure what we got going today. But I am sure we will find something. We need to get the tree into its bag and into the garage. WI surprisingly found me down 2.6. Persistence wins I suppose. I was far from perfect or consistent in tracking.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Good Morning!

    I have a roast in the crock pot for later today. We have not done that in a while. That will get us ready for the football game this evening.

    Mom (DMIL) seems to be holding her own at home. That's good, but it requires somebody to be with her 24/7. My DSIL lives with mom, so over-night is covered, but sis works, and either my DBIL or Connie cover those hours. it is not easy.

    I have not thought about taking Meloxicam at night. I have always taken mine in the morning. I wonder if that might help me sleep better? I think that I will give that a try.

    Have a great day! Go Chiefs!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,471 Member
    Good afternoon. Snowed all night and now sleet. I got my car out early and made it to church... 11 others showed up. Roads were a tiny bit slippery in places but not bad.

    Just hanging around today, practicing piano, paying a few bills, and will watch the game later. Lots of Patriots fans here....