Gay/ bi guys

Are there any gay or bi guys?


  • Dakotacole13
    Dakotacole13 Posts: 526 Member
    If there is add me or I’ll add u just say so. And maybe we can then talk if you wanna
  • effJR
    effJR Posts: 9 Member
    I’m gay! 56 years old. Looking for more friends.

    Friend me, if interested.

  • anthophora
    anthophora Posts: 74 Member
    Gay 45 year old guy here. Trying to get back into shape and lose a few pounds. Coming out later in life. Looking for support and to support others!
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    Also gay here! Living in Texas. Trying to get on the fitness bandwagon and not fall off this time haha. Feel free to add!
  • RhaegarWolf
    RhaegarWolf Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! 29 year old queer dude here, feel free to friend me, I'm always up for conversation.
  • dannygrayspeaks
    dannygrayspeaks Posts: 2 Member
    Hello from Central London! X
  • beniyam909
    beniyam909 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All!! I decided that I really want to find a group for fitness motivation amongst gay men. I think it would be great to connect with everyone. I have never used this platform, so I am going to try to make it a habit to check this daily, if not every two days. I would love to make some personal fitness goals and group fitness goals if any of you are interested!

    I have struggled with excess weight in my belly area since middle school. I have lost about 25 lbs a few years ago, but have moved and became independent which caused me to be lazy and unmotivated to lose more fat. As much as I want to lose weight for myself, I am also doing this to get my dating game up. I'm finding it a little difficult to attract people with my belly being the detractor :frowning:. Looking forward to connecting with you all!
  • philipc121
    philipc121 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys, I’m on a bit of a fitness kick at the moment, & will soon start trading for a half-marathon later in the year. Always looking to have more connections on here, just sent round a bunch of invitations. Looking forward to connecting soon!
  • detrimental13
    detrimental13 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello from Australia. Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can share our progress
  • capitalguy84
    capitalguy84 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi from Canada. 34 gay male. Some gay MFP pals would be great :smiley: Feel free to add me and say hi.
  • athran13
    athran13 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey. I'm just a 41 y.o. male from north eastern/mid-west USA (Ohio). Trying to get in shape to lift mood, increase energy, and bring down blood pressure & pulse. Also wouldn't mind losing some weight to fit back into some old clothing and look better.
  • MQEnglishIV
    MQEnglishIV Posts: 18 Member
    Hey from Chicago! Trying to put on lean muscle mass.
  • takethewheel24
    takethewheel24 Posts: 3 Member
    hey there, just started tracking again today - I'm 24 from England, always happy for a chat and sharing progress!
  • Sparkyboi
    Sparkyboi Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Boys,

    Hope you are all well and tracking and staying as handsome as always.

    As a person who has struggled with self acceptance of how I look and still very much do, our community is probably the harshest.

    Love yourself first and remember today is the best version of you..tomorrows version is based on your choices today. Make it count, don't judge, and say hello and smile to someone new.

    Brighten up your day by brightening someone else's

    Much Love from Toronto.
  • lifewithmikey
    lifewithmikey Posts: 51 Member
    36 in SoCal. Been trying to get back on track. Lost five pounds recently and ready to lose five more. Yay! Have to be totes adorbs lol
  • healingwmark
    healingwmark Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone. Gay, but married to a woman, my best friend :smile: ….long story lol but I would love to reach my health goals with people who understand me! Feel free to connect!
  • Marius1981Cgn
    Marius1981Cgn Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am a 38 yo guy from Germany. Goal is to lose 10kg- add me if you like, support always wanted :)
  • terryh82
    terryh82 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes looking for support though my journey. Great to chat/connect feel free to add
  • adammanhertz
    adammanhertz Posts: 9 Member
    Hey beautiful poeple :) looking for people for support through my journey. Would be great to make some friends and support one another - add me!