Introduce Yourself / General Chat!

eatingems Posts: 106 Member
edited July 2019 in Social Groups
Lets get to know each other. Introduce yourself here :)


  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    So, to start things off, I'll introduce myself. I'm Emma, I'm currently 27 and I live in the UK. I work in an office so not very active at work unfortunately and people always seem to be bringing in cakes! I try to go for a 20 minute walk before work in the morning and again during my lunch break. I like to go to the gym at least 2/3 times a week for about an hour or so.

    I've been all over the shop with my weight. I dropped about 100lbs a few years ago when I only should have dropped about 60/70 at most because I developed an ED. I recovered from that and eventually started binge eating causing my to gain most of my lost weight back.

    I'm now down 26lbs and have another 18-28lbs to go until I'm at my ideal weight.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • _Mina_A
    _Mina_A Posts: 12 Member

    I'm 21, a while away from you guys in Canada. I've always tried to lose weight and am pretty active (I go running in the morning quite regularly or do hiit workouts at home) but always find myself either working out without the proper diet or dieting without working out. I'm trying to do both now and figured through MPF it could be a smoother journey. Pretty much I'm interested in weight loss, specifically fat loss and am working on fixing up my diet to match my fitness goals.

    Nice to meet you both!
  • dlbohl1991
    dlbohl1991 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi I’m Dalton. I just turned 28 on June 26th. I have a very physically demanding job and I love kinda close to Canada. Northern Iowa about 20minutes from the southern Minnesota border haha
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    _vicky2291 wrote: »

    I'm 28, also in the UK and also working an office job but conversely I'm very active, 15-20,000 steps a day most days and 5-6 heavy gym sessions a week kind of active.

    I equally have a binge eating and disordered eating history and to combat that the majority of the time I eat intuitively and my weight evened out to where my body likes to be and it's comfortable. I am currently doing a fitness challenge that has a diet element but afterwards I will return to eating intuitively.

    When I'm not doing some kind of cut/diet I mainly use MFP to make sure that I'm getting enough protein for my powerlifting and to keep an eye on some things like fibre as I struggle with IBS.

    My diary is open to friends and I'm honest with my food and log everything. The only thing I will say is I don't add men on here so don't be offended if you're male and I decline your request.

    That's the place I'm trying to get to with my ED. I know, before, my weight seemed to settle around 140-150 before I went overboard with restricting and that falls around about the ideal weight to be for my height.

    When I was trying to gain weight I started lifting but I was so weak that I ended up giving up haha, I wish I had stuck with it. I'd like to be able to lift now but I broke my arm in January and it hasn't fully recovered yet :/

    Nice to meet you!
    _Mina_A wrote: »

    I'm 21, a while away from you guys in Canada. I've always tried to lose weight and am pretty active (I go running in the morning quite regularly or do hiit workouts at home) but always find myself either working out without the proper diet or dieting without working out. I'm trying to do both now and figured through MPF it could be a smoother journey. Pretty much I'm interested in weight loss, specifically fat loss and am working on fixing up my diet to match my fitness goals.

    Nice to meet you both!

    No worries, friends from all over the world welcome here! Yes I had that problem too - particularly working out without the proper diet. I convinced myself I worked off all off my naughty treats even though I know you can't out-exercise a bad diet! MFP is really helping me in that regard.

    Nice to meet you!
    dlbohl1991 wrote: »
    Hi I’m Dalton. I just turned 28 on June 26th. I have a very physically demanding job and I love kinda close to Canada. Northern Iowa about 20minutes from the southern Minnesota border haha

    Again, friends from all over welcome :) nice to meet you Dalton
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm Kayleigh, 25 and live in the UK. again I have an office job and an hours commute everyday so lots of sitting down during the day. I try to do exercise in the evening but my motivation is low after a long day getting home and making dinner always seems the priority. I lost 84Lb a few years back and its now slowly crept back on. I'm now 21lb down but still have another 28 to go.

    I have started on the keto diet and seem to be okay with hunger and when im at home but going out and having dinner with friends is a nightmare.

    Feel free to add me im happy to be help and support anyone who is struggling.

  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    I'm Kayleigh, 25 and live in the UK. again I have an office job and an hours commute everyday so lots of sitting down during the day. I try to do exercise in the evening but my motivation is low after a long day getting home and making dinner always seems the priority. I lost 84Lb a few years back and its now slowly crept back on. I'm now 21lb down but still have another 28 to go.

    I have started on the keto diet and seem to be okay with hunger and when im at home but going out and having dinner with friends is a nightmare.

    Feel free to add me im happy to be help and support anyone who is struggling.

    Hi Kayleigh! We have a similar amount lost and left to lose. Good to have you on board! :)
  • ravenjones2912
    ravenjones2912 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Raven, I'm 23 and in the UK, I'm 5'8 and 11st 12lbs at my last weigh in. I have an office job but I walk to and from work (About 8k steps there and back) and I've started going to the Gym twice a week for around an hour. I've lost just over a 100lbs and am hoping to lose another 2 stone.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • mcfly216
    mcfly216 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, Mason about to be 28 here from IL USA. I work for a glass company, very physical job in 98* temps most the year. I’ve been very active all my life but never paid attention to the food I ate. 5’11” 170, SW 192 GW 165. I don’t track everyday but I pretty much eat the same everyday. It’s been a long slow process but I like to lift heavy things and put them back down. My goal for spring of 2020 is to compete in a powerlifting comp and fall of 2020 to compete in a men’s physique show.
  • ref2018
    ref2018 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I’m Renee, 23, from NY. Lost nearly 40lbs through college but after graduation everything’s been crazy and over the past year put like, 15lbs back on and I’d like to nip that in the bud and get down to my goal of 135 or 130.

    Working a medical technical job (or ya know unpaid clinical rn) so I’m on my feet a good portion of the day running back and forth from treatment room to console and I gotta say, I have great arms from lifting patients 😂 No real specific diet tho, Just awareness and trying to be active. Hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    Does anyone else feel sometimes people try to sabotage your weight loss? Yesterday I got home from work to a thank you card and huge tub of ice cream from my mother in law (I help look after there dog) in the card it said I know your on a diet but here's a little treat. :s this winds me up she knows im dieting and yes treat yourself but she obviously thought about the fact im losing weight and still bought the damn ice cream aggghhh. I do appreciate the gesture but its still frustrating.
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    I'm Raven, I'm 23 and in the UK, I'm 5'8 and 11st 12lbs at my last weigh in. I have an office job but I walk to and from work (About 8k steps there and back) and I've started going to the Gym twice a week for around an hour. I've lost just over a 100lbs and am hoping to lose another 2 stone.

    Feel free to add me :)

    Hey Raven! We have very similar stats, for height and weight anyway, I've sent a FR your way! :)
    mcfly216 wrote: »
    Hi, Mason about to be 28 here from IL USA. I work for a glass company, very physical job in 98* temps most the year. I’ve been very active all my life but never paid attention to the food I ate. 5’11” 170, SW 192 GW 165. I don’t track everyday but I pretty much eat the same everyday. It’s been a long slow process but I like to lift heavy things and put them back down. My goal for spring of 2020 is to compete in a powerlifting comp and fall of 2020 to compete in a men’s physique show.

    Hey Mason! I like your goals, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get there. Having a goal like that always keeps me on track so I hope the same for you.
    ref2018 wrote: »
    Hi! I’m Renee, 23, from NY. Lost nearly 40lbs through college but after graduation everything’s been crazy and over the past year put like, 15lbs back on and I’d like to nip that in the bud and get down to my goal of 135 or 130.

    Working a medical technical job (or ya know unpaid clinical rn) so I’m on my feet a good portion of the day running back and forth from treatment room to console and I gotta say, I have great arms from lifting patients 😂 No real specific diet tho, Just awareness and trying to be active. Hopefully we can motivate each other!

    Hi Renee! Sounds like you do get a good workout there :D Once I get to my goal weight that what I would like to try to do, just eat mindfully and keep active without overthinking/overdoing it! Hopefully we can! :)
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Does anyone else feel sometimes people try to sabotage your weight loss? Yesterday I got home from work to a thank you card and huge tub of ice cream from my mother in law (I help look after there dog) in the card it said I know your on a diet but here's a little treat. :s this winds me up she knows im dieting and yes treat yourself but she obviously thought about the fact im losing weight and still bought the damn ice cream aggghhh. I do appreciate the gesture but its still frustrating.

    All the time! It's always "oh, but one treat won't hurt..." except that once I've started I can't stop myself so it kinda does hurt :D I always appreciate the thought but damn, you know I'm trying to lose weight, couldn't you just get me flowers or something?

    I have a feeder in my work who I try to keep my weight loss mission secret from because any time she gets wind of me losing weight, she appears at my desk with a chocolate bar or something similar that she says she saw and thought of me.
  • ref2018
    ref2018 Posts: 12 Member
    Does anyone else feel sometimes people try to sabotage your weight loss? Yesterday I got home from work to a thank you card and huge tub of ice cream from my mother in law (I help look after there dog) in the card it said I know your on a diet but here's a little treat. :s this winds me up she knows im dieting and yes treat yourself but she obviously thought about the fact im losing weight and still bought the damn ice cream aggghhh. I do appreciate the gesture but its still frustrating.

    Oh goodness yes... last night I specifically said "I won't have a slice of the pie cause I had chocolate when I got home from clinical" and then sat down and promptly had the pie with ice cream. I mean granted it was excellent and with family but it was still store bought so it wasn't like I would never get it again :D
    eatingems wrote: »
    I have a feeder in my work who I try to keep my weight loss mission secret from because any time she gets wind of me losing weight, she appears at my desk with a chocolate bar or something similar that she says she saw and thought of me.

    Oh goodness, it's one thing to bring in cookies for the office, totally obnoxious to be trying to undermine someone else though

  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm glad its not just me haha.
    We have biscuit Friday at work, which ends up being a tonne of cake and crisps as well. My will power is awful when its just staring me in the face.
    If it's not in the house I'm fine dont even think about it, when it's there I cant hold back its all or nothing.
  • ref2018
    ref2018 Posts: 12 Member
    There's literally a box of donuts sitting in the break room right now, and people bring in food all the time. I haven't been doing this that long still I'm still figuring out techniques to resist
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    I find always having a bottle of water in your hand helps and also having a few healthy treats in your draw or bag so you can have a treat but you know whats in it and how many calories it is. you cant stop yourself completely so I think giving yourself options is the best way to go around it.
  • ATP0602
    ATP0602 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey. Amy and turned 23 last month. I’m here in MA, USA. Making a huge change to my diet to accommodate my lupus. I never really paid it any mind in the past as a teen because I didn’t put on the typical crazy weight gain after the first year of remission. But I guess our 20s are something different. My job is mostly sitting down, too, and my body is strongly holding onto the weight I put on month to month. Since I’m limited physically in what i can do for exercise, I’m doing the strict diet and tracking route. Working out so far and wouldn’t mind the support :) Anyone kicking their sugar/carb addiction?
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    edited July 2019

    ATP0602 wrote: »
    Hey. Amy and turned 23 last month. I’m here in MA, USA. Making a huge change to my diet to accommodate my lupus. I never really paid it any mind in the past as a teen because I didn’t put on the typical crazy weight gain after the first year of remission. But I guess our 20s are something different. My job is mostly sitting down, too, and my body is strongly holding onto the weight I put on month to month. Since I’m limited physically in what i can do for exercise, I’m doing the strict diet and tracking route. Working out so far and wouldn’t mind the support :) Anyone kicking their sugar/carb addiction?

    Hi Amy, I recently started keto, which is very low carb and sugar. the first week was difficult especially as I'm a major carb lover. but I stuck through the first week, I'm now on week 3 and I'm starting to see and feel the benifits of it :smile:
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    I would love to be able to do Keto, I've seen it work so well for so many people! I did low-carb for a while but I gotta say I missed bread and pasta too much haha!
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    Keto is difficult and take so much planning but it definitely works. 2Lbs down this week :smile: I love pasta so found some made of soya beans which is awesome.

    How is everyone else doing this week?
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Well done you! I'll need to see if I can find that to give it a try :)

    I went a bit offtrack from my plan this weekend so hoping I can undo any damage I did by the time I weigh in on Thursday morning! Currently in the middle of getting my kitchen renovated so pre-planning dinners and weekend meals has been horrendous. Not so bad when I'm at work.

    I have a big family party in the middle of August in just under 6 weeks now and I really want to lose 7lbs by then so need to keep myself on track now haha!
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    Weekends are awful for me normally but im getting better with it. I find as long as i have one thing I consider a treat to look forward to I can stop myself from having everything else haha. that definitely doable if you focus :)
  • tyegarcia
    tyegarcia Posts: 14 Member
    hello my name is Tye, I'm 21 and live in California. I lift 6 days a week with 1 active rest day, doing a push/pull/leg split with strength and hypertrophy days. I am 50lbs down from when I first started lifting about 10 months ago, maybe another 10-20 lbs before I can start a bulk. :)

    I also have a fitness meme instagram @dedlifts if yall wanna follow for some lols
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Tye, that's great well done on your loss so far. How do you find the motivation to lift 6 days a week? I can usually manage one or two days but struggle to motivate myself to get there after work.
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Super loss indeed, Tye!
  • SamTucker444
    SamTucker444 Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hi, i'm Sam, 25 years old :) lost about 25lb in total last year but between Christmas and most of this year I lost all my motivation due to work, life ect. and stayed around the same weight bouncing round a few lbs!

    Back properly now and feeling very determined, lost 5lb in nearly 2 weeks! I work full time and leave the house at 7am and get back at about 6pm so exercise is a bit difficult for me been using my exercise bike a bit more and walking to and from the bus stop, but if anyone has any easy to fit in exercises it would be a big help!

    Anyone is free to add me need all the motivation I can get!
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Hey Sam! I know how easy it is to lose motivation, happens to me all the time so trying to keep myself together. That's a great loss though, long may it continue :smile:

    I have similar hours to you and I used to just work out in my living room to youtube videos (Team Body Project, personal fav) but my kitchen is being renovated and my living room is full of building supplies so I've had to go back to the gym that's just round the corner from my work. It's no where near my home so if I need to exercise there, like I will this weekend when I have two extra days off, I use this app on my phone, it's called Female Fitness - Women Workout for some body weight exercises. There's varying levels of intensity/varying lengths of workout and they all seem very manageable and easy to fit in if I'm short of time! I'm sure there will be similar apps out there as well :)

    Also, thanks for the add, hopefully we can keep each other motivated!
  • SamTucker444
    SamTucker444 Posts: 7 Member
    ah sounds good! I'll have a little look round the app store, thank you for the info and yes hopefully! :)
  • kaaitken2012
    kaaitken2012 Posts: 35 Member
    Think I will download that for motivation at the gym I find it hard to know what to do everyday and then end up not going. I have started doing Pilates at home on you-tube blogilates is really good definitely makes you sweat but a lot less running and jumping involved. :smile:
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Yes blogilates is so good too! I find so many people recommend Fitness Blender but I just can't get in to it. I need a little bit of personality to keep me going through the videos :D