Let this time be successful 😊

sarahmurch73 Posts: 21 Member
Hey everyone 😊
I'm 46 and from Cornwall in the UK. After starting a new job this week in a health and beauty store, I'd really like to finally lose my last few stubborn pounds.
Feeling confident in myself is an important part of the job and I want to get healthier to give me better energy levels.
I have tried this so many times on my own and never managed it so if there's anyone that can buddy me or give advice it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone and good luck in your journey 😊


  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,535 Member
    Totally agree, let do this and make it work so we are not posting the same message this time next year!!!
  • tigbrown1
    tigbrown1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm back here after dropping from 199 to 172 about 3 years ago. Maintained for a while but change of job and less exercise (and eating crisps/chocolate) means I finally crept back up the scale to 209lbs. Now at 197. This time I'm trying to make slow and sustainable changes so not cutting anything out per se but introducing grains and more veg to fill me up. Snacks are still allowed but in moderation instead and I have cut down drastically on bread by switching to soup or salad for lunch.
  • dididede
    dididede Posts: 61 Member
    Loving this thread and can totally relate. I lost 3 stone when I first joined but over the past 4 years lost focus and piled it all back on. I’m happily back on track now though and have only the last 4 stubborn pounds to shift to be back to where I was 3 stone lighter. However I’m self sabotaging with sugar binges alone in front of the tv when everyone has gone to bed. What’s that all about? I’ve still got a good couple of stone to get off after the stubborn 4 pounds to get out of ‘obese’ and into ‘normal’, however I feel skinny being a size 14 instead of a size 20 so maybe there’s something in that. I’ve never been a size 10 but would love to know how that feels, and hope to get there eventually x
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,535 Member
    @dididede that solitary time is just wierd, it is like your brain is saying it doesn't count if nobody else sees. I have even waited for others to go to bed so I could have the munchies. Impressed by your progress, hopefully I can be that successful in the next year or so.