


  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @Slimpossible007 Welcome back! Sounds like you have been through a really challenging time, but have come through it like a champion!
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,297 Member
    @breepa123 Thats also my issue (a herniated disk) it happened in 2017 .. At first I ignored the pain .. which only made the issue worse up till the point where it knocked me completely off my feet at the start of 2018, I was bed locked for 2 days needing carried (my poor hubby) and even being carried was agony at it pulled my back in un natural positions then I was almost bed ridden for 6-8 weeks, needing help to get to the toilet etc, and walking with a hunch / very small steps and constant pain, I wasn't able to sleep for about a month and only caught about 10 mins at a time after that (due to exhaustion) The specialist after seeing my MRI said it was one of the worst he has ever seen.

    I had physio stretches to do for the back and legs which for a long time were my only source of exercise and Its only just recently that I have actually been able to start working with a little more intensity .. although by intensity I mean walking a bit faster (I am not even close to my old speed) but its all an improvement.

    I find the stretches (although the most boring things I have ever done) do seem to make a difference, I can see if I can find the NHS list for you, if you are interested just let me know, they done me wonders for me :)

    I know what you mean by "an excuse not to workout" .. although I put it down to a fear of ending up back where I was by pushing too hard ... So when I feel a twinge I tend to stop immediately and rest

    ANYWAY (although its not nice someone else has this issue) it is nice to have someone who is going through the tame issues as myself .. we can help each other fight on

    I am sure you will look fantastic in that dress and congrats of your up and coming wedding :)

    @jan110144 TY so much I am happy to be back :)
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,297 Member
    edited August 2019
    @Breepa123 I had a look anyway and thought id share .. even for people who do not have a herniated disc these are good exercises for strengthening the area to make sure you never have the issue

    here is a simple leaflet .. I do the following (although I may add the others in :)
    knees to chest 30 sec hold 4 times per leg and the
    back stretching I lie flat on my tummy propped up on my elbows and read a book for 10 mins at a time (twice a day) and about twice during that 10 min period I push up into the cobra position for 5-10 seconds (sometimes longer or more often depending how I am during the day .. I find that on some days if causes me discomfort but I feel its working and strengthening over the time :)
  • Breepa123
    Breepa123 Posts: 66 Member
    @Breepa123 I had a look anyway and thought id share .. even for people who do not have a herniated disc these are good exercises for strengthening the area to make sure you never have the issue

    here is a simple leaflet .. I do the following (although I may add the others in :)
    knees to chest 30 sec hold 4 times per leg and the
    back stretching I lie flat on my tummy propped up on my elbows and read a book for 10 mins at a time (twice a day) and about twice during that 10 min period I push up into the cobra position for 5-10 seconds (sometimes longer or more often depending how I am during the day .. I find that on some days if causes me discomfort but I feel its working and strengthening over the time :)

    @Slimpossible007 Thank you so much for this, I'll have a look through! I also do the cobra stretches a lot in the evening when we're relaxing or watching TV, and I do standing backbends every two hours at work during the day as instructed by the physical therapist I saw a few years ago. Another thing that has really been helping lately is acupuncture, which was something I never expected to actually work, but I tried it as a last resort and whaddaya know?
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    @Slimpossible007 welcome back!!! Great to hear that your recovery is going well.

    @Breepa123 Congratulations! Your happiness on your big day will shine through you and you'll be picture perfect!
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    ...quitting smoking in 2007.

    Best gift you could ever give yourself. Congratulations! You will also be successful with the weight loss if you stick with UAC. It's not a fact, most on this forum would agree steady and consistent habits will be your best friends to reach goal.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @LisaPower123 if you can quit smoking, you can do this! Welcome to the group.
  • ourvibrantlife
    ourvibrantlife Posts: 413 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am looking forward to joining you for September's challenge and ALL the positive changes it will bring!
  • Miyoka_Tata
    Miyoka_Tata Posts: 329 Member
    Hi👋, newbie here. I am so excited to join this challenge and a bit nervous. I tend to go a bit overboard when I am being held accountable. September is already pre-planned with celebrations on top of celebrations, cake, yummy food, and travel. I am still excited to jump into this challenge. Let’s go!
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,297 Member
    Breepa123 wrote: »
    @Breepa123 I had a look anyway and thought id share .. even for people who do not have a herniated disc these are good exercises for strengthening the area to make sure you never have the issue

    here is a simple leaflet .. I do the following (although I may add the others in :)
    knees to chest 30 sec hold 4 times per leg and the
    back stretching I lie flat on my tummy propped up on my elbows and read a book for 10 mins at a time (twice a day) and about twice during that 10 min period I push up into the cobra position for 5-10 seconds (sometimes longer or more often depending how I am during the day .. I find that on some days if causes me discomfort but I feel its working and strengthening over the time :)

    @Slimpossible007 Thank you so much for this, I'll have a look through! I also do the cobra stretches a lot in the evening when we're relaxing or watching TV, and I do standing backbends every two hours at work during the day as instructed by the physical therapist I saw a few years ago. Another thing that has really been helping lately is acupuncture, which was something I never expected to actually work, but I tried it as a last resort and whaddaya know?

    I did think about trying acupuncture, but after my MRI and chats with my doctor and physiotherapist I was told in my case it would be a waste of money (something to do with exactly where is was) so I didn't try out the acupuncture .. My dad has had it before (which is why I thought about it) and he loved it :) I'm glad you have found something that works for you, its a miserable time when you have back pain .. The gabapenton medication I was given (once I was at my highest doze) helped a lot ... I am still in the process of coming back off it again (fingers crossed for being drug free by mid November)