
Introduce yourself!


  • kilogramstolose
    kilogramstolose Posts: 42 Member
    Man Amberlynn is going to give me whiplash. I expected that she would at least not post for a week haha.

    Anyways, I'm Silke, 23, live in Belgium. I weigh 78,6 kg (173,2 lbs) and looking to lose around 20 kgs (44 lbs) to get back to my original weight before fighting with bed (yes diagnosed by a proper psychologist, Amber).

    Maybe everyone can quickly introduce themselves and their goals so then we can set a collective goal? Just because AL is posting again doesn't mean we can't still do this! Obviously, everyone should lose weight/get fit their own healthy way, and should set their own goal so nobody gets triggered. Maybe we can do weekly weigh-ins on certain days?
  • I can’t believe Amber didn’t even wait a day! We all should have known 😂 Definitely agree that we should keep going though and motivate each other!

    I’m Tabitha, 28, live in the UK. I’m 318lbs (144kg) - start weight 330lbs - and looking to lose 168 (76kg) overall so I’ll be here for a little while! I have a goal to reach 270lbs before the end of the year.

    Happy to go along with any weekly weigh-ins or just for a general chat!
  • Ayatsuya
    Ayatsuya Posts: 3 Member
    I practically screamed when I saw Amber's new video today, I didn't think she'd be gone for long but the gorl didn't even last a day :'D

    Anyways, hi! I'm Aurelia (Auri for short), and I'm from Canada. I'm ~57 kg (126 lbs), and my goal weight is 48 kg (106 lbs). I've been having a bad binge eating problem, so I'm trying to get that into check... Hopefully being in a group will help keep me accountable lol <3 Best of luck to everyone!!
  • Down 1lb this morning! Wasn’t expecting a loss for a few days given it’s that time of the month and I’m feeling bloated, so super chuffed!
  • kilogramstolose
    kilogramstolose Posts: 42 Member
    @Ravachu do you weigh daily? :) I'm trying to do two times/week now
  • @Ravachu do you weigh daily? :) I'm trying to do two times/week now

    I do! I always have. I’m not personally triggered by the number as I just see it as data.

    When I have tried weekly in the past, it didn’t give me a full enough picture (because of natural fluctuations etc). This way I get data every day and can take an average for the week.

    I know this wouldn’t be for everyone though. Definitely appreciate that I’m lucky not to be bothered by it.
  • alexjoy5212
    alexjoy5212 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all :-) I’m Alex, I’m 23 from the US. Started at 227 lbs in February this year, currently around 185, my first goal is 175 then I’ll see from there!

    I’m down for weekly weigh ins/check ins!
  • ectaylor239
    ectaylor239 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I’m Emma, from Australia. I currently weight about 84kg, I started the year at 97.5kg so have made good progress, I’m aiming to get to 77kg by the end of the year. :)
  • mgnmnz
    mgnmnz Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am from the United States, and I live in New Jersey.

    I am 32 years old and I weigh currently around 140lbs (63.50 kgs I think) and I am 5'3.

    My goal weight is honestly 110lbs, but I would be thrilled if I were to make it to 125. I have been the same weight for approximately 4 years and my highest weight ever was 150lbs (last March). Apparently, (like amberlynn LMAO) I am very good at maintaining, but I am SO SICK of being this weight.

    Last month I joined the gym and I have been working out for the first time in years. I weight myself daily because it helps me keep on track and I have lost about 4 lbs, so I am around a pound a week loss. Since there are 17 weeks left in the year (if I counted right) I would like to be around 123 lbs by Jan 1st. I think I can do it with some serious hard work!

    One more thing about me is I try really hard to follow a whole food, plant based diet with a little cheese thrown in every now and then, so something like Keto is totally out for a person like me.
  • maconn27
    maconn27 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey all! I’m Megan, I’m 25 and I’m from the US and I live in Alabama. Current weight is 245 goal weight is 170.
    I have a chronic pain “situation” among other things that have contributed the weight gain. I’d love to get back down to 170 which was my weight before all my issues started.
    I also weigh pretty much daily in another app. I too like to see the data. I’m down for weekly weight ins!
    Glad to have you all to keep me honest! 😉
  • Casalen18
    Casalen18 Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry I am late to the introduction. I'm still learning how to use the app. My name is Chelsea and I'm from the US. My current weight is 170.2 and my goal weight is 125/130.
    Even though Amber gets on my nerves to no end, I'm glad that it has brought us together with a common goal of getting healthier!
  • im_98_baby
    im_98_baby Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Katherine. I'm 21 from New York (the state not city). I'm 5'6 and my start weight was 173.2 lbs but my current weight is 153.4. My goal is around 120 but we will have to see since I have never been that weight in my life. I have issues with basically every organ right now but the main culprit is my thyroid and severe dehydration. Hopefully, I can still lose with my body working against me.
    I binge watch Amberlyn through reaction channels. Honestly it's like watching an upcoming train derailment.