Introduce yourself and goal

taraniemann Posts: 14 Member
Please introduce yourself and tell us your fitness goal(s). Also, include the name of your team Coach.


  • nickeldurrant
    nickeldurrant Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Nickel and my fitness goal is to loose weight and be a healthier me!
  • bradfordm8502
    bradfordm8502 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Monica, and my goals are to lose weight, and to try new workouts.
  • ladyleto
    ladyleto Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Amy and my goal is to be healthier in my choices. Loosing is a big bonus.
  • sariehl
    sariehl Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Leena and my goal is to make better health and fitness choices.
  • mikoboo
    mikoboo Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Stacey. My goal is to develop healthier choices to set a good example for my family.
  • RosyVVC
    RosyVVC Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Rosy. My goal is to lose weight and be healthier.
  • wendymabelcooper
    wendymabelcooper Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Wendy and my goal is to be healthier overall and lose inches.
  • robinheisig
    robinheisig Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2020
    My name is Robin, and I just want to do better and be every way! Excited to start! I’m on Team Shane! 😄
  • Jazzyashes84
    Jazzyashes84 Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Ashley. I had a baby 11mo ago and I’m ready to get the rest of the weight off... no more excuses! I also want to make healthier food choices.
  • megmc21
    megmc21 Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Meg. My goals are to lose weight and be more consistent in working out.
  • judylaflair
    judylaflair Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Judy. My goal is to remain healthy, strong and independent long into my senior years.
    Excited to be part of this group and wish each one of you great success.
  • seralaw
    seralaw Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all! I'm Gene and I'm a competitive kinda individual. My goal is a little more specific. I want to get back down to 150lbs. I also wasn't this challenge to allow me to assist others. I hope we can all push each other! Good luck to all!
  • mangalasoppin
    mangalasoppin Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, My name is Mangala. My goal is to lose weight by eating healthy and being active. Super excited to be part of the team!!