Still fighting age

Hi. My name is George and I'm 70 and over weight. When I got on the scale this morning it said 250. I gained 25 pounds over the holidays when I relaxed my eating habits. Now it's back on it again and trying to lose the pounds.

I have a disability so most exercise is out. I've got a bad right shoulder and broke my leg in several paces 16 years ago and still have pain in my foot. I'm looking forward to walking with my dogs when the weather breaks. (I live in Pennsylvania in mountain country and it's cold and snowing today.)

I have 3 German Shepherds who love to do anything with me. They've all had obediaence training and one is even my Service Dog. It's a pleasure to just walk with them. I've got to get back to doing it and working to greater distances.

If I'm going to reach my goal of 175, I'll need encouragement. I hope I can find it here with other people who know what it's like to be happily retired but having weight issues,


  • tpyle65
    tpyle65 Posts: 17 Member
    Dear George, I'm also in my 70s and need to loose some weight as well after the holidays. I wish our group was more active, but I will be happy to have a conversation with you and work together to be healthier in 2019. I have started logging what I eat today. This helps me stay on track. I do not believe in "diet" but in choosing healthy alternatives daily and eating fresh vegetables and lean meats. I have learned that eating grains is not a good choice for me, so I avoid these, except for oatmeal. Glad to see you have reached out to the group for some support. Have a great week.
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    I’m 68 & just starting after a few years away. I can’t seem to find any groups that are current.
  • Freya1666
    Freya1666 Posts: 1 Member
    hi beyondchowhound. I am almost 73 perhaps we can get this group going again. I finder it harder to lose the weight as I get older ( but easier to put it on)