Where two or more gather in my name

mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
I still have faith that there is life left in this group so I will post and pray in hopes that soon our nubers will be strong..

This quote is from Inner Harvest a Hazelton publication I got many years ago while attending OA, I have dusted it off and start my morning reading that days passage..

"May I allow my higher power to work through me today"



  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    "I willdetermine my priorties today and avoid confusion"
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    "if my spirtual temperture is not healthy today,it is time to still myself and ask for direction from my higher power"
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Today i will concentrate on taking one step forward, however small..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    how i used yesterdays passage, my one step forward was to speak up on a small matter instead of saying no problem as I norally would..

    "Today I will enjoy the journey and let God tke care of the destination"
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    I had difficulty letting go and tursting God to take care of the destination yesterday, letting my way of copeing with adversity on the journey take over .. they have not served me well but are familar paths.. as always a work in progress..

    "Today instead of listening to my addiction, may I listen to my feelings and God to the answers to my problems"
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    Well, for now, there are two...
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    paryers are answered.. o:)
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    "Today I will risk sharing a part of myself with someone else. I will not hide in food or diets"
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Yesterdays take away .. I shared more of my thoughts and feelings instead of eating them .. I reached out for freindship..

    "Honesty is a prerequsite for spitual growth"
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Take away the most important person I have to get honest with is myself..

    "If we search with sincerty ,answers will appear"
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Still here keeping the faith..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Just keeping the pew warm till this thread gets more active..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Weekly check in.. pretty quite in here but will keep posting and praying..
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    I'm still here, just don't post much. Might try to post a little more often though. Looking forward to Lent and hopefully a bit more time to pray daily.
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Wishing you a blessed Lent..
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    And to you as well. I like the new profile image :)
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Just doing my Sunday check in for anyone who might be around jump in anytime..

    On a personal note not my finest week re logging and food choices ..
    So another week begins with a prayer for renewed strength..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    One spectacular day here in the garden state sunny very warm for March enjoyed lots of outdoor time. I always feel so much closer to God outside

    Trying to not get sucked into the corona crazy all around me.. Wishing you all peace and good health an image from my garden spring crocus pushing out from the evergreen

  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Well here we are a week into virus isolaton.. Even our Churches closed .. My parish is live streaming masses and organizing novena times ...Was wondering how others are are meeting their spititul needs?

    For me as the title of the thread says where two or more gather ect ect has been my go to.. my rosary buddy lives a block away so we plan on getting back to our walking rosary keeping social distance :D .. just trying to stay safe and connected...

    You are all in my prayers
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Weekly check in ... If faith and hope were ever needed it is now.. and paitence please Lord give me an abundence of that...

    Stay safe me brothers and sisters

  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    mid week check in... after a less than normal Palm Sunday it has been a rough few days ,letting anxitey get the best of me to much news not enough prayer..

    Now on the eve of Holy Thusday I have realized that I am truly blessed . Today I saw a man from a less fortuante backround say that" social distancing is a privlige" I have that privlige and for this I thank God..

    The plan is to follow my churces online guide for keeping holy week at home..

    See you Easter Sunday
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Happy Easter.. 2020

    A differt one for sure but we live in a very differnt world then we did a month ago. Our town has an Ecumenical Sunrise service in the park every year someting I always look forward to. This year the park is closed public gathering prohibited . We were asked instead to go out on our front steps read John 20 1-9 pray the lords pray and proclaim loudly Haliaugh he has risen. It was to my suprise a more beautiful moment than I was expecting, out in the cool crisp quite of sunrise with no distractions other than the chior of birds singing God has never felt closer.

    A blessed and Joyful Easter to all

  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Not much to say this .. Just greatful to have made it through another week in quarintine ..prayers to all suffering the health and fiancial devestation .. special prayer that that our elected officals work together and that all health care providers get the equpment they need..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    still here... praying for patience ..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    still here keeping the pew warm..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Hi all I'm back after a bit of a computer break..
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    Have anyone gone back to mass after the shut down? My church opened last weekend I have not returned not quite ready to get out of the bubble just yet..
  • magster4isu
    magster4isu Posts: 632 Member
    mermaidnj wrote: »
    Have anyone gone back to mass after the shut down? My church opened last weekend I have not returned not quite ready to get out of the bubble just yet..

    Our church opened on Monday. I am so excited! Father added an extra night of reconciliation tonight and that will by my first time back in the building. I can't wait until I can hit my first Mass on Saturday!
  • mermaidnj
    mermaidnj Posts: 161 Member
    So pleased for you hope you enjoyed every minute.. Our church has opened but due to health issues in the household I'm still streaming.. I am hearing reports of a much abbreviated mass..