Weight Loss over the road


I'm hoping to find other truck drivers who are facing the same struggles that I am.

It's not easy to sit in the seat 11 hours a day, and still manage to lose weight.

Looking for safe excercise locations, truck friendly spots.....and menu alternatives.

I cant eat the salad bar ALL the time.

We have uniques challenges.......let's help eachother ! ! !


  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I appreciate the invitation, Rozzi, but I am not a driver! My husband is. If I could get him to join MFP that would be a MIRACLE. :)
  • mizrozzi
    Your ideas are welcome just the same, since you can relate to what we are up against.
  • jph1282
    jph1282 Posts: 7 Member
    I am a 3rd shift truck driver and its hard for me to do things, especialy with the family. My only true day off to spend time with my family is Sunday. The Monday mornings, I can spend a short time with my wife and son, then its right back to the 3rd shift routine. Any body else out there 3rd shift and have any ideas for me, send them my way.

    Let me explain, I leave out Monday night and am gone til Saturday (anytime between morning and early evening). It's very hard to be gone form my family all week, but its even harder to find healthy fods out there that don't cost an arm and leg and also get the proper exercise.

    Please send any ideas my way, I am definite need of them, as my weight is going up.....and I want to be here for my family!
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    Does this group still do anything?