Introducing myself!

ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
I've come back to 5x5 (I've done it before) after taking some time off due to illness and injury, and also because I need to take a step back to work on my form (with regards to squats).

At my best, I've done 165x5 on squats and 195x5 DL. I've broken 100 on bench, but I don't think I hit 5, I think I just got 3. I won't post my OHP numbers, they are nothing to brag about.

I'm 5'0" and 120lbs, trying to shave off a few pounds I've gained during the quarantine. I was about 113lbs when I hit the above numbers.

Anyway, because I'd been out for months due to a string of illnesses (a very covid-like respiratory infection in Jan, C-diff in Feb [which left me very weak] and hip impingement pain when I came back to lifting) I've decided to start at a more beginner level, started 5x5 again at the bar for squats/bench/OHP and quite low numbers for the row and DL. It's frustrating knowing I can lift more but I need to work on my squat form the most.

I have a problem with over-arching my back, which causes me to push my head forward. The overarching of my back causes my hip angle to be too tight and contributes to the impingement pain.

I have a video I wanted to post but I haven't quite gotten how to post videos on here. Maybe soon. Anyway...


  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Hi! Nice to meet you. Since there isn’t at least two of us lurking again, I should probably get us a workout report thread going again. (Does not have to be 5x5 related to post)- for videos, I have had some luck inserting something from my Instagram, if that helps.

    And I understand that feeling of starting again/knowing you can do more but your not there at the moment. I have deadlifted 225, benched 135 (once-yet to be repeated) and I think I got 135 on squats... as you can tell my squats are a weak point, also. I tend to “good morning” my squats pretty badly.... so between trying to fix that, and just not liking them, and always trying to include running as an activity also.... I tend to be the rare female that can usually bench as much or more than she can squat....and can for sure bench more with good form than I can squat with good form....
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    Cool! I will look for that workout report thread. I decided to go with 50% of my 5 rep max for starting instead of just with the bar for squats, which moved me up to 80. Everything else (except DL) 50% of my 5 rep max is less than the empty bar :smiley:

    225 DL is my goal! I really want to DL 225 so bad, but I had so much trouble getting from 185 to 195. The margins get tight.

    My upper body is definitely a weak point for me, I'll never be able to bench more than I can squat.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello, there! @ExistingFish we sound very similar. I'm 5'3" and my weight fluctuates between 115-118. My max lifts with all reps completed are as follows:

    Squat: 165
    Deadlift: 195
    OHP: 60
    Bench Press: 80
    Row: 115

    My upper body is an issue because I have golfer's elbow in both arms and double shoulder impingement. And I do pole fitness, so I might as well just be hitting the joints with a hammer. :lol: I've taken time off and come back several times due to injury and illness. It's always frustrating at first, but it comes back so quickly! Right now I am doing kind of a modified SL because I want to work more on my upper body than lower, so I've been keeping my squats at 100 pounds so I still have energy to do my OHP and bench. I've also added hip thrusts. Because booty.

    I work out alone at my house and I'm entirely self-taught, so I couldn't tell you what my form problems are, but I am sure I have them.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,820 Member
    Welcome good folks!
    You have impressive statistics.
    @Mouse_Potato pole fitness sounds very difficult, every time I try to climb a pole I slide down, I can't even imagine.
    OUCH on the elbows and shoulders! are there exercises that can help with healing?

    @ExistingFish I get the impression that with lifts you reach a point where progress gets very slow. That's me with overhead press.

    Good to see you @hanlonsk

    I need to get back to it and post.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 460 Member
    I'm starting back tonight after the quarantine blues. I haven't lifted in 3 months, so I'm starting way low. Keep lifting!
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Hey everyone, I am just getting back to 5x5's. I did it a few years back- so I am starting from square one. I have no stats to report yet. I honestly just need to get back into the swing of things.

    I squat well, good form with no pain and a decent load. Deadlifts and BOR are decent, but I will say my upper body is just terrible. I remember barely making any progress with OHP or Bench.

    Well, just wanted to stop in and introduce myself and say hi.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. I've had to take a break because my hip impingement pain came back. I am going to keep working out, but if I'm having hip pain I'm considering a plan with 50 squats a day (25 working weight, 10 air, 2x5 empty bar, and 1x5 halfway between bar and working weight) may just not be right, as much as I want it to me.

    I like stronglifts. It's uncomplicated and it is a plan that works, and I can do it at home with just an oly bar, weights, a bench, and a rack. It's great. Unfortunately, my hip injury isn't going away. I think the problem lies with my ankle mobility actually, and the compensation my hips are making for my stiff ankles. I have seen my doctor, it isn't likely anything serious, it's an "if moving that way hurts, don't move that way" kind of thing, not a "you have something wrong with your joints" kind of thing.

    I have also had a big setback, I had some dental work done weeks ago and my TMJ has had me in a lot of pain which has not left me in a good place to work out. I've also been on pain meds (mostly nsaids) and muscle relaxers.

    I really just need to go back to our gym. It's been open since the 4th, I've been once - they don't have childcare. We're actually moving to phase 2 on Monday. I don't know. I'm not moving enough at home right now, and between my hip pain, my jaw pain, and covid, I haven't been doing well. Thanks again.