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islandersteve90 Posts: 11 Member
edited July 2020 in Social Groups
Welcome home


  • islandersteve90
    islandersteve90 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Steven. I am looking to lose 20 pounds in 22 weeks starting July 9th 2020. My goal weight is 180lbs and I’m sitting at roughly 200lbs currently. I know it’s possible because I was once 260lbs on high blood pressure meds and even got down to 180lbs before incurring some injures and losing my mindset. Looking to get back on track! I hope my past experience can help someone else...will it be you?
  • Karenrae3
    Karenrae3 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen. I'm 160# and goal weight is 130 for my 5'4" frame. Very much an Endomorph. I need motivation to get out and walk every day. Tried a lot of diets and currently trying Keto Over 50. Would love to lose 2-3# a wk CONSISTENTLY! Need help!
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Hi. I’m Kaylene. Karen we’ve got very similar stats (except I use metric so I had to go use a calculator to figure that out). 160cm (5’3”), 68kg (roughly 160lbs), goal 60kg (roughly 130lbs). Also a definite endomorph. My body has always loved to hold weight!

    I’d be happy with 1lb a week loss - for me that would be an achievement.

    @islandersteve90 losing the mindset is what I’m most concerned about. I know how easily that can happen. Hopefully things like joining this group will help me keep the right mindset.

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    Hello!! Sorry for joining and finally posting. Was going to post on Monday and next thing you know it's Thursday :)

    I'm Carla and looking forward to getting to know you all. I was doing so great for the last few years. I followed low carb and switched over to mostly paleo and was able to maintain my weight for a few years. We moved in the fall and it all went downhill from there. Too much eating at fast food restaurants and the weight has slowly been creeping back up. My weight loss mindset right now sucks, so I need friends like you :)

    It's also super hard getting enough exercise in whilst working from home. My home is much smaller than my workplace and I struggle to get in a decent amount of steps!!

    Stats: I'm 55, empty nester and lots of little grandkids all under 6 :) I'd be very very happy with a 15 - 20 lb weight loss and get back to where I was :)

  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    @carlsoda. Nice to see another person joining. I hear you about working from home! It has definitely made it harder to get steps.
  • kpl2013
    kpl2013 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone! I’m 25, work from home single mother. My social life was lacking before quarantine & now it’s pretty much non existent. I was about 180# before my daughter & over the years & the emotional eating, the lbs just kept packing on - note sitting at about 270#. Looking for folks to encourage & be encouraging. The struggle to stay moving living alone & working on a laptop all day is killing my vitality.
    I enjoy walking/hiking, swimming, dancing & yoga.