16 days down!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
It's great having my hubby home for a long weekend, but he needs to stop making yummy foods!!!

I failed to log everything yesterday because he cooked and I have no idea how much of everything he used.
We did do a lot of work around the farm and got a good run in.
We'll be working on putting new flooring down in the house today and I will run 1 mile and swim for at least 30 minutes. I'm going to resist eating what my hubby eats and track all of my calories. I will stay focused on working towards losing a few bowling balls. That's a lot of weight to carry around all the time!

Have a great day!



  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Sounds like a good plan @3greyhorses ... I think the logging calories thing is an excellent tool, however it can be highly deceptive if you don't log accurately.

    Today's going to be a rough one for me. Fan died as we were falling asleep last night, which led to staying up til like 3:30am. So i got about 4hrs of sleep, and I teach today from 9am-2pm then 7pm-2:30am 🤦 my plan is to get a nap in (and walk to town to buy a new fan) in the afternoon. Ughh

    At least tomorrow is mostly free, and we've got a beach picnic hike planned. Looking forward to it!!

    Goals for today: nap, walk to town, buy fan, stay under on calories, don't be sleepy grumpy all day 😆
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    @3greyhorses great visual reminder
    @rayonrainbows Sorry to hear about your fan. Being hot while your trying to sleep is the worst. 😒🙄

    So I purposely didn't count calories Thursday and Friday and there will be some times this next week that I don't... birthdays. I am going try and work extra hard in between them. Decided to weigh in at my next doctor's apt coming up on the 18th. So I don't know exactly where I'm at but feel like I've lost some.. jeans fitting better.
    Goals today:
    - drink lots of water
    - get stuff done like laundry and cleaning out my car. Requires me to be up and moving also I have a lot of steep stairs.
    - eat under calories
    - eat a veg and fruit.
    - do some stretching
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    @3greyhorses - Love your posts
    @rayonrainbows - Sorry to hear about your fan. Hope you find a new one.
    @Katebook309yahoocom940 - Congratulations on your jeans fitting better.

    I didn't meet my goals yesterday. I got a walk in and logged calories but was definitely over budget.
    Todays goals are to a) log all my food and eat under calories b) get a walk in c) finish my next curtain.
  • melissalan
    melissalan Posts: 75 Member
    Def went over calories on Thanksgiving and yesterday. And only got in one walk those two days.
    Today is my day to get back on track. May have to actually dust off the treadmill, because a cold front came in, and I hate the cold!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    Had to look back to understand a bit Wed-Sat : I exceeded cals for 2 days and exercised enough to bring me in a good spot for the other 2 days. It was lack of sleep, leading to low energy and so on.
    Good news is that scale didn’t move at all, so my fall back habit hopefully is to maintain 😂😂