28 days!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Good morning :smile:

I had a great day yesterday and actually rode all 3 horses! It was great until about 4 when I started getting a headache and feeling blah. Around 6, I started getting really bad chills and couldn't get warm no matter how many layers of blankets I put on so I decided to take my temp. It was 101.5. I didn't eat dinner, took a shot of NyQuil and went to bed. Slept through the night and now the fever is gone. I'm really tired, but not feeling particularly bad. I'll keep track of calories today, but my exercise will consist of cleaning stalls and taking care of the horses. And some napping for sure!

Can't wait to hear what y'all are up to today :smiley:


  • mrsshots2011
    mrsshots2011 Posts: 40 Member
    @3greyhorses so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope that getting some rest today will help. I was sooo glad to hear you got to ride all the horses yesterday. I love that!!!

    Met all my goals yesterday. This morning I told my husband that I felt "light". I think it mostly due to being consistent with my tracking and doing the daily goal activity. My head just feels right. I think most of you understand what I'm saying. 6 lbs to go to next weight goal and I'm really excited about reaching it.

    2 walks
    1/2 mile run
    boot camp
    log everything and stay under calorie budget
    Drink more than 64 oz of water today.

    It's going to be a gorgeous day today, sunny, mid 70's so I'm going to take advantage of getting outside as much as possible.
    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    @3greyhorses sry you're feeling crummy! Take it easy today πŸ€—

    @mrsshots2011 yep, know exactly what you mean. My head is in a good space, and I'm feeling pretty confident that I'm going to see this through til I make my final goals, and hopefully beyond 🌈 no matter what, when I turn 30 on May 7th next year, I'm not going to be over 200 lbs like i was 45 days ago. I love that particular milestone and especially that it's got me thinking further into the future. It's making me work on better habits and good overall trends instead of getting wrapped up in the day to day. Some days are over, some days are well under, but the trend is generally downward. I'm even more patient about not needing to weigh myself as often. I'm feeling confident that what I'm doing is generally a good thing, and I know the results will show eventually. I'm actually glad now that I don't own a scale 🌈 maybe once I get lower and lower and my progress really slows that'll change, but then again so long as my body is feeling and looking happy then I'll be happy πŸ€“πŸŒ 
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    I don't have a ton of work today, which is great cos Friday and Saturday are always really big days. I wanna take it easy today, but I also wanna take a super long before bike ride to a far away beach. I honestly can't say yet which way today will go.

    Loved my new shoes on my walk yesterday btw. Try felt great. Very little foot pain :)

    Goals today are walk, bike ride, calories, and again early to sleep πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’œ
  • Katebook309yahoocom940

    @3greyhorses feel better soon!
    @mrsshots2011 that is the best feeling, congrats! πŸ˜€
    @rayonrainbows I like what you said about overall trends. That's what I'm really trying to focus on.
    @tinacuso It's good to have a day off sometimes. Good luck with your Christmas shopping.

    Was possibly right at the edge yesterday or slightly over on calories. I was really craving something yesterday. I need to get some semi- healthy chocolate or snack food to have on hand.

    Goals today
    - drink lots of water
    - fruit and veg
    - spend atleast 30 minutes off the couch cleaning/ currently reading a page turner.
  • melissalan
    melissalan Posts: 75 Member
    I don't have a ton of work today, which is great cos Friday and Saturday are always really big days. I wanna take it easy today, but I also wanna take a super long before bike ride to a far away beach. I honestly can't say yet which way today will go.

    Loved my new shoes on my walk yesterday btw. Try felt great. Very little foot pain :)

    Goals today are walk, bike ride, calories, and again early to sleep πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’œ
    I don't have a ton of work today, which is great cos Friday and Saturday are always really big days. I wanna take it easy today, but I also wanna take a super long before bike ride to a far away beach. I honestly can't say yet which way today will go.

    Loved my new shoes on my walk yesterday btw. Try felt great. Very little foot pain :)

    Goals today are walk, bike ride, calories, and again early to sleep πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’œ

    What brand shoes did you go with? I have several different brands, and so far, my Nike Flex have felt the best while walking.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    @3greyhorses - that sunset is gorgeous, thank you for sharing
    @mrsshots2011 - great sensation isn’t it? Enjoy it, you certainly earned it.

    Yesterday eating derailed at night, but today I’m back on track, and once I post this and hop on my bike, I’ll bring my exercise into β€œalive human” level. Netflix here I come!
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    @3greyhorses gorgeous sunset!! 🌌 And I thought my electric pastels were impressive today! 🀯
    Glad ur feeling better
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    @rayonrainbows that's the same shoe I'm currently running in :smile: I'm so happy you finally got new shoes!