29 days down

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Happy Friday!!

My boss made me get a COVID test yesterday and the results came back overnight ~ Negative! I slept really hard last night and woke up feeling pretty good this morning. I can't wait to ride and run today and of course, track every calorie.

I love what @mrsshots2011 said yesterday about feeling lighter. I completely get it and am starting to feel the same way. Ladies, we're doing great work here. It seems like we're all making the changes that will create a healthier, happier and lighter life!

"Everyday tasks reveal how far you've come in your weight-loss journey. You'll feel lighter and more able to do mundane chores, like carrying a load of laundry up the stairs or picking up after kids and pets. These markers of weight loss show the real-life positive impact that healthier eating, moderate portions and exercise can provide."



  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Yes!!! I noticed that when I was playing with my cats this week, on two separate days I jumped up on the rim of the bath tub to hide behind the shower wall. Total silliness, just a goofy playing with my cats moment, but jumping up like that is a total "lighter" move that I didn't do before 🤣🤣🙃

    And, you know, feeling like I have more pep in my step when we walk etc 😉🦋

    I jogged for 5 minutes during our walk yesterday with very minimal foot pain!!! Going to try and slowly incorporate more jogging 💫 also I made another BAS (soup) last nite. Had a great under day

    Goals today... under on calories, bike ride, walk, drink tea while I'm working all night

    Have a great Friday amigas!! 🌈✨✨
  • mrsshots2011
    mrsshots2011 Posts: 40 Member
    @3greyhorses So glad that you got a negative test. I was wonder yesterday if that might be what was up. Hope you get to feeling better.
    @rayonrainbows I love your new shoes and I'm sure your feet will too!

    I did great yesterday and met all my goals. Can't begin to tell you how empowering I feel when I go to bed knowing that I reached all my goals for the day. It really is doing something with my mind which has been my biggest problem. Scale will follow.

    I have today off so I got some of my daily goals out of the way already. Now time to do a bunch of errands for Christmas.

    1/2 mile timed run (Done 5:15)
    1 min plank (Done)
    C25k app Week3/day2 (Done)
    1 walk today
    Log everything and stay under calorie budget
    Drink my water!

    I hope everyone has a terrific day!!!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Today I had a work crisis that ate most of my 8h and kept me on my toes. I solved it, but the real weird thing is that I was not hungry during or hours after.
    Up until I had my second child I was always losing weight in stressful times, but it became the opposite with that pregnancy and after. Today I was the old me, and was not bad, I actually was ultra productive all day. Tomorrow I’ll probably eat a horse, but today I ate under and felt good, and walked a good chunk.

    @3greyhorses - glad to hear your test came negative!