
I’m down 13.4 lbs to 179.6 in 3 weeks. Finally back in the 170’s after years of being in the 180s. Peaked at 197. Feels good. I haven’t been counting calories the last week. Got a little lazy. Truro basically stick to the 800 a day but have definitely had days over. Heading to 175 and then 170


  • Arcolaman1
    Arcolaman1 Posts: 7 Member
    Things have slowed but I’m down to 178.8. Down 14.2 in 5 weeks.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Arcolaman1 wrote: »
    Things have slowed but I’m down to 178.8. Down 14.2 in 5 weeks.

    Hang in there. I'm up 1 lb today at 191 lbs. Hopefully, can get into the 180 lbs before Christmas.
  • Working2BBetter
    Working2BBetter Posts: 219 Member
    Hi, I just joine this group today. Started the Fast 800 January 1st, and so far I'm down 8 Lbs. I'm overjoyed by how it is going. To be quite honest I bought the book when it first came out but have been to scared to try since I thought it would be much too restrictive and difficult. So far so good. I have been feeling a lot more tired, and have less energy, But I understand why...

    Starting weight just over 185. Todays weight 177. Goal weight 135.
  • Jmollster1
    Jmollster1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi just joined this group. I bought both the fast 800 & recipe book last month. I've been loosely following it, trying out the recipes, generally having 2 meals a day & IF 16/8 for the last couple of weeks, but I'm looking to start this properly on Monday. How's everyone doing.??
  • kazzyv
    kazzyv Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I have joined the group today. I started the Fast 800 last August with my husband. We both lost a lot of weight quite quickly - I lost about 20lbs and he lost over 30lbs. We stopped in December and put a few pounds back on. But have started again now. Not keeping to 800 calls but generally following the low carb rules and the fasting rules. Have already lost what we put on over Christmas so really happy. Have the aim of being 20lbs less by the end of the year.
  • leesa2236
    leesa2236 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I just started the fast 800 yesterday having heard lots of good things and following the Facebook group. ive tried a few diets but have never stuck to them due to a lack of motivation and poor mental attitude. im at a stage where im desperate both for body and mind to do something positive as far as my weight goes. ive got about 30lbs to go. Lovely to see the positive results folks have had on here.
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    I have tried losing weight on 1400, 1300, and 1200 calorie diets with little success. I found that a 1200 calorie diet spread throughout the day did not work for me. With all my other responsibilities, it was difficult to stay consistent with planning meals and snacks. I would forget to pre-plan dinner calories and then find out that I went over my budget. Plus, I seemed to want to eat all day. A member of another group I am in mentioned that she is doing the OMAD diet and seeing results, so I tried it for a few days and lost 2 pounds. Suprisingly, I found that once I pushed through a couple patches of hunger pains, eating a low cal dinner was easy. But then I started to stress eat and gained the weight back quickly. Why does the weight pile on so fast? I think the way I need to break this cycle is to nip it in the bud right away and commit to a 21-day OMAD diet. Day 1 down in the books!
  • Double_A_MaMa
    Double_A_MaMa Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I am new to Fast 800 and today is my first day. Wish I can success to lost 20lbs by end of this year.