Cutting carbs instead of counting them

bhinoj Posts: 24 Member
I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes for the last 2 years. 3 weeks ago, my doctor said do something about controlling your sugar or I will have to finally diagnose you as a diabetic and put you on medication. I do not want that. I do not want to take medication or check my blood everyday. So she said come back in 3 months and if there is an improvement, no medication. All she asked me to do is exercise more, eat less carbs and sugar, or if I eat carbs to count them and not past the allowed number per serving or meal. I told her, OK I will try for the next 3 months. I just can't exercise right now, it would be too much change for me and I can't eat 6 small meals a day. She said fine, start somewhere.

So what I have been doing from that day on is avoid as many carbs as possible. I have eliminated bread, pasta, potatoes, carrots, peas, tortillas, cereal, etc. I do eat other vegetables and fruit. I do not eat a lot of fruit. I stick to green vegetables, eggplant and cauliflower. I do not count because I know if I eat pasta I can not control myself so I avoid. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be and I have lost 8 lbs. I do have cravings but just try not to cave. I have had bread once in the 3 weeks and I didn't let it break my resolve. I was just wondering what other people are doing and what is working for them. I must admit I am getting a little bored with my meals. So if you have any tips, suggestions, want support or want to give support let me know.


  • maria4560h
    maria4560h Posts: 41 Member
    I’m doing the keto diet and it’s working for me. I’m not doing any intermittent fasting at all. Just eating according to the keto ways.