Weight No More - February 2021 Team Chat



  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Week: 1
    PW (Previous Weight): 204.2
    CW (Current Weight): 205.6

    It's been a stressful last several weeks. We are in the process of buying a new house, closing on it next week and moving in March. I tend to eat when I get stressed and that doesn't help anything.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    the sun is shining! hooray!!! Still cold outside @51. But we didn't get any snow this week so that's a good thing.
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    @sleepymom5 - that seems to be exactly it! I start the week of well and it all goes downhill lol. I really need to give my willpower a good kick in the *kitten* Glad your week is starting off better.

    @1theresamcvean - hope you're ok and not being too run off your feet x

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - sorry you're having to go back into lockdown, though I must admit have been hugely impressed with how you guys have handled the whole thing - really wish our lot had done something more similar and we might not have the horrendous numbers we do :(

    @debbiewsharpe - glad you're back at your magic number :) though I would think a few pounds up and down from week to week falls within normal maintenance levels x

    So, was a pretty rubbish week last week. Totally fell off the wagon with the eating and rather than giving myself a kick and getting back on track, I just rolled with it *sighs* Scale was hovering around the 188 mark Sunday/Monday, which is know isn't all 'actual weight' but was still a bit depressing. Had a super low cal day yesterday as was trying to listen to my hunger cues a lot more, and I never feel too hungry after stuffing myself for a few days lol. Today has been ok so far, though it is Pancake Day so... I'm thinking if I do my zumba class then I might let myself have one or two :D
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    pacsnc6 wrote: »
    the sun is shining! hooray!!! Still cold outside @51. But we didn't get any snow this week so that's a good thing.

    Where are you? 51 is considered cold.😉😁 Can you send some of that heat my way please?One of my neighbors and her husband are in Hawaii and they keep posting pictures and the one today includes the temperatures of mid 70's there today. She's making us all jealous.🤣

    It's 8 below here in Michigan this morning but snow today. I believe our high for today is supposed to be a "balmy" 23. We had 5 inches in my area Monday night into Tuesday.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 209.4
    CW: 207.8
    Loss: 1.6
    Basically I lost what I gained last week.😉
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,310 Member
    pacsnc6 wrote: »
    the sun is shining! hooray!!! Still cold outside @51. But we didn't get any snow this week so that's a good thing.

    Where are you? 51 is considered cold.😉😁 Can you send some of that heat my way please?One of my neighbors and her husband are in Hawaii and they keep posting pictures and the one today includes the temperatures of mid 70's there today. She's making us all jealous.🤣

    It's 8 below here in Michigan this morning but snow today. I believe our high for today is supposed to be a "balmy" 23. We had 5 inches in my area Monday night into Tuesday.

    I was about to say the same thing! Northern Ohio has been a wintry tundra the past couple days, so much so that spin class was cancelled yesterday morning.

    Please send me warmth, or at least some sunshine. Both would be greatly appreciated.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @tryingagain5 I am in central North Carolina. Normal temps for here are 50s this time of year. But I spent ten years in southern Louisiana and anything below 60 is cold to me! Yes, it's all a matter of perspective. My Mom lives in Massachusetts and will tell me it's hot up there when the temp goes above 45!!! I am so glad the snow has not moved far enough south on the east coast to hit us yet. Last week there was snow and ice just north of us in North Carolina though. At times I just can't get warm no matter how high the temps get. Spring is coming so just hang in there.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    Food-good until evening...
    Exercise-30 min walking video, PT and stretching

    It was the chocolate. Not even mine, I ate some of Shannons. I also overate at dinner but I realized it and stopped so that was good. I have a nice day planned so I need to get downstairs and workout soon. I am getting a mani/pedi and getting my eyebrows tinted. I can't do my eyebrows on my own, I look surprised and a little crazy. I am also hoping to pick up some lunch meat from the store if it isn't too crazy. We went through what we had quicker than I expected.

    Have a great day everyone!

    @jedaschultz Wow! You have so much going on! How exciting about moving! I also eat when I am stressed. Try your best to reel it in because you have a long haul ahead with packing up, the whole selling/buying process and then the actual move and unpacking. Maybe aim to maintain and not gain? Good luck!
    @pacsnc6 I hope you are able to continue without snow as there is another storm heading across the country. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow through Friday. It is nice to see the sun shining though! :)
    @podperson1 Well...did well for 2 days Lol! Back at it today! I saw you did your zumba so I hope you enjoyed your pancakes! xo
    @tryingagain5 Good job this week! Nice job turning things around. :) You would really get a kick out of my son in Houston. He is from Philly and can't get over how everything shut down. Where he lives, they didn't get over 2 inches. Now they are shut down because of power so that is a different story. I feel terrible for Texas, many have been without power for over 2 days.
    @minstrelofsarcasm Hopefully spring will be here soon! Or at least spring like weather! Stay warm.
    @melaniedscott Are you in pain? I would at least call and run that by your doctor, that is a big gain in 2 weeks so it may be good to just get a doctor's insight. Sending hugs.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,310 Member
    I know it isn't accurate. I did not gain 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

    I logged your weight, but you are welcome to weigh in again soon and update it, or just accept a very large loss when all of the nastiness subsides. (You can also be excused this week, if you would prefer that)

    Hope things get better for you soon, I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must be.

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,341 Member
    @sleepymom5 It isn't all the time...but yeah, there's some pain. Doctor said discomfort is normal with this, even if it doesn't always happen. I guess when the girls aren't happy, nobody is.

    @minstrelofsarcasm Maybe I should do that. It isn't bad, just aggravating. I have a ridiculous pain threshold from decades of migraines, so I only notice when it gets stabby. Which isn't nice.
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    Lol, it is funny how one person's warm is another's freezing. We've warmed up a bit here - about 40-45 I think, last week was well below freezing though, lots of nasty snow and ice. Thankfully we had some rain at weekend so most of it has cleared away now, even a little bit of sunshine today!

    @melaniedscott - that sounds horribly uncomfortable, really hope you manage to get something sorted for it soon x

    @sleepymom5 - I've had the exact same problem today. I was being pretty good and then someone brought loads of chocolate into work - not only munch at work chocolate but 'everyone has individual take-home chocolate' lol. I'm thinking I'll just leave them in my bag and hope I forget about them!

    I did have my pancakes yesterday (banana, maple syrup, and vanilla ice-cream) but did my zumba class so hopefully will have balanced out - I def enjoyed them anyway! Got a grocery shop in today so some healthier options in for the rest of the week anyway. Also had to restock loads of toiletry items so ended up being annoyingly expensive - everything always seems to run out at once. I'm thinking about chopping some of my hair off. It's been long (mid-back) for a reallllly long time and kinda fancy a change - at least with me being stuck at home then if I hate it I can just not show anyone until it grows back :D

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    You're right about it all being perspective with temperatures. My oldest nephew grew up in Michigan but has lived in California for several years. I'm guessing his blood has thinned some since he's lived there. When he comes home to visit he's always cold. I agree with your mom, if it's over 45 here in the winter that's a heat wave. I saw the weather forecast for next week. High 30's, maybe even 40. Might have to break out the shorts!😉


    Yep, definitely cold here in Michigan today with a snowstorm yesterday. We did have sunshine today, which was really nice to see. It's usually pretty dark and dreary here in the winter. I'd send you some sunshine but it's gone to bed already!😉
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks! I need to continue with going down instead of the back and forth.

    I get you on the chocolate. If there's chocolate anywhere near me it "jumps" into my mouth!🤣

    Hope you enjoyed your mani/pedi.

    It is funny how people in warmer states have a different idea of what cold is. To us it's funny that they will shut down for a couple inches of snow but I understand why they do it. They don't have the right equipment to get rid of the snow.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    doing an early check in this week due to expected major power outages due to ice storm. We just got power back on Tuesday night after being out since Saturday morning :/

    normal check in day: Friday
    current weight 211.4

    I forget last weeks weight LOL
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,310 Member
    February Week Three

    Weigh In Day: Thursdays
    PW (Previous Weight): 166.4 (February 11th)
    CW (Current Weight): 167.6 (February 18th)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 66.4 lbs

    Given the sheer amount of Chinese food I shoveled into my face on Valentine's Day (and the leftovers I consumed over the following days), and the couple pretzel+jelly binges I've succumbed to, I'm surprised I'm not holding onto even more water weight. Maybe I'll check in again tomorrow to see how much more water weight I lose, because this is a faster drop than usual.

    As mentioned above, I have not been the healthiest eater this week. On Valentine's Day, I ordered over $80 worth of Chinese food, and ate without restraint. This led to a bloat from sodium. Leftovers on the next few days didn't help. Neither did the chocolate they gave out at the gym on Sunday or the discount candy I purchased at Target on Monday. I could feel just how dehydrated I was, despite drinking as much water as I normally do, and the bloat continued to grow.

    Yesterday was my reset, and even that was not as controlled as I would normally be. But I have discovered a new recipe for a protein-powder chocolate banana mug cake, which is less than 300 calories, so that will probably satiate my desire for sweets for a while. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.

    The recent cold and snow storms cancelled my workout on both Monday night and Tuesday morning. This threw me off more than I could say (not true, I'm good with words, I swear, I'm just lazy). The cancelled workouts meant I had to go TWO AND A HALF DAYS without spin class. That's the longest I've gone without spin class since I visited my parents over the holidays. A lack of spin class also meant a lack of the stretching I usually do immediately after to help my muscles recover.

    So, yesterday, I could feel the tightness in my muscles and the lack of mobility. I should have known better, I've been in this position before, and I know it's easy enough to do a good 15 minutes of yoga and prevent the tension. But instead, I went to spin on Wednesday in an already uncomfortable state, and I could tell by my statistics at the end of class. Whoops.

    This week, I'm back on top of things. I think. Upcoming classes (subject to change):
    • Spin Class: Friday AM, Sunday AM, Tuesday AM, Wednesday PM, Thursday AM
    • Resistance Training: Thursday PM, Sunday AM, Monday AM, Tuesday PM

    This week has been a struggle on multiple fronts. The cold and dark are not helping me. I've been turning more and more to food as a comfort. But I'm doing what I can to reach out to people and coordinate some semblance of socialization, because I'm recognizing that I'm not being ignored by others, they just don't have the social energy to coordinate anything these days. I'm getting back to basics, spending my time on things that I know I enjoy, focusing on the things I like about myself.

    Getting a raise was definitely a boost to my morale.

  • kandi3570
    kandi3570 Posts: 238 Member
    Well ladies. My weight is fluctuating again. I blame the crackers I keep sneaking in. I know I shouldn’t but they are buttery and salty and well, I Can’t resist. Not sure I actually lost anything last week. My weight is back to bouncing around. I have been hitting the gym 3 days a week and I definitely feel stronger. I quit smoking too, almost 2 weeks ago. I am hungrier, I haven’t overindulged much, 2 days I believe. Around 1800 calories they were carbs though so we shall see. Regardless I feel good, that’s all that matters, and I’m taking steps to improve myself whether it shows on a scale or not.
    @tryingagain5 congrats you&ve been doing so well.
    @sleepymom5 I totally agree it’s easier to stick to my calories if I’m organized and prepared. I hate looking around and seeing all the things I need to do. It does make me backslide.
    @melaniedscott i hope you’re feeling better soon. @melaniedscott and @minstrelofsarcasm thank you both for the compliments on my steps. I have been pushing my steps. Avoiding cigarette cravings with steps. I have been jogging some too. I would like to guide that up but right now I just get too bored. I have to be able to watch the tv while on the treadmill. I’ll get there. 😉
    @debbiewsharpe you amaze me with your steps especially walking through the house. That is dedication! Dedication I don’t have.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking @kandi3570 ! I’m sure your weight will settle soon, those extra steps will be helping.

    @minstrelofsarcasm we had Chinese food too, and I had chocolate too. I can’t believe your gym was handing out chocolates! Just seems cruel. Please share your new mug cake recipe.

    @podperson1 your pancakes sound delicious!! I also had Zumba this week; I’m going to have a few extra days of Zumba since my exercise classes are on hiatus this week.

    @melaniedscott. Ouch is all I can say. I hope you get a plan from the doctor and get some relief soon.

    It’s been horrifically cold here, I was letting the dogs out and my hands were a tiny bit wet and they were sticking and freezing to the metal door handle. Lol. And of course we have been mainly at home with covid, just short trips out to the store for food etc. I need to run to Costco for dog food soon....

    I have a new Sunday am class coming up - it’s a cardio combo style. I had chose a couple of toning classes this cycle and they don’t increase my heart rate / calorie burn much. So this will burn off some of the extra treats that happen. 😉

    Cheers everyone
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food-back to Ugh!
    Water-64 oz
    Exercise-30 min walking video, PT, strength and stretching

    My last two days are like my last two weeks have been. I start out strong and then I go off track. I did great at first yesterday. I got up, checked in with all of you, got downstairs and got a good workout in, showered and then got out of the house. I ended up getting some errands done besides my mani/pedi. I even stopped at the fish store for dinner. Made a healthy dinner...then..my sister in law came by unexpectedly to watch the Bachelor that we missed on Monday. Well then the wine and chocolates started, her daughter stopped in...It was like an unexpected party. I didn't even look at the scale this morning let alone step on it. Today is a snow day. I am going to do my regular PT and stretching but my workout will be snow shoveling. I am going to plan to have a drink or two. I have been waiting 2 years to have a good "snow day" and we have been having them this winter but with everything that has been going on I just haven't been into it this year. Today I am going to try because it may be another few years before we have another. So if we have a few drinks, I will have some. If we don't, I won't. I am just going to go with the flow. Besides shoveling, I may just sit by the fire and read. Even though I didn't have a great week eating wise...I did do well with getting exercise and water in. I also had a very productive week and feel like I am finally caught up with all the stuff I missed the past month. So even though I am a little disgusted with the way things are going, there are some good things.

    @melaniedscott I never even thought about your pain tolerance being higher due to the migraines. I hope you are feeling better soon.
    @podperson1 I would have a problem with that too! Lol! I need to learn how to be able to resist when there are treats around. I am good usually because I don't have the stuff I really like in the house. I can relate with the grocery store, I was in such a good rotation with toiletry items, paper goods and cleaning supplies but last time I went I needed to get it all and it does get expensive. Good luck with deciding about your hair. I love long hair so maybe go in stages so you don't cut too much off right away. It could be fun to have a new style. :)
    @tryingagain5 My son moved to Houston 2 years ago. He said he knew he was in for trouble when they were putting sand down instead of salt. Although I would think sand would provide traction too. He said it was opposite of what we see when it sticks to the grass and not the roads. He said it wasn't really sticking to the grass but the roads were bad. Maybe that is where the salt helps? He didn't get much snow where he was but power and water have been out and the cold weather is colder than many of his friends down there have ever experienced.
    @callsitlikeiseeit Stay warm. And safe! Sending hugs!
    @minstrelofsarcasm You will have to let me know how that mug cake turns out. Maybe that is something that will help with my sweet tooth and my chocolate tooth...and my love of cake tooth....I am a little disgusted that it is taking me so long to get back on track but I am going to take a page from your book and think about why this may be happening and make a plan to turn things around. Maybe be a little kinder to myself too.
    @kandi3570 Very impressive that you are losing weight and quitting smoking on top of it. That is awesome! It is also great that you are doing so well at the gym. Although you are bouncing around with weight, you are doing so well overall. Keep it going!
    @goingape Sounds like you have a great plan at the gym with the classes. Toning and cardio are going to get you where you want to go! I got my dogs food on a automatic delivery with Chewy. I was surprised but it is actually the same as if I got it at the Vet(she has stomach issues) so I am happy and it is so easy. Stay safe and warm!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,310 Member
    Banana Mug Cake Recipe: https://www.kimscravings.com/chocolate-banana-protein-mug-cake/

    I added some cinnamon and a tablespoon of mini chocolate chips to mine. It's not super sweet, but it's got some good flavor to it and is super satisfying when it comes out warm from the microwave. May add a splash of almond milk next time to make it a tad more moist (or maybe coffee??? Now my mind is coming up with a bunch of different permutations).

    goingape wrote: »
    @minstrelofsarcasm we had Chinese food too, and I had chocolate too. I can’t believe your gym was handing out chocolates! Just seems cruel. Please share your new mug cake recipe.

    They kept saying we "earned" the chocolates, and I couldn't just leave them behind. Darn you, sweet tooth. Darn you to heck. I was working out to "earn" my Chinese food and wine, not a handful of sugar I wouldn't be able to resist.

    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @minstrelofsarcasm You will have to let me know how that mug cake turns out. Maybe that is something that will help with my sweet tooth and my chocolate tooth...and my love of cake tooth....I am a little disgusted that it is taking me so long to get back on track but I am going to take a page from your book and think about why this may be happening and make a plan to turn things around. Maybe be a little kinder to myself too.

    That last sentence is the hardest, most important, part. Your body doesn't suffer when you think bad things about it, only your mind does. So it's not like your body is really learning anything from you being mean to it, you're only learning to dislike yourself.
This discussion has been closed.