Weight No More - February 2021 Team Chat



  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    edited February 2021
    Defrosted the snow again but freezing rain is no better. When I looked out around 7 am the very good of the line trees were iced Now at 10:45 the ice is about halfway down the trees. No ice on the ground yet. Temps should stay in the low 30s today and get warmer by Sunday so it shouldn't last long. Everybody stay safe
    I just hope the ice on power lines and trees doesn't cause us to lose power, several outages already in surrounding counties I think.
  • mxlaw90
    mxlaw90 Posts: 75 Member
    Pw 149.4
    Cw 148.1

  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 415 Member
    @pacsnc6 - hope that your power stays on. It sure looks bad all around the country.

    @mxlaw90 - good loss, congrats
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    That should say we dodged the snow
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thank you. Congrats on quitting smoking.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm glad you're looking at some of the positive things you've done this week. My trainer likes to remind me to do that since I tend to look at the negative things instead, which isn't very helpful.

    That's not good to be without power and water, especially with the really cold temperatures they've been having. I hope it all gets restored soon for everyone who is having this issue.

    I forget how low the temperature had to be before salt won't work on the snow, which is probably why they used sand. I'm don't know how often they've done that in Michigan.

    We actually had a pretty mild winter this year, well up until the end of January anyway. According to the meteorologists we are still way under in inches of snow that we would get in a typical year. We got a lot of our snow this year in a 2 or 3 week period.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm still dealing with my hip and back issue but am glad the arthritis in my knee isn't causing me much pain anymore.

    The chiropractor did xrays last week and I found out the results today. He told me there is arthritis in my right hip and lower back too. It's not much but it's starting. That's probably why I'm having more pain this time around. There has been a lot of improvement since December so I'm glad about that. Now it's certain movements that are causing me pain and discomfort, things like getting up from bed, a kitchen chair, bending forward, moving back up from the bent forward position.

    I'm still working with my trainer a couple of days a week. We're doing a lot of upper body exercises and working on lower body as long as the exercise doesn't aggravate the back or hip. If it does, we modify or do something else.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I hope your power doesn't go out again. Stay safe.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I hope you feel better soon!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Almost forgot I weigh in today. Stayed the same as last week
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I hope your power doesn't go out again. Stay safe.

    we made it all yesterday and through the night, so fingers crossed, we are in the clear! We are right at freezing now and its raining but the temps are moving up and will be well above freezing shortly. so.... thanks given we did not get it as badly as was forecasted!
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 415 Member
    I am glad I did this post in Word and it was still open on my computer. I posted yesterday but not there this morning. Oh well, I will try again. I weighed 128 this am. I want to be 127anything! I know why, I cooked one of my favorite southern meals (chicken pastry, sweet potatoes, collards and fried corn bread) and ate it 2 days this week. The leftovers last night were as good as Tuesday when I cooked it. I will try to eat a little better before my weigh in on Sunday. It has rained here every day this week so all walking has been inside. After reading all the post of snow and ice I am definitely not complaining about the rain. I pray that all of you are staying warm, have plenty healthy food to eat and don't have to go out in the storms.

    During this season of Lent:lettodaybetheday.jpg

    @jedaschultz – buying a house can be so exciting yet stressful at the same time. I hope the closing and moving goes great.

    @pacsnc6 – still waiting to see the sun here, rain every day. I see that you are also a Carolina girl. I am near Wilson out in the country east of Wilson.

    @podperson1 – Pancake Day sounds interesting! Hope you enjoyed it. Guess I prefer doughnut day 

    @tryingagain5 – 8 below is COLD. I bet the snow is pretty. WE don’t have much here in NC congrats on your loss! Sorry to hear about your hip and back issues. Great to work with the trainer!

    @melaniescott –hope all is well with you. Praying for you to feel better and for some relief. Also hoping for better weather for you and the others that are battling with power outages. Just rain here and no sun but easy to deal with.

    @sleepymon5 – sounds like some spa treatments, enjoy! Good to read the last post where you are exercising and drinking the water. I would imaging shoveling snow is quite a workout. When it snows here, we just stay in and wait for it to go away.

    @kandi3570 - I so understand the bouncing weight, I have been doing the same lately. HUGE congrats on stopping smoking. That should make you feel so much better. I have never been a smoker but I sure have seen my family members struggle with it. You can do it, hang in there.

    @minstrelfosarcasm – What to say????? I love reading your post, honest and sincere. The mug cake sounds interesting. I made one with just a few Oreo cookies and some milk. Microwave 1 minute. It was pretty good

    @mslaw90 - congrats on the loss

    @callsitlikeiseeit - hope your weather improves soon.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Week 3
    Pw 189.1
    Cw 190
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 134.4
    Today's weight: 135
    Weekly Steps: 50,937

    Bummer - I’m going in the wrong direction. A little more each week. Very frustrated with myself!!
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope those of you across the pond are staying safe with the storms/weather x

    @minstrelofsarcasm - gyms giving out chocolate should not be allowed lol! Been a tough week all round I think but sounds like you're getting back on track. Will have to try that cake mug recipe, oh and Congrats on the raise <3

    @kandi3570 - I feel you, my weight seems to be up and down like a yo-yo at the moment! Well done on quitting smoking, not an easy thing x

    @goingape - sounds like you have a good mix of classes going on :) I have a lot of the recorded ones but I much prefer the live ones, seems to make me work harder lol

    @sleepymom5 - hope you enjoyed your snow day - I feel like shoveling is quite good cardio anyway so am sure will all balance out :)

    Weigh in
    username - podperson1
    week - 3
    CW - 186.2

    I've been up and down for the last 2 weeks, tbh looking back at last week's weigh in I think that must have been a fluke day as was hovering round the 188s all last weekend. It's at least going back in the right direction now! Been fairly good all week, apart from the pancakes and a couple of choccies have stayed away from the sugar (managed to farm the rest of the choccies off on the flatmate). Did have a few drinks last night though and totm - just trying to stick with it.
    I decided last night after the 'couple of drinks' that cutting my hair was the best idea ever :D - it's... ok. It needs a decent tidy up lol.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,448 Member
    Check in for Thursday
    Exercise-Shoveling, PT and stretching

    Enjoyed my snow day but ended up falling on the ice last night. It was a sheet of ice but looked wet and I went right down and couldn't get back up because it was so slippery. My daughter's boyfriend had to get me up which was embarrassing. I couldn't help at all so he basically had to lift me up and I am a very big girl. I did get on the snow and was able to walk. Unfortunately I am feeling it today on my left leg. I hope I didn't do any damage to my hamstrings. I am going to rest it today as much as I can. Not sure if I am going to take a rest day or not but if I do exercise it will be something gentle. Another reason to lose weight, if I am ever in a position I need help and someone needs to lift or transport me. Ugh!

    @minstrelofsarcasm I haven't thought about it that way but you are so right. Thank you for the mug cake recipe too. I look forward to trying it :)
    @pacsn6 I hope your power stayed on. Hopefully things warm up soon. xo
    @mxlaw90 Nice loss!
    @tryingagain5 I think I am a little older than you but I guess when you get to our ages the arthritis starts in. Sounds like you are being smart and curtailing your activities around your leg issues. I am glad you are able to work with your trainer. He sounds like a good one.
    @debbiewsharpe Southern food is the best and you are such a good cook too. It must be hard to resist when you can cook it up yourself. I know you like to be under 127 but you are right there! You really are doing great xo.
    @ljdanny Hope all is well. Hope resting your feet helped this past week.
    @lennoncpa That is not bad at all. I am sure you are in the thick of tax season now. It is great you still are able to get your workouts in.
    @podperson1 I am glad the scale is going in the right direction. Omg you cut your hair after drinking?! :D Sounds like it didn't turn out too bad though. Hope you end up loving it! xo
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @sleepymom5 I just noticed that you changed your profile photo and I love it! It looks like warm weather too!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I have been swamped with tax season but very consistent with my exercise. Its the first thing I do every morning so that I won't talk myself out of it later in the day. My muscles feel good and I feel strong - even though I have 2 fake hips and tons of arthritis all over my body - I figure I need to keep it going so that I can live a healthy life and feel younger than my chronological age!!!

    Now if I could just get my eating in order. I seem to be doing emotional eating on the weekends lately. So on Mondays my weight is up and then I spend the whole week trying to get back to where I started! But it keeps sneaking up each week. I like the accountability of doing a weigh in here each week - otherwise who knows where I might be at with my weight!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @debbiewsharpe We have been in Durham for 8 years, 7 in the house we built after we retired.
    @sleepymom5 Yes we were lucky to not lose power yesterday, it was very cold for me again today I wish the sun would come out to stay longer than a few minutes. I was warm yesterday because I stayed in my flannel pjs all day.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I hope your leg heals from your fall. I can see why you were embarrassed about your daughters boyfriend having to help you up. I would have been too but glad he was there to help you.

    Yes, I think you are a little older but not by much.😉 I'm 51. I was really surprised first about having arthritis in my knee and now starting in my hip and back. I didn't think I was that old yet. Apparently my body has other ideas.🙄 And I'm guessing the extra weight on my joints isn't helping.
    Another good reason to lose weight.

    Yes, I'm trying to be careful, especially since I was in so much pain in December that I could barely stand. (I twisted wrong, which is what caused the pain in the first place) I don't want that to happen again. My trainer is very good and can modify most exercises so I'm still able to do a workout even though we're not doing anything intense right now. Hopefully, I can do those types of workouts again soon.

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    I'm glad that you said your muscles feel good and strong even with 2 fake hips and arthritis in your body. That makes me feel better that my muscles will feel better again too. I know I need to move more because if I sit too long I get stiff when I get up. Good incentive for me to exercise (or at least move around)more.😁

    You'll get your emotional eating under control. I know it's hard, especially since I'm an emotional eater too.
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