67 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Good morning!

Yesterday's run was HARD, but I did it. I was really wiped out yesterday for some reason, but feel good so far this morning. I'm really going to start focusing more on using food as fuel to help with energy.

I'm still on a roll of cleaning, organizing and getting ready for spring! The temps are above freezing every day this week and I am ready to start riding again :blush: I'm signed up for horse camp in July and am registered to run a few races in the next few months. In order to stay focused, I will be writing out specific training plans for each horse and myself so I can keep track of our progress. I really love a good checklist! I'll work on that today as well as do a weight training video, meditate, yoga, log every calorie and RIDE!

Have a great day everyone :smiley:


  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    Yoga tonight. Otherwise basic goals today. Didn't get all my water in yesterday and I definitely noticed that I was feeling dry this morning so it does make a difference.

    @3greyhorses the horse training plans sounds like a good idea πŸ’‘ πŸ™‚
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    I was doing great yesterday with cals and also watched 2 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy while biking. Then I got cocky and snacking got out of hand. Luckily I had plenty wiggle room , but the overall number was scary.
    I woke up with loads of energy today, so back at it!
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    I was super pleased with my exercise yesterday! I jogged (at walking pace) beside Jamey for 30 mins straight!! I've got that 5 k this weekend that I've really barely trained for, so my goal for today is to get out and take a (real speed) jog and see what I can do 🌈

    Wish I could jump on y'all's cleaning/organizing train.... I've got to get some cleaning done today and I'm kinda dreading it... Maybe I'll put on some music and just knock it out 😎

    For now though i just got home from tutoring Hector so it's (late) bfast time πŸ˜‹ cooking up a storm in the air fryer right now πŸ˜‚ big ole batch of cauliflower, plus a blooming onion (my first attempt) and if I have batter left over i wanna air fry a batch of tofu too πŸ’šπŸ’› really hoping the blooming onion turns out nice 🀞🀞

    Goals today: jog, under on cals, sunset walk, clean, relax πŸ€“πŸ’«
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    @Katebook309yahoocom940 Yes, the water does make a difference! I always start by downing 2 glasses while I wait for my coffee to brew. My problem is when I realize I haven't had enough around 8 pm and then have to decide on whether I want to try to sleep through the night or get up to pee 5 times!

    @GabiV125 can't get too cocky around the snack monster! I've given in. I literally snack from post-dinner until about 8:30. I've just forced myself to have apples, carrots or cukes....they're really good for chewing satisfaction.

    @rayonrainbows so the foot must be feeling ok? Good on you for jogging along with Jamey. You'll be just fine on your 5k. How did the onion turnout?
  • 3greyhorses
    3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
    @rayonrainbows as far as the cleaning, I hate it! I dread it every single time! BUT my house started looking like I was a hoarder with so much clutter everywhere. As I do with many tasks I don't want to do, I tell myself I'll just do it for 15 minutes. If it sucks, I can quit. If I'm on a roll, I'll keep going.