61 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Good morning,

Yesterday did not go as planned at all. We were heading out to go on our day trip when I realized one of my horses was colicking (For non-horse people, this can be a lethal situation) so I ended up caring for him all day. He seems better, but last time he colicked he ended up in the hospital for a few days. They think he has a mass growing around his spleen that might be responsible for frequent colics. He's 18 and retired so I don't want to open him up for exploratory surgery when there's a good chance there wouldn't be anything they could do for him anyway. Fingers crossed he continues to do ok.

I didn't exercise and went over calories with Taco Bell as dinner. So not worth it.

Today is a running day. 40 min + 5min walks for warm up and cool down. My farrier comes to do my horse's feet so, with that and chores, most of my day will be spent in the barn. Given how crappy I felt after eating Taco Bell, I just want to eat fresh, whole foods today and drink lots of water to flush that junk out!

Hope you all have a great day :blush:


  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    @3greyhorses Sorry 😞 to hear about your horse. Hope you have a better day today.

    Basic goals today. Water, fruit, veg, and mabey under calories but will atleast try for close.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    In office today and after the fiasco from last week, I chose an attire that does not cut circulation. Strangely it not put me in great mood for a rainy Monday morning 😂
    I too, have to get back on healthy eating because the brick in my stomach said so!
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Aw shucks Paree 😔 that sucks... sorry to hear that!! Hope he gets feeling better 💜💜🤗

    Happy Monday guys 🌈🌈. New week, new month, let's make it a good one ✨

    Our fridge is quite empty, so we're taking a walk into town later today to buy a bunch of veggies to make another big axx soup 😁 I'm working all morning, so that's probably the only exercise I'll have time to do today. Will try and jog a bit as we walk ☀️

    I ended up having a late night snack and going over my cals for yesterday, so i really wanna try and make sure I stay under cals today. The BAS will help 😉🌈🌈

    Good luck today everyone 💐💐

  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Went to trainer today. He is really pushing me harder since I got out of the boot. I am definitely going to be sore tomorrow.

    Yesterday I started back to get my walking in. I took the puppy out with me to work on her leash skills, she is definitely getting better on the leash. Today she is going to the vet for her last set of shots, then she can start playing with other dogs, I can't wait.