55 days to go!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Happy Sunday!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Today is all about getting the farm cleaned up and riding. That's it. That's all I care about today :blush:

Have a great day!


  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Buenos días amigas 💗✨ i hope everyone had good week and is enjoying their weekend 😎

    @3greyhorses congrats on your run yesterday!! You're really doing great with that xx 👏💫

    Sorry I was MIA this week... No rest for the wicked.. jamey and i both had low grade fevers all week (100-101) 🤒 so it was a pretty tough week. It triggered Jamey's OCD about his health which led to anxiety which lead to increased heart skipping which lead to insomnia which lead to etc etc etc. It was all i could do to support him in his health struggles this week whilst also feeling super crummy and exhausted myself..

    We did have our obligatory monthly car rental/immigration office/market town shopping trip in Thursday, then of course crazy busy work on Fri and Sat. We have been avoiding people and of course wearing masks as always when we have to go out (like the market town trip). the biggest challenge this week for me was temperature regulation.. it's super hot here, but also my body temp was just all over the place and i could never feel comfortable. We tried walking a bit but it just totally wiped us both out.. I think it was just a little bug. And this morning i don't have a fever and I think it's finally passed. 🤞🤞

    Anyway today should be relaxing. It's possible we might have an outdoor adventure if Jamey is feeling good when he wakes up today. 🌈 i really want an adventure but i know the responsible thing is probably resting.. we'll see 😉✨

    I did manage to mostly stay under my calorie goal all week, even though I had more quick and comfort food instead of cooking a bunch of veggies.. so there shouldn't be any weight loss damage 💐

    Anyway, this group is super helpful for me to talk about this journey's ups and downs and reflect on my daily goals, and i am more successful when i am present. So my goal is to not go MIA again 😉💗💗

    Today's goals: just rest, relax, and recuperate, whatever that means.

    Tomorrow is a new fresh week for new fresh goals ⚡🌟
  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    @rayonrainbows glad your feeling a little better 🙂