March 11 Sign In



  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,690 Member
    @donna25trinity i had so much time on my hands my sister and I did shopping which was nice as we don’t always spend a lot of time together did a little wallet damage 😂😂 and time to burn so we hit the gym it felt good to stay focused.

    I need a pass day today 1/3 no exercise but did log
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,655 Member
  • BobWw2017
    BobWw2017 Posts: 356 Member
    March 11

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?

    Another good day!

  • shomans83
    shomans83 Posts: 61 Member
    Good evening fams! Was such a beautiful day today - 70° and sunny all afternoon. Took advantage and got outside again. Just lovin it!
    Exercise 20? Yessir.
    Under Calories? Yessir.
    Logged all food/drank? Yessir.

    @RangerRickL - I sleep a solid 8-9 hrs every night... if not, I’m one cranky b. Meditation and exercise always help me get there fast!! My hubbs hates how easy it is for me to fall asleep most nights - he has insomnia.

    @Chinkiri -No winge’ing 😂😂😂 I miss concerts... live music used to be life!! Soon enough - right?!

    Hope you all get some great 💤 tonight!! Stay fabulous 🖤 And here’s to the COVID-19 one year anniversary 😑
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    yes x's 2 for tracking and staying under -
    yes - walked a dog today - and plan to walk my dog and HOPEFULLY will get some zumba in...or treadmill for a little more umph... Free weights are done.
    Yes - sleep is one thing I struggle with...and it is why I got a fitness watch... I am happy to say that after avg 4.5 hrs for a little too long...I got 9:15 of sleep last night...and planning to try to repeat that tonight. I have been struggling with a VERY LOW (not my norm at all) attitude...and I am thinking the sleep demon is the real reason.

    Side note - I really am struggling with being "bored" with my workouts... I really cannot wait for gyms to open back up safely and completely for group x. I refuse to talk about the darn virus today... but I'm halfway there on my vaccines. Very blessed, I know... ..
  • transparentenigma
    transparentenigma Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2021
    exercise: yes
    calories: yes
    logged: yes

    pass: 0

    how do you feel? a bit tired. :( my caloric intake today was not good. I am under guys, in the negative. My exercise today was more than my food intake, which I know may be the reason I am so tired. But I logged, and I was not intentionally starving myself so that's good. I guess I have to go back to snacking so that I am eating at least 1500 a day, especially since I am exercising. I bought the 100 Calorie snack packs and fruit cups, so I need to use them.

    I guess I am a bit worried as my caloric intake just with my normal activity level is supposed to be 1880, but I ate 1279 today and exercise was 1415 (according to the collaboration of fitbit and fitness pal) so the deficit is -136 :/ (net calories) I will have to do better tomorrow. I want to make a correct lifestyle change, not make myself sick, especially in this era. o:)

    I know some may say so just go eat something. but I am not hungry, I am only clocking 1279 because I am thirsty so I convinced myself to have a glass of kool-aid. Eating when I am not hungry is how I ended up in 300 land to begin with. I don't know where my appetite went, but I am dreading when she comes back, she may come back with a vengeance. :'(
  • pamjsa
    pamjsa Posts: 149 Member
    Exercise ✔️
    Calories ✔️
    Tracking ✔️

    Sleep has always been a challenge for me, especially getting to sleep in the first place. Anxiety seems to seek me out in the dark! Meditation exercises help sometimes, since they draw attention to the breath and away from racing thoughts.
  • Bill70sStrong
    Bill70sStrong Posts: 1,142 Member
    Exercise? Yes, a 60 minute Pump Phase 2 class.
    Within? Yes
    Track? Yes
  • molly3210
    molly3210 Posts: 804 Member
    Yes x 4 for Wednesday and Thursday
    Tracked, on Target, lots of exercise. And! Stopped eating by 8 both days. Well we'll see, it's only 6:55 right now lol
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    Exercise--Yes, went for a walk
    Calories--Yes. I had Chinese food and pre-tracked.

    Passes: 1/3
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
    yes x 3
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,886 Member

    Start weight, March 1, 2021: 123.2
    March 1, 2021 – 123.2 (-3.0)
    February 1, 2021 - 126.2 (-5.8); Tanita BF scale at 6 am 126.5 and 26%BF
    January 1, 2021 – 132 (-3.6)
    December 1, 2020 – 135.6 (-5.2)
    November 6, 2020 – 140.8 (-7.0)
    October 2, 2020 – 147.8 (-5.2)
    September 14, 2020 – 153.0

    Thoughts for daily calories goal
    I need to revisit how I am handling my daily calorie goal for maintenance as I am “failing” in that regard as I lost another 3 lbs while “maintaining” during this month. Having two variables of food calories and exercise calories is challenging for me. In the past I have lost and maintained with less significant exercise numbers so it was more a single variable. I do not want to drop back on exercise as I am doing it for overall health and fitness.

    Just use MFP to calculate my maintenance calories/day. Nutritional needs are estimated at 1590, and it predicts that with exercise, I would need 1862 for 1 hour exercise for days/week. Average Apple Watch TDEE for February was 2126. Average calories consumed/day for February were 1686. With three pound loss over the month, to maintain, I would have needed an additional 375 calories/day for a total of 2073/calories/day. So, my thought for March is to consider my daily goal, 1590 plus daily exercise, but, for planning sake, I will expect that number to be around 1900 calories.

    March History
    Date: 3/1
    Exercised?: Yes, 1:27:01 group walk at 17’27” pace for 4.98 miles
    Calories?: Yes, 1890/1590 daily + 309 exercise (net 9 cal)
    Tracked?: Yes
    Rings Closed?: Yes, March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2056

    Date: 3/2 (Pass #1)
    Exercised?: Yes, 1:23:51 group walk at 17’10” pace for 4.88 miles
    Calories?: No
    Tracked?: until dinner yes, then no
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 2/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2096

    *** First pass of the month used. Very much worth the treat – Went to Square Grouper and started with a Key Lime Martini with graham cracker rim (sorry @RangerRickL not the pie), shared appetizers of Flash Fried Conch with Ponzu and Wasabi drizzle (amazing!!), and Ahi Tuna and Avocado eggrolls with Asian dipping sauce, then an entrée of Seared Sesame Encrusted Tuna with Jasmine rice and Asian slaw, and finished with a cup of coffee and a shared Strawberry Nutella Bread pudding with warm butter rum sauce. Though I may not make winners circle at the end of March, I fully intend to end a champion.

    Date: 3/3 (Pass #2)
    Exercised?: Yes, 1:22:02 Group walk at 16’50” pace for 4.87 miles
    Calories?: No
    Tracked?: Tracked well all day, then old habits crept back in the evening
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 3/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2187

    Date: 3/4
    Exercised?: Yes, 0:30:31 Apple Fitness spinning
    Calories?: Yes, 1292/1590 + 229 ( net 527)
    Tracked?: Yes
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 4/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2159

    *** yes, today was a good day!!! :)

    Date: 3/5 (pass #3 – not a great trend)
    Exercised?: Yes, 1:18:16 group walk at 16'17" pace for 4.80 miles
    Calories?: No
    Tracked?: No
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 5/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2169

    *** today, was the first time we have socialized with friends in almost a year. The 95 year old is vaccinated, and the son and DIL both had COVID at Xmas. I failed at juggling tracking like I normally would have done.

    Date: 3/6 (Pass #4)
    Exercised?: Yes, 0:31:50 5K run at 10’03” pace for 3.17 miles, 0:38:50 group walk at 16’24” pace for 2.36 miles, 0:05:10 run at 10’20” pace for .5 miles
    Calories?: No
    Tracked?: No
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 6/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2224

    *** Ran my first live 5K to start the day. Drove from the race to my walking friends and left the car beside the road to walk with them, then ran back to pick up the car I left. Great start to the day, but everything else came apart. Still the 5K outranks the rest of my day.

    Date: 3/7
    Exercised?: Yes, 0:54:29 group walk at 16’44” pace for 3.25 miles; 0:29:44 Apple Fitness spinning; 0:20:02 Indoor cycle to Hulu
    Calories?: Yes, 1704/1590 + 487 ( net 373)
    Tracked?: Yes
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 7/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: filled in following day – see spoiler

    *** So while I have already gone negative on my passes and out of the winner’s circle, I am caught up with all my check-ins and though my formal tracking has been off, I have survived these past 4 days. Tuesday was 123.2, then went out to dinner and jumped to 125.2, had another off day and increased to 125.6, but this morning I am 123.8 and I do not mind that. It is 3:17 PM as I type this comment, and I just finished tracking where I am at for the day, so that I can finish strong today. Exercise has not been a daily issue lately. Tracking and total calories have been my challenge. My final post will go up later tonight once the kitchen is closed.

    Date: 3/8 (PASS #5)
    Exercised?: Yes, 1:13:55 group walk at 15’13” pace for 4.85 miles; 36 min bike ride for 3 miles for groceries :)
    Calories?: No
    Tracked?: No, though I did track everything until 5 pm including 6 Haagen Das Ice cream bars before noon
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 8/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2116

    *** anyone here old enough to remember “add a bead” necklaces? Well I have an “add a pass” going on this month. :( Additionally, note to self: I am not ready to partake in by-one-get-one-free Haagen Das purchases……

    Date: 3/9
    Exercised?: Yes, 1:21:14 group walk at 16’34” pace for 4.90 miles
    Calories?: Yes, 1601/1590 + 295 (net 284)
    Tracked?: Yes
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 9/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 2073

    Date: 3/10 (PASS #6)
    Exercised?: Yes, 0:56:26 group walk at 17’36” pace for 3.20 miles (joined group late as I was studying the Publix vaccine website went they released appointments yesterday in preparation for hubby turning 60, and Florida drops to 60 on Monday)
    Calories?: No
    Tracked?: Nope – Do we have a pattern here?
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 10/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: 1931

    Date: 3/11
    Exercised?: Yes, 1:23:51 at 17’10 pace for 4.88 miles, 0:30:33 indoor cycling
    Calories?: Yes, 1634/1590 + 527 ( net 483)
    Tracked?: Yes
    Rings Closed?: Yes, 11/27 - March goal is 27 out of 30 days
    Apple Watch TDEE: updated the following date – see spoiler

    *** Today is really the first day that felt in control in a couple/few weeks. Got the ingredients for my lunches, so that felt better. Exercise continues to be strong. At least that did not slip. I think weight is still holding ok. I’ll no more tomorrow morning once I get a day more removed from last night’s dining out and small uptick this morning.

    Passes remaining: -3
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Sleep has been a real issue since arriving in the keys. Howling Harry (our cat) has begun howling again. This morning he started at 3:15, and I chased him around the condo trying to quiet him down until 4 am. I think I finally fell asleep around 5:30, only to get up at 6:15, so I could join the walkers at 7. Tomorrow, I need to be up by 6 to exercise alone before getting on the Publix vaccine site at 7 am for more recon.
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @transparentenigma When we exercise as many calories as you are exercising, we must increase our calories or you will crash!!!
    Please don't crash!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    @RangerRickL My screen name has changed from: SLIMn2016 to i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR

    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅ Yes, 60 min Spin and 90 min walking
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅ Yes, under
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅ Yes

    Passes used: 1 of 3
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    Yes to all 3