What’s your story!?

lks9wc Posts: 1 Member
And what works for you?


  • AScarb2021
    AScarb2021 Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis 4 years ago when I was searching for answers to my infertility. I was finally able to conceive via IUI after starting thyroid medication. However, I continue to struggle with my weight and 2020 didn’t help matters much.

    I’ve noticed that low carb diets work best for me but they are so hard for me to start.
  • EpilepsyWarrior
    EpilepsyWarrior Posts: 56 Member
    The fast version of my story is that I discovered I had hypothyroidism when I was 14 after having symptoms since 11. It was discovered also that I had nodules on my thyroid which led to a partial thyroidectomy. After the first surgery I lost weight. Unfortunately soon after I developed anorexia nervosa. Due to this Im not sure if I would have gained it back or have a hard time loseing right away. At 18 I finally went into recovery, gained a little but was able to keep it off walking which I do a lot due to not having a license. At 27yrs old I started to gain a bit. I also noticed the other half of my thyroid was larger at age 29. I had a completion thyroidectomy this summer ( I am now 30) , my meds were adjusted and not to long after also had a hysterectomy. Since then I have changed my diet tremendously and also excercise at least 5 days a week. I have found it easier to lose weight then ever. Which I have found odd but im not complaining lol. My biggest was 145 ish. Now im 130. 😊
  • LessofJenJen
    LessofJenJen Posts: 7 Member
    Back in November after having a panic attack and getting blood work done, I found out I'm hyperthyroid. My TSH was at ZERO. I've been on antithyroid meds now and have gained about 15 lbs. I'm always hungry! It's definitely a mental challenge. I know I can eat better by being hungry gets the best of me. I'm at my heaviest right now. Looking to see what helps others.
  • DIngoman13
    DIngoman13 Posts: 10 Member
    I was just diagnosed with Hashimotos last year. I had been having what I see now are symptoms to hypothyroidism and am relieved to know this now. About two years ago I lost a tremendous amount of weight, but I did it in a very wrong way (Looking at between 800-100 calories a day. I would fudge my records on here to keep track) and I NEVER want to go back to that. I have great blood pressure, great cholesterol levels, great sugar levels, and I'd rather be fat, beautiful and healthy, than to have to go back to that way of doing things.
    That said I am wanting to lose some fat, gain or at least maintain my muscle, and stay healthy (which is my main priority) I'm 42, lost alot of muscle weight on that reckless diet, and now I know I have Hashimotos and the thyroid is going to burn out at some point. I'm trying keto for about the third time in my life, and it hasn't been super effective, but it helps combat my binge eating disorder (Good lord I'm a mess). Good news, I've lost about 10 pounds and have maintained at that level for about a month. I am always open for suggestions and conversation
  • trinalafleur90
    trinalafleur90 Posts: 3 Member
    I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years ago and a few months after was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. It is a struggle with weight gain and lack of energy. With all my research over the years have determined the best approach for this disease is to go paleo, but am struggling to get on it and stick to it. I'm hoping fitness pal will help motivate me.
  • Tintri17
    Tintri17 Posts: 4 Member
    Dx'd about 10 days ago. The dx explains a lot, but I don't really know where to go from here. I definitely have a lot of weight to lose to be healthy again. Lost. That's where I am at right now. Lost.
  • deb8
    deb8 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed with Hashimotos back in 2014, right after I was at my lightest weight 119 lbs. I was super restrictive of my calories 800-1200 per day with the occasional cheat day and I was playing volleyball 3x a week. I had my second child and could not keep up the tracking and working out so I've let myself go, and at this point I don't know how to get back to an ideal weight. I feel comfortable at 125-130lbs (I'm 5'4.5"). I know walking works well for me with some cardio, but I work from home and find myself snacking a LOT. I need motivation and ideas specific to those with Hasimotos. Looking forward to celebrating everyone's successes and working through the challenges. :)
  • ardva
    ardva Posts: 1 Member
    Good to read your stories. I have underactive thyroid & gained 56 lbs over 4 years. Take lythroxine. No diet has worked. Trying Zoe. It's been really really insightful. It's given me details of how my body responds to certain foods and what I need to get to my optimal health. I can see through the daily monitoring overall my weight is decreasing. My fatigue is decreasing. My mental health & slowly physical health are improving. It's a lifestyle change for life but thankful for it. Just wondered anyone else tried Zoe? Thanks