


  • Jeffcott1
    Jeffcott1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I live in Jervis Bay in Australia and am a Mum to two human children, two dogs (Samoyed x Red Setter) and four Cats.

    I have been overweight most of my life, though approximately four years ago I lost almost 30 kilos. I had a wonderful incentive of an overseas holiday and was determined to try an reach my goal weight. Unfortunately most of it found me again over the next twelve months as I dealt with an illness, surgery and my Dad passing away.

    Fast forward to now and I am once again motivated and eager to reach my goal.

    I am looking forward to achieving great things this year and with this group, I am sure will be a big help.

    Best of luck to all.

    This week my goal is to exercise for at least thirty minutes every day.
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    dshepley7 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, my name's Darren. Looking to lose 35 pounds to meet my goal weight of 210. I haven't been at my goal weight in over 12 years and would love to get back to it and stay there. Looking to use this group to keep each other accountable to achieve and maintain our goals. Look forward to motivating and supporting each other!

    Welcome Darren!!! So good to have you along! Seems like a very reasonable goal! Just a little at a time. What's your current strategy?
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @Jeffcott1 welcome aboard! Australia is a long jump from here but probably a bit warmer this time of year!! I'm in the American South and I am not a fan of the cold - even if it's warm here according to those Yankees up north ;-).

    Sounds like you have your hands full with human and fur babies!!
  • Dshep7
    Dshep7 Posts: 14 Member
    dshepley7 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, my name's Darren. Looking to lose 35 pounds to meet my goal weight of 210. I haven't been at my goal weight in over 12 years and would love to get back to it and stay there. Looking to use this group to keep each other accountable to achieve and maintain our goals. Look forward to motivating and supporting each other!

    Welcome Darren!!! So good to have you along! Seems like a very reasonable goal! Just a little at a time. What's your current strategy?

    I am currently getting back in the habit of calorie counting. In the past I always rushed in to trying to lose as much weight as possible, as fast as possible. I want to take a new approach and see how slow and steady works for me. I have learned that I can't go cold turkey and just cut everything out because I end of having "cheat meals" way to often and end up quitting just as I am getting in a groove.
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 392 Member
    Hi I am also struggling with losing weight again after gaining back what all I lost in the past. I relapsed into emotional eating and stopped exercising after covid19 lockdown. Right now I am struggling with portion control and cravings. I lack some motivation. I work fulltime and am a mommy of two. I struggled with late night eating and food addiction. I am trying to get back to my original weight. Would love to share journey's.
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Darren, welcome to the group! Great to have you here!:))
  • Dshep7
    Dshep7 Posts: 14 Member
    human_bean wrote: »
    Hi Darren, welcome to the group! Great to have you here!:))

    Thanks! Looking forward to motivating and supporting each other!
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi I am also struggling with losing weight again after gaining back what all I lost in the past. I relapsed into emotional eating and stopped exercising after covid19 lockdown. Right now I am struggling with portion control and cravings. I lack some motivation. I work fulltime and am a mommy of two. I struggled with late night eating and food addiction. I am trying to get back to my original weight. Would love to share journey's.

    Welcome aboard! Sharing encouragement and focus is great! It's a huge help to me as well!!
  • eppen5
    eppen5 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi. I'm Ellen and I live in the northeast US where we are getting clobbered with snow. I'm struggling with my fitness routine right now. In "normal" times I would go swimming or work out at my gym during the winter but both are unavailable due to covid restrictions now. Running or walking outside is a bit hazardous because sidewalks are not shoveled and road visibility is poor. I'd love to hear how any of you folks are dealing with the challenges of staying fit in a winter/covid world!
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Ellen!

    I bought a few weights and was doing a lot more strength and HIIT workouts for a while ( until I just stopped working out at all xD )

    btw, we have a chatroom, this is a great question to post there!:)
  • turtlesnakes
    turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! How is everyone doing covid-wise? Are gyms/studios/parks open where you live? If not, how do you cope?