Introduce Yourself!

Hi, I hope this group will be of benefit to people.

I'm Lindsay, 28, from Scotland. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, complex trauma, and borderline personality disorder for about 13 years. I find it very hard to get out of bed and I don't eat well, I eat far too much sugar and junk food because I can't find the motivation to cook decent meals and I comfort eat. I try to go to the gym as much as possible but because I spend quite a bit of time in bed and have lots of appointments I make excuses not to go.

I used to be underweight until I was put on an antipsychotic injection which piled the weight on me due to increasing my appetite for junk food. I'm not on it any more but I feel like my body still craves sugary food and i've got into a bad habit.

I'm hoping with the help of my fitness pal and the support from this group (if it takes off) then i'll be able to get to a weight that i'm more comfortable with.


  • lizzieanne2002
    lizzieanne2002 Posts: 97 Member
    On anti depression med.

    Have had bad nausea on/off for several months and after a particularly bad longer patch I lost a lot of weight and am having real trouble putting it back on.

    Also seem to not be reacting to this as strongly as a used to. I cry at 90%of movies but 3 major characters deaths in one of my favourite shows didn't even spark a glimmer, wierd for me.