Daily Chat 2021

sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
edited June 2021 in Social Groups
Join us here daily to catch up and encourage one another.


  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello, I finally got it to take my email , but not on my regular browser so hope I can get back in . Went to the doctor the other day and my sugar was up a little , but still ok. This site will take some getting use to. LOL What was your last A1C? Mine was 6.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    Good Morning! I logged my breakfast in and what a shock!
    On the phone app I can't find community.
    FBS(fasting blood sugar this morning was 111. My blood pressure was in range also. :)
    It is going to take awhile to learn this site.
    With all the stress going on in my life , I have not been doing no formal exercise and I need to.
    I am thinking about joining a community chair yoga class. I bought some cute tshirts to wear for exercise. All I have to do is DO IT! LOL

    How is your life going?
  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    Life-- well, right now at 130am I feel good. But yesterday I had a really low day and was in bed for most of it. I am still in need of a new apartment but am patiently waiting on God to open the right door.My FBS has been around 150 which is better. For a long time it was 180something. I'm surprised it was that low. I bought unhealthy food 2 weeks ago and gained 8lbs. I ate rice everyday and had breakfast burritos. This week I am eating eggs, salmon, chicken, veggies ans fruit. There are a couple challenges on this site about losing weight. I may check them out. I literally just looked at the titles when I signed on right now.

    I agree it will take some effort and time to learn this site. I think one of the biggest challenges for me will be to remember to log in daily to check things since we do not get reminders. I always clicked the reminders in my email on SP and rarely just went to the site. I can get used to it.

  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    I changed the name of the group because Sue mentioned she is not a diabetic and from what I gathered might not join this group.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    I think Sue, will join after she gets fully moved into her place. No she is not a diabetic , but her husband is. The spark group she was on was a diabetic team , but I am ok with name change. I had problems opening it today . Disregard the email I sent you because I somehow opened it now.

    I never logged my calories on spark people , but this seems easier so I have started. It sure makes one aware of what they are eating. I am trying to lose one pound a week and I went over my calories a little yesterday. Really I was surprised I did as good as I did.

    My new plans for exercise is to walk 4 days a week and 2 days a week do other forms of exercise like yoga or weights. msjq61fpnfrr.png
  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    We celebrated the ministry of our Children's pastor today. This is her last week. Our boss took all 7 main staff members out to a nice brunch and picked up the tab. What I ordered was over 1300 calories...there go my allotment for the day LOL.

    Thank you for starting the "have you exercised today" thread. I think it will inspire me to do more daily. I really need to start walking early in the morning. Today was 85 by noon. That is just too hot for me to walk a mile. If I go in the cool of the day I can probably walk a 2 mile loop around the neighborhood. That is my goal. I cannot walk fast anymore or it is too hard to breathe. I gained 8lbs in the last 2 week and 4 of that was between Thursday and yesterday. Ironically I had been saying for several days that I felt weighted down. AND it turns out I was.

  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    Kathleen, it sounds like you might be retaining fluid for your weight to jump up that much in a few days. If we don't drink enough water then our bodies will hold water. I need to fill that water bottle I bought and keep it in the fridge so it will remind me. I got tired of lugging it around and stopped using it. LOL I will fill it up tonight for tomorrow as I know it will help me. I bought a multi vitamin today for diabetics. It is suppose to come Wednesday. I will see if it makes any difference .

  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    I didn't know they had vitamins aimed at diabetics. That is cool. Yes, let me know how it works for you.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    My vitamins are coming tomorrow. Hope they give me more "get up and go". Did you go to your eye appointment? When do you get your new classes. I am suppose to have a diabetic eye exam once a year , but with this Virus in our Country I put it off two years . I do have an appointment for it this month.

    The other day I got out to Walmart and bought the paint I needed to paint outside doors and trim. I have to get this done by July 1st.

    The Senior Center is starting to open more and I plan to go there on July 1st for their freedom celebration with music, food and drawings. I plan to wear red, white and blue. Hope the weather will be good because they are having it outside.

    Next month I plan on joining one of their exercise classes for which I bought some new tshirts as mine our old and warn thin. Here is A pic of one of then.

    When will you do another sermon? How is your book coming? Blessings to you.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    Ooops I forgot to include the pic. Here it is. y54rwdmcyd6n.png


  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    Polly-- I love those tee's!!! Very cute.

    I don't know if or when I will preach again. I am truly surprised they asked this time. My pastor was very low key about it when he got back from vacation. He didn't say much but that is ok. A lot of people said encouraging things to me. The most important thing is listening to God and delivering something that will help others and encourage them in their faith journey.

    Why do you have a deadline on your painting job? I hope you have fun at the senior center!!!

    I went to the eye exam and I needed a stronger prescription. I ended up getting tri-focals because the bi-focals were good for normal close and far, but I couldn't see my computer well nor the key board. It was tri-focals or two sets of glasses. I picked them up last week. I'm still getting used to moving my head up and down to use the middle vision lense-- its kinda small.

    My Sunday School class decided to take the summer off. I am a little bummed about that. I much prefer Sunday School to church service lol. Well that is one less hour of zoom a week so that is kinda a benefit.

    Have you ever done zoom? I was thinking maybe some day you, Sue, and myself could do a zoom call or a google hangouts or rather google meet call.

    Prayers for you
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    No I have never done zoom. The sound on my computer has stop working. I checked cords and everything looked ok. I thought maybe my cat pulled one out. Have no idea why it will not work.

    Our bylaws state the doors have to match the siding . A number of years ago I replaced the back door. The new door was white and I never painted it. All of us got a letter from association that we must bring our places up to code which includes cleaning patio. If we don't by the lst of July - they will and charge a hefty price for labor which I can not afford. My patio is clean already because I scrub it down this spring . Not sure if there our other doors around here that need painting or just mine.

    I am getting used to this website now. How about you? I think many other spark people will end up here unless they are young and have jobs and enlist their company on the new sparks.
    The only two people from Sparks whose email address I have is yours and Sue's.

    They gave me a goal of 1300 cal. a day and so far I went over it everyday. LOL I think I would be too hungry at that range. I am going to try to focus on eating healthier - portion control and eat the rainbow of fruits and veg. whole kind of food thing. You don't change years of bad habits or lack of good ones over night that's for sure.

  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    There is a Spark People group on here [url="http://"]https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/140805-spark-people-friends[/url]

    I only know one person on it but i still joined.

    Sue found this site yesterday. She gets company tomorrow (Thursday) then will try to join us.
    I signed up for a free trial of an intermittent fasting program. There are several kinds of scheduling for a fast. I chose the same time daily rather than flexible. I can eat between 9am and 2pm then I fast the rest of the hours. It lowers blood sugar-- not sure if this will work with diabetes but I'm gonna try it for the 7 day trial.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    Why when you click on the link does it say you are now leaving myfitnesspal.com and directing you some where else? After that popped up I did not continue to the link.

    I think Sue, will really like it wants she gets used to it.

    I am all for trying new things . I would suggest start with less hours of fasting and work your way up . My diabetic vitamins came yesterday so I took one with breakfast this morning.

    Since I don't eat enough vegetables I try to work one serving in at breakfast. Today I fried frozen green beans and when they were almost done I put in my scrabbled eggs . One pan to cook two things . I like one pot meals because it is less to clean up.

    Yesterday , I did not feel up to par so I took a rest day. We been having beautiful weather , but they are predicting a super bad storm tomorrow with damaging winds and hail so I put off painting my back door till next week.

    Have a great day! jhf8kckiwimx.jpg
  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    I ate after 11 hours. My fasting started at 1pm and by midnight I was eating again. SO I am trying again today. I'm not doing it well though. My fast is supposed to be from 9m-2pm It is already 11:44 and I have eaten 3 bites (literally) of salmon. I am just not hungry.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    You could tweak it . Change hours of your fast . If you get more hungry at night then eat at night and fast in the morning or shorten your fast to start with and when that is easier then increase the fast.

    I lost 3 lbs since the beginning of the month. I eat 4 times a day . My last few bites is a hour before I go to bed. I was shocked I lost 3 pounds because I was doing no formal exercise , but I was doing extra activity like painting and gardening.
  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    Good for you!!
    I joined the fasting app's FaceBook page. I get several postings daily form people on this journey. It is encouraging and realistic. Some have GREAT results but others are slowly taking off the weight. So I get inspiration ad reality all together. I looked up groups on here for it. There are several but none have activity since May or before. I don't have time for inactive teams.

    I have a meeting tonight on zoom. It is for the Attract Team that my Pastor put me in charge of. We are looking at groups we want to be more specific in inviting to join us to worship. I am nervous but I love each of the individuals so it should be fine.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    I have to stick to a schedule since I take 70/30 insulin so fasting is out for me. After my first shot of the day I eat again in 4 hours then 4 hours later I take another shot and eat and 4 hours later eat again so I eat 4 times a day - 2 big meals and 2 smaller ones.

    You will do great Kathleen! Your pasture must have confidence in you to put you in Charge.Too many churches have lots of activities for children and teens , but neglect the Elderly and Singles too.

    The complex I live in is Taring the roads so I had to park out of the complex till 36 hours after they are done. What a pain!

    Monday I get my yearly diabetic eye exam .

    We are having lots of rain so I have not started painting the doors yet.

    Are you still posting on Spark People?

    Have a great day! grbt8311xpxo.jpg
  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    Yes I'm still on SP. I check in daily with Sue and I check the daily chat on another team every other day. Most of that team is here already.

    I am so far behind on my blog. I own the domain now and haven't done anything in 2 weeks. Today there is a quote to come out. My plan was to write at least 2 articles in the two weeks since the last quote...but I wrote none.

    I do not just want to write "anything" to make a post. I prefer to write when inspired. But there are a lot of warnings against that mindset.

    Hopefully today I will get a few things done on it.

  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    I read the Quote and your fathers day blog about your grandfather. I clicked like, then it took me to another page where the same thing was on it so I don't know if my likes are getting registered or not. My Dad was a quite man of few words. He was in War War 11 . He was a good man who worked hard his whole life . He is buried in WV as he and Mom moved back down there when he retired.

    How did you come to live in KY? Was you born there? I am thinking seriously about moving to WV in 5 years. I would love to wake up and have coffee on my porch and see mountains.

    I try to simplify my diet because I think eating the same basic diet each day helps with weight , but my problem is I like variety too much. Plus I want to keep things simple to save time so I don't have to spend so much time thinking about what I am going to eat.

  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    I grew up in California. I finished my under grad in Oregon. I had plans to go to Graduate school in CA but my mom said: You could find a woman who holds an office in the church, who is a grandmother type who has time...and she could babysit your son.
    My mom was all of these but she wanted me to find someone else even though I would have been local.
    Then, I found out the New Testament professor did NOT believe Jesus was a real person nor walked the face of the Earth. He said it was common mythology of the times. So I canceled my placement.
    I looked around and found a place in KY.
    I had no idea they were just as liberal. But I was here.

    There was a conservative graduate school 40 miles away... but I got a free ride where I was.

    Eventually I was eating 1 bottle of Tums every 3 days (literally) because I was so upset with the hypocrisy. 90% of the students did not believe in Jesus as the son of God.. And 85% did not believe in a God of anykind

    I eventually left. I coudnt take it

    I have been stuck with out a career ever since because that degree does not translate over to aything else.
  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    Wow! Kathleen , you have done some travailing around. I hope those other students found Christ before they graduated. Very sad.

    I am sure living in KY is a lot cheaper than California.

    I went for my eye exam today. I was gone about 4 hours. They really check me out good! Even after being a diabetic for more than 10 years my eyes are still good. I have always had 20 20 vision and I still only need reading glasses. She showed me pictures on a screen of my eyes and I was very happy with what she showed me.

    Hope everything goes as good with the Heart Doctor when that appointment comes up. I need to drop some weight , but hard when you can't exercise like a normal person. I have had problems with my left ventricle my whole life going in and out of left sided heart failure and really at 71 and 5 months I am doing amazingly well all considering. I had to learn to pace myself from childhood . Sometimes I joke and say I am a part time person. LOL That is how I have always and continue to feel. A heart problem is something that others can not see , but you can feel the lack of energy and fatigue. The hardest thing is staying motivated when you must take so many breaks. It is easy to lose momentum in the middle of a project. wqjzgr1muigl.jpg

  • pollyjo1949
    pollyjo1949 Posts: 45 Member
    Isaiah 40:31

    New King James Version

    But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
  • sparkkitty2016
    sparkkitty2016 Posts: 66 Member
    WOW Polly that is a lot to deal with as far as your heart goes. You sure do well with it.
    Malcolm is very sick tonight. He can't hold anything down. All he has tried for 12 hours is water but no matter how little he tries it comes up. He went to the hospital but its not his pancreas which he thought it might be.
    Did you get you painting done outside?