Question of the Day



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Calcitrol (Calcium & Vitamin D) & a prenatal vitamin (for my hair due to other meds I am in) around 4pm each day.
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    Do you have a step goal for each day and do you usually succeed in getting those steps?

    Me: My goal is 7,500 per day but I don't usually meet that because I sit at a desk all day and it's too hot to walk right now.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    10K per day, I’ve met it since 2018
    Dr’s orders!
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    What was your wake up call to lose weight?

    Me: Seeing pictures of myself
  • silverwitch5921
    silverwitch5921 Posts: 83 Member
    Yes I take many supplements. I have trouble believing that we get many nutrients out of our food. Most of it is grown on factory farms in depleted soil. With GMO seeds pesticides hormones and antibiotics... yikes I'm a happy little ray of sunshine
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    Do you have a role model you look up to?

    Me: I'll have to think about this one!
  • silverwitch5921
    silverwitch5921 Posts: 83 Member
    Probably my mom. She is a bit of a tough egg and can bite ( especially when you are not up to her precise standards..I have a lot of scars) That said. She rises up to and faces every single situation life has thrown at her in a brave and honorable way. She is always the first person to help out even at 90 . I used to not want to have anything in common with her. But am now happy that I do and I am grateful I have had the opportunity to share and heal our relationship over the years
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    Do you chew on your right/left side?

    Me: I am not sure. I think I chew mostly on the right because I am missing a tooth on the left.
  • silverwitch5921
    silverwitch5921 Posts: 83 Member
    Mostly my leftside. Because of missing teeth
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    Do you have a close relationship with your siblings?

    Me: I'm an only child.
  • silverwitch5921
    silverwitch5921 Posts: 83 Member
    Not really . We were very close when we were younger. But after he moved to Kentucky we lost touch. He works wierd hours and I really dislike his wife .So I never call
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    What is your trigger food.

    Me: Ranch dressing
  • silverwitch5921
    silverwitch5921 Posts: 83 Member
    Not really sure I have 1.
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    Do you have a favorite flower?

    Me: Yes, Gerbera Daisies
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,876 Member
    Yes, I take vitamins, calcium, and a few other supplements
  • silverwitch5921
    silverwitch5921 Posts: 83 Member
    Yes black eyed Susans
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,876 Member
  • wizardhowl42
    wizardhowl42 Posts: 232 Member

    What is one of your favorite sayings?

    Me: I think "Work smarter, not harder."
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,876 Member
    Don't bet the ranch on it
  • silverwitch5921
    silverwitch5921 Posts: 83 Member
    You never know till you go