
TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
edited August 2021 in Social Groups
I created this group because, while I had a few Aussie members added as friends on MFP, I couldn't find an active Aussie group in the community section. I feel like we need a place to chat about things that are unique to us here down under, and I hope this group can provide that.

To that end, here's a quick intro from me! I'm Christie, and I've been on MFP for about 9 years, on and off. Your typical yo-yo'er! This time I have been back over a year consistently, and I've lost 15kg so far. I have a fair way to go, but I'm proud of my efforts so far!
I'm in my mid-30s, married with a 2.5 year old son. Hubby is the stay-at-home parent in our family, while I work as an accountant at a gold mine. We live in rural NSW, which is where I grew up.
My approach to weight loss is really about creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle, with habits that I can see myself continuing for the rest of my life. For that reason, I don't have "off limits" foods or anything like that. I'm all about moderation - because the idea of facing the next 50+ years without another chocolate bar, slice of cake or ice cold beer seems preposterous to me! So I have these things, just not every day, and in smaller portions than I used to!

I would love to read more about you all as you join up :smile:


  • stortina
    stortina Posts: 37 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hey Christie, as you know I'm Jess, I've been on MFP for a few years too but never bothered to stick with it until now. Have gained weight my entire adult life. Finally hit a point where I needed to lose weight and my partner laughed at me and said I would never do it -- had to prove her wrong, so here I am! Have lost 20kg in 150 odd days. Hope to lose about 10kgs more I think, 75kg sounds like a good number. That'd make me a size 14, which means I can shop in normal stores again - something I haven't been able to do for many years. Currently WFH due to Sydney lockdown, I'm an office manager for a corporate finance company in the CBD.
    My approach to weight loss so far has been to lose as much as I can as quickly as I can, whilst learning how to portion control and make sensible food decisions that will hopefully stick long term. I've also been exercising for the first time in my entire life. Now I've lost the weight I do not plan on putting it back on again. I have packed away all my size 20 clothes that are now way too big -- they are in a bag ready to go to Vinnies -- I never want to have to buy plus sized clothes again.
    I have not made any foods off limits, but I am definitely avoiding fried food -- which is much easier to do when the pub is shut! But 100% agree, it is all about learning portion control and moderation -- I'm slowly learning how to be able to eat a handful of chips and walk away.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
    Hi Jess, glad to see you here! 20kg is a great effort - congrats! I'm also looking forward to being able to shop in normal stores, especially for things like jeans - City Chic is great, but sometimes I just want normal brands!
    Isn't it amazing how much our portions creep up if we're not watching? I was amazed when I first started tracking calories, to find that what I was eating was much more than one serve! I'm getting much better at just having one serve and being happy with that.
  • stortina
    stortina Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah totally - simple stuff like breakfast cereal - one 'portion' was about 1/3 of what I thought I ought to eat. I couldn't believe it! My biggest before-MFP-sin food (and during, and after...) is hot chips. I'm so bad with them. My partner and I would go to the chicken shop once a week and get a large serve of chips and eat them as a whole meal. Then pub dinners. Chicken parmi, deep fried, and with chips on the side of course. I can't even believe how many calories I was putting away in those meals.
  • anna140813
    anna140813 Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hellooo ! I'm Anna ! I'm 30 and I'm from the central coast nsw . I have 4 pugs and will talk about them any chance I get hahahaha
    I have been a member on here on and off this time iv done well to stick with it . I myself follow macros which has taught me alot ! I am full of information which I love sharing and helping people who ask for it . But with that in mind everyone is different and we don't have to always agree 😅
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
    Hi Anna! Welcome :smile: Good on you for sticking with it this time - you're right, we all have to find what works for us!