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UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
Oatmeal molasses bread... 2xaknwy804n7.png


  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    I bet that tastes great!

    I'll share some recipes and pics here when I get the chance or make something really good!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    I more or less followed this recipe although I halved every part of it except the oatmeal... and I used instant yeast (since that's what I have) rather than slow yeast. It turned out great; I just had a toasted piece with my breakfast.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    My version of Hummingbird Cake...

    I started with the a/n recipe. We got a small Bundt cake pan yesterday so I decided to try it out. For those unfamiliar, Hummingbird Cake is a southern thang... and it's typically three layers with cream cheese frosting between the layers. That means a whole lotta sugar... so I decided to make my own version.

    The small Bundt pan holds 4 cups of liquid. Given that the cake would rise, I decided to half the recipe. As it turns out, I still had more batter than needed. To try to cut back on the amount of sugar, I replaced the white sugar 1 to 1 with maple syrup. Since syrup is liquid, I cut back on the amount of oil as well as draining off the juice from the crushed pineapple. Even so, the cake is lovely and moist.

    Likewise with the icing, I only used 1/4 cup of cream cheese, around a cup of icing sugar and a tablespoon of maple syrup. I didn't fully cover the cake so I actually ended up having leftover icing.


  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    Yummy looking cake. Walter just bought me some date syrup to use in cake recipes so I may try something similar to what you've done with this. When I was a vegetarian in my 20's we never used anything for sweetening other than fresh or dried fruits so I think the date syrup might be nice!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    edited August 2021
    I've never heard of date syrup. Interesting!

    We ended up using the remaining cake batter for pancakes yesterday morning. It worked well!
  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    edited August 2021
    My cake is in the oven. I cut the recipe in half also and used 1/4 cup date syrup and 1/2 cup oil and no sugar. Everything else is the same. I'm using a 9" square pan to bake it in. It has the consistency of banana bread going into the oven. I'll make a cream cheese frosting too and let you know how it is! My grandmother, who taught me how to bake, used to make a banana nut cake with chocolate frosting. That was my dad's favorite and I still have her recipe. I think the date syrup would work well with oatmeal cookies too.

    I honestly didn't know there was such a thing as date syrup but after I told my husband I used to make cheese cake with dried dates as the sugar he thought that was interesting and found some of the syrup at the store.
  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    BTW, I looked up the nutritional info on both the date and maple syrup and they are very similar and both saved about 500 calories and 150g of sugar per 1/2 recipe of the cake.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    I started my morning by baking... This bread is a baguette recipe but formed into a loaf instead of baguettes. The cookies are pecan chocolate chip.

  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    Oh my gosh, you're killing me with all the baked goods. I love to bake and rarely do it these days because it's just the two of us and hubby can't keep his hands off. I am going to make the oatmeal molasses bread before I leave for CO but otherwise no more baking for awhile.

    And BTW, the Hummingbird Cake is awesome..............I'm taking some date syrup and the recipe with me to CO and will make it for them!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    The Hummingbird Cake didn't suffer for being made in a Bundt pan. The texture is good and not having two extra "layers" of icing is a win for the diet. lol
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    I started my morning off with baking therapy... first a loaf of french-style bread...


    Then I made my daughter's fav pastry, glazed cinnamon rolls...


    I've finished cleaning up the kitchen... now what?
  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    I know it was a really rough day for you and I'm immensely sorry. Those cinnamon rolls look divine so maybe she was your inspiration!!!!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    fitlin50 wrote: »
    I know it was a really rough day for you and I'm immensely sorry. Those cinnamon rolls look divine so maybe she was your inspiration!!!!

    I was chatting online with Eilish's former partner and mentioned I baked cinnamon buns... He replied instantly "Oh, she loved those!!" and we both chuckled...
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    One of the YouTube channels I watch regularly is called "Living Between Paychecks Kitchen" based out of Texas. I don't any of the hosts cook for a living but they have fun and that's a good thing. They make easy Southern recipes on a budget. Last week, one of the three cooks made shredded chicken tortilla soup.

    I sent the video to my wife who said she makes better tortilla soup than that. So for supper tonight, I had Pam's shredded chicken tortilla soup... complete with corn, avocado slices and baked tortilla strips... Tasty and nutritious...

  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    edited September 2021
    These two loafs are identical weight... The only difference is the pan each was cooked in...

    The loaf pan produced as loaf which is close to 5 inches tall; the casserole pan loaf is just over two inches tall but nearly double the width of the standard loaf.

  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    Interesting on the bread. I still have that oatmeal molasses bread recipe waiting for me to try and will soon. It's just been too hot here to bake bread.............

    And that tortilla soup looks yummy. I make a good one too and the avocado in it makes it so creamy. Mine is a lot of veggies too. Next time I make it I'll take a pic!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    Avocado wasn't part of my diet before Pam. It's remarkable how many different ways you can eat it... although getting one which is ripe vs not yet ripe vs mush is more witchcraft than science.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,000 Member
    Pork enchiladas with roasted red pepper cream sauce and Spanish rice...

  • DogloverTerri
    DogloverTerri Posts: 70 Member
    You are making me hungry 🤤. Everything looks yummy. ✔️
  • fitlin50
    fitlin50 Posts: 43 Member
    Looks delicious!