Today's harvest



  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    Finally a full day of sun, I was able to pick all the tomatoes.. 3 , 5 gallon buckets.. time to make some sauce
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Cherie, your flowers are beautiful. Mine are all pretty much kaput now.

    Went down to the garden today and got this produce. Cherokees are almost ready to pick too (2 or 3 of them, very small). I hope the spaghetti squash was ready to pick. It looked like it was completely yellow, but had a little green on it when I got it picked.

  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    How did it taste Fancy? it has been raining here almost daily which affect tomato taste.. to much water in it.. I try to wait for a hot day to harvest..
    I do have abundance of green peppers on the bush.. I am attempting to wait them out to turn red..

    Next year, I AM switching to flowers, Cutting flowers to be specific .. this spring i wanted to cut some of my bloom to bring inside, I couldn't bring self to do it. I decided to create cut flower beds. well once I started researching, I decided to to take the next step and sell bouquet too! ! Why not make some money off my passion! this winter I will be taking a few course on the how to

    Flowers make me so happy, Now I can share it with the world, well, lol maybe not the world but nearby :)
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    I cut a Cherokee tonight on a salad with some chicken. That tomato was the best tasting thing on my plate. I should go cut a Lemon Boy and see how I like it. I keep reading about people eating tomato and mayonaise sandwiches, but I can't eat the mayo. Can't wait for the others to ripen now that I have some lettuce to make salads with. They have some new cut up lettuces and I got the chopped romaine. Makes it a lot easier to fix my salad. I don't think I would be successful growing lettuce here.

    Cherie, that sounds like a great idea to sell bouquets from your garden.
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    Tomato sandwiches, YUM what do you use for dressing? ranch? you could use that.. I have
    Last night temp dropped into the 40's thinking it is getting close to time to harvest and pull gardens..we often get our first frost in Oct and even first snow fall that thankfully doesn't stay
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    I got some Smart Balance Mayonaise and am hoping I can use it. Otherwise I don't know what I could use. I use vinegrette dressings. I can't have anythinng with milk in it unless I make it myself unless I can manage just a small amount. Apparently that is what has been giving me so many IBS problems.

    Yesterday I got another Lemon Boy, one Italian tomato and two Celebrities. I have another Lemon Boy close, a few Cherokees that aren't quite as ready. I doubt if I'll get any more Italian or Celebrities.
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    I have been dehydrating cherry tomato, roasting large, gearing up for sauces. I sliced this one tomato and the color was so pretty it looked like a yummy peach.. Color was the best part, not a lot of smell or taste. I still have a kitchen full of tomato, and have only harvest 1/3 of what is in garden.. time to get moving LOL
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Yesterday I was able to get about 7 tomatoes and bring them in. One isn't quite ripe, but I think it is ripe enough for picking. Everything else was completely ripe. There are several totally green ones out there, too.
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    Fall temperatures are in the air, it is enjoyable to putter around outside in the gardens and shutting them down. collection all the bric brac that goes along with it. I am still harvesting tomato galore.. LMAO next year goal is to NOT replant all the suckers from trimming tomato. I love experimenting and popping them in everywhere.. my thoughts go to, I wonder if it will survive here.. the answers is YES. Tomato will survive just about anywhere and Thrive! ! ! My zinnia flowers are still in full bloom and adds massive punch of color all over the yard.. I am fighting to not dread the winter temperature
  • Nipchkin
    Nipchkin Posts: 207 Member
    @cherie8525 I hear you about reigning in the tomatoes. One year I planted 70 plants! Mostly because I had lots of different varieties of colorful heirlooms, but there were still lots of red ones as I liked to can too. I haven't canned for a few years now, as I watch my grandson and it wasn't safe to be doing that while he was underfoot. Now that he's in school, I'll probably grow more next year so I have enough to can.

    We decided to put the garden to bed today. Picked the rest of the tomatoes off our 20 plants. Ended up with about 3 bushels, mostly green ones. Will be sharing tomatoes with friends, some will like the larger green ones for frying. Also picked the last of our 60-70 pumpkins. Have managed to give away most of them to the kids in the neighborhood, but still have plenty left to carve myself as well as cook up for pies.
    Pulled the tomato cages and pulled down the top row of fencing. Deer can now get in and help themselves to the plants, and then we can till it up and haul mulch and horse manure to get it ready for next year. The deer already jumped the tall fence a couple of times and helped themselves to the beans. They were about done anyway, but the deer made sure of it!
    Now I have to cook the zucchini to make puree for zucchini bread and freeze it (I use a pumpkin bread recipe, which calls for puree, so that's how I process those). Currently turning 6 quarts of ripe tomatoes into sauce.
    We harvested all the spaghetti squash and acorn squash, but fortunately those can just sit downstairs in the bushel baskets until we're ready to cook the.
    Hubby got a couple bushels each of indian corn and field corn from a friend who knows we feed the squirrels in our yard. Going to share some of the indian corn with friends to use for decoration, and get all the yellow corn in buckets to help protect it from any rodents that may sneak in the garage looking for food.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Wow, Cathy, how large is your garden? My total size is something like 13 x 20, so not room for a lot. Then this year I only did about half of it.

    I got one more yellow tomato today and have one more almost ripe. Have a Cherokee that will be good next week if it doesn't get killed by frost (high the end of the week is supposed to be in the 50s and we drop 20-30 degrees at night usually. No more red tomatoes will get anywhere close to ripe. My other spaghetti squash has a ways to go, too.

    My friends got a lot of tomatoes and had help picking them last week. The grandchildren enjoyed that quite a bit. Nobody in their family likes tomatoes, though, so Anne and Mark still have all of them and Anne can't eat many of them. They are going to modify their garden next year and tomatoes and cucumbers won't be in it.
  • Nipchkin
    Nipchkin Posts: 207 Member
    40 x 60. We rent plots from the park district. Each is 20 x 30 and we rent 4. We used to rent 8 plots for many years (our highest number of plots was 12 - gluttons for punishment), but have pared it down the last couple of years. It's possible we might go back up to 6 plots, so we can grow a greater variety of veggies (we've grown bell peppers, hot peppers, eggplant, carrots, garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, cucumbers, and butternut squash in the past, but not enough room for all of them with just 4 plots).
    A friend gave us some tomato plants called "dinner plate". We can see why it was named that - we got some really huge ones! We also grew big rainbow, black from tula, and cherokee purple. Will have to make sure I start my own plants next year, as I really miss my kentucky beefsteak (an orange variety), Box Car Willie (red, great flavor), and mortgage lifter varieties. I've also grown green zebra, Aunt Ruby's German green, white potato leaf, and some other colorful varieties in the past that I really liked too.

    My grandson loved helping us harvest the pumpkins this year, and even helped harvest other veggies like the tomatoes and green beans! He used to be terrified of bugs, but fortunately he's so busy helping that he usually doesn't notice the bugs (most of the time. He wasn't fond of the cucumber beetles or squash bugs that he did see).
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    Next years goal.. is to give each plant the spacing it needs.. Not to over plant so many darn tomatoes.. by the end of preserving season, I am so over tomato and the pigs make out as I toss them. LOL Already starting plans in my mind for next year..