The Fireplace



  • bradkcrew
    bradkcrew Posts: 1,548 Member
    I didn't get an owl. :'(
  • kylielynn314
    kylielynn314 Posts: 4,523 Member
    bradkcrew wrote: »
    I didn't get an owl. :'(

    Maybe message the headmistress?
  • bradkcrew
    bradkcrew Posts: 1,548 Member
    So everyone else got one? I don't understand...I worked so hard at everything last term. I am so sad about this as I was really looking forward to it. :'(
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    Uh, yea, that's got to be an oversight. Maybe the Google Form glitched or something. It's certainly not for lack of effort.
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member

    I sent msgs to Maalea and Neon_Vampire, but you should too.

    Maybe try @SlimPossible007 as she's online often.
  • bradkcrew
    bradkcrew Posts: 1,548 Member

    Thanks, I sent one to Maalea. Can't believe how bummed I am about this!

  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member
    edited November 2021

    I think there is a problem with mfp - have you received an email @bradkcrew - you should have as I know you are on the house list - maybe you have been placed in another house?

    they seemed to have messed around with mfp and I can’t find anything or my groups currently

  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited November 2021

    @bradkcrew Slimpossible suggested you befriend the prefects from Ravenclaw. Not sure why they didn't "friend request" you first, but she said you were sorted into Rave for this term. They must need a rock star and you're it.

    @Rigibann No kidding. Major updates to the user interface. Can't find *kitten* either.

  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member

    @bradkcrew - Here is the message I have received -

    @Rigibann TY so much for reaching out :) Can you let her know that either lmc8009 or deviantbellanna have sent her a friend request, once she accepts that she will get her owl ... messages don't go through unless you are already friends 

    if she has not received a FR from either of them then ask her to send a FR to them both

    alternately if you are able to private message her you can send the links to ravenclaw and the commonroom (it seems that there is lots of work going on and its not making joining any easier lol



    TY again :)

  • bradkcrew
    bradkcrew Posts: 1,548 Member

    @MWMstr17 @Rigibann

    Thank you so much for helping me out...even if I am a...Ravenclaw? What? I will get it sorted out now! That made my day-I love this challenge!!

  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member


    Hey Snakes

    Congrats on a very successful Term 37.

    I noticed that ICY sorta faded out towards the end.

    Any different ideas for something simple we can do during the break? I was figuring consistent nutrition will be a challenge during the holiday season, so perhaps quick and easy exercises we could sneak in during quiet moments?

  • filmgal30
    filmgal30 Posts: 3,993 Member
    That’s hood-are we starting here already today? How about ICY based on the day as a limit
    Ex. @MWMstr17 today is 13th so I challenge you to do 13 situps, whoever completes if same day can say ICY to do 13 min meditation, if person who does it completes it on 12/14 then they might say ICY to do 14 min of walking, etc (if completed on dame day use same #, if completed by next day challenge with the # of that day). Just an idea. So if you like you can post one today for ICY to do 13?? In the ICY thread or to break it up each day can be same format or x # holiday tasks or min doing a holiday task OR x # of exercises-could even rotate exercise then holiday task then exercise then holiday task for x min.
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    I like using the date as either 'reps' or 'minutes.' It could also be the 'duration or time' once we get above ~20th. As in, do 23 seconds ON of [whatever], and 7 seconds off, for a 30-second tabata type of thing.

    There's just 20 of us right now, and it's the holidays, so keeping it simple and in one place may help keep it going. People can "bake in" holiday stuff into challenges, such as ICY to send cards out if you've not already mailed them, etc.

    Maybe catch any more ideas, and start slowly tomorrow?
  • kylielynn314
    kylielynn314 Posts: 4,523 Member
    I noticed that too. Not sure how to keep us motivated. Short and easy to squeeze in is good as it's busy and kids home etc.
  • kylielynn314
    kylielynn314 Posts: 4,523 Member
    I have 2 specialists appointments this break so I'm not sure how involved I can be but it's easy to just pop on and keep up to date. And encouraged/motivated to keep trying to be more healthy. Which I will definitely need no matter what I find out.
  • Neon_Vampire
    Neon_Vampire Posts: 7,392 Member
    Oooh I also like the idea of having ICY tasks based on the day as a limit, how creative! The only other game idea I can think of, that isn't strictly just playing a game for fun, is to have an A-Z game based on exercises and/or food. The best way I can think of to explain them is to just provide some quick examples in the spoiler.
    Food Based
    Opening Post: A - Apple

    Player 1: I ate an apple as an afternoon snack today.
    B - Banana

    Player 2: I had a banana blended in my morning smoothie.
    C - Chocolate
    Exercise Based
    Player A: P - Push-ups (x10)

    Player B: 10 push-ups complete!
    Q - Quick run (10 minutes)

    Player C: Running complete!
    R - Reverse Lunges (x15)

    I also posted information on an in-between challenge in the common room. It's essentially tracking daily exercise minutes, and a few list like tasks each week, to keep us busy until the new term begins. It's entirely optional, and meant to be more of an individual / independent thing for anybody who may need a bit of motivation to be productive during the break; I know if it wasn't for the other challenges I'm in that are currently ongoing I'd be such a bum! :p
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
  • Neon_Vampire
    Neon_Vampire Posts: 7,392 Member
    Hi everyone, how are you all doing?

    I've been so unproductive the past two days, in terms of exercising. :( I've been doing a semi-decent amount of walking and I'm going to force myself to do at least 20 minutes of yoga before tonight ends....but I really need to try to get some strength / weights in tomorrow, and some more intense cardio, so here's hoping I actually do it!!!
  • pisanee
    pisanee Posts: 1,845 Member
    I was doing pretty badly the first half of the week. I told myself I would lose that pesky 1 kg I put on in Term 36. Instead, I gained another 1 kg. Crossing my fingers that it is just temporary bloating, because I didn’t think I was eating that much over my daily calorie limit. Luckily The Sprint to Scotland came around (as well as cardio heavy housecleaning stuff). Hopefully, I can get back on track and bank a sufficient calorie deficit before the Christmas and New Years eating fest.
  • Allaesa72
    Allaesa72 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I decided to take the week off of intense workouts. Considering the same for next week. Nothing wrong with a break. I have been working on a challenge this month. Working my way to 25 push-ups. Today I did 17. It's harder than I thought.