
zephyrindc Posts: 12 Member
Hi all,

This is for all those who enjoy eating foods that you'd typically find in the Mediterranean lifestyle. To me this means eating whole foods that are in season whenever possible, and learning to enjoy small amounts of high-quality food. Basically, what would you be eating (in moderation) if you lived in France, Spain, Italy, or Greece?

I hope you enjoy this group and are willing to share meal plans, recipes, wine-pairing tips, and seasonal resources.


  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 269 Member
    Hi Zeph and all,

    I'm Wade, I am adopting this diet, mostly because it has most of the elements of the way I eat already. I like that it minimizes red meat, includes wine, features fish, fruits, and vegetables, and proposes a balanced approach.

    I believe it is very important to stay active; I think many people are missing out on this essential element of the Mediterranean Diet/Lifestyle. I ride my bicycle about 100 miles per week during the summer weeks. During the winter I ski at least weekly.

    I drink wine with every dinner, and have for a long time. My goal with this diet is to limit myself to 375 mil per day. To take up the slack, I'm drinking Diet Tonic Water with a wedge of lime. I'm finding that satisfying.
  • JennergyKC
    JennergyKC Posts: 254 Member

    I started a few weeks ago and I love this diet.

    A glass of wine with dinner, and a small piece of dark chocolate. And I'm actually losing weight!
  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    Hello all,

    I like the Mediterranean Diet because I love the foods of all the countries surrounding the Mediterranean. A diet that features fruit, vegetables, fish, and legumes is perfect for me! Am looking to achieve balance and sustainability and to significantly modify my (formerly) sedentary lifestyle. I also like the approach of Dr. Andrew Weil (modified Mediterranean) and Mark Bittman. I look forward to hearing how others achieve balance and joy (or not). Oh, and viva chocolate!
  • sarahmchugh07
    sarahmchugh07 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone, I see that its been a few years since anyone has posted here. Is this group still active?
  • Hi Everyone!
    Although I’ve been on MFP for years, I’ve just recently decided to adopt a Mediterranean Diet lifestyle. My overall cholesterol is high, and I have a family history of heart disease. I need motivation to stay away from convenience foods and easy ways to incorporate fruits, veggies, and consumption of meat and sugar. I need simple recipes because I don’t have a lot of time in the morning and I have to bring my lunch to work. I hope this group is still active!
  • Thoin
    Thoin Posts: 961 Member
    Anyone active here?
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 208 Member
    Hi, former vegan here. I even tried keto and I kind of fell into this Mediterranean way of eating because it just seems natural to me. My favorite foods...fresh fruits & veggies, whole grain breads, pasta and of course olive oil , are all in this way of eating. I seem to absolutely love every recipe I try and surprisingly my hubby has been enjoying everything I have cooked. I think I have found the way I was meant to eat. I almost forgot...Feta Cheese! :)
  • MelodyH32
    MelodyH32 Posts: 10 Member
    Well, even if it isn't active I am sure there are some good resources. I just recently turned to this because of the stomach issues I was facing. I am only 4 days in and really excited about this change. I haven't had one issue since switching almost everything over. The only thing is I can't use anything vinegar based so sadly most of my stuff is made without the balsamic vinegar. Still tasty though.
  • torybyrd
    torybyrd Posts: 1 Member
    I think even if it's not very active...we can make it active again! I am 51 and need to eat better...and exercise. My husband is diabetic and my cholesterol is crazy. We go through phases of trying to eat "right". We did enjoy the Mediterranean "diet" when the book 1st came out. Most recently we have been eating low carb/keto.

    We were stationed and lived in Italy in Vicenza from 2012-2014. They really REALLY did seem to age better and healthier than we do (American) They do have supermarkets...but it was still mostly a weekly market on the corner...a butcher, a baker, a meat shop. They seemed to only buy a couple of days worth of food at a time. FRESH. I don't remember even seeing old fat Italian people. I saw old grey haired normal sized people riding their bicycles uphill (and downhill) and many more walked to take public transportation. The local stores really did close for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Their restaurants were very different than our norm....dinner started later and took a long leisurely pace. It was normal to be at the table at a nice restaurant for hours. They would get your drinks and then you wouldn't see them for a while (no rush to order) after eating...they wouldn't bring the check unless you asked (no rush to finish and leave) Fast Food is making it's way in, but not NEARLY what it is here.

    They might be on to something!
  • dpkp11
    dpkp11 Posts: 2 Member
    my doc has suggested this diet to me at least twice! looking to trade tips to stay focused / implement these habits!
  • ilovepopcorn2016
    ilovepopcorn2016 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, my dietitian suggested I give this diet a try. So I joined the group to see what it's all about.
  • angiep0910
    angiep0910 Posts: 11 Member
    I’m Angie and I recently started the Mediterranean diet as suggested by my doctor. I am down 9 lbs so far and love the food options. I’m not sure if this group is still active, but maybe we can resurrect it from the ashes if not 😊
  • I've just started the Mediterranean Diet and love the food, as well. I've not been on it long enough to lose more than a few pounds, but I think this is what I'm looking for as a sustainable, delicious eating lifestyle. Would love to share resources and encourage one another. :)
  • mgan9311
    mgan9311 Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hi all, I've been doing the Mediterranean diet for a year now. I gained 15 pounds but my blood work is fantastic. I've been off MFP for a while and figured I needed to start tracking again to see if I'm overeating or not exercising enough or both or just hormones or stress... Anyone want to be my friend?
  • mgan9311
    mgan9311 Posts: 30 Member
    I've just started the Mediterranean Diet and love the food, as well. I've not been on it long enough to lose more than a few pounds, but I think this is what I'm looking for as a sustainable, delicious eating lifestyle. Would love to share resources and encourage one another. :)

    Hi have you lost weight? Can you share how much you are eating?
  • MommaGemz
    MommaGemz Posts: 494 Member
    I'm also on the Mediterranean diet. Mainly I'm seeking inspiration for new meals and a group/resource to go to when I have questions.
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 408 Member
    Hi, new to the group.. Mediterranean diet has been recommended to me by my endocrinologist and my naturopath, so here I am. Giving it a solid try. I have to eat gluten free due to a sensitivity and low dairy low sugar low cal low carb but also incorporating healthy fats and anti inflammatory foods. Should be delicious. I’m here for support and friendships.
  • GigiShy
    GigiShy Posts: 21 Member
    Hello there! Newbie here, if anyone is still around. :)

    Reading through the thread, it sounds like people enjoy this way of eating, but there's not been enough activity to keep the group going. Giving a shout-out to see if anyone is still out there and interested in keeping conversation and support alive.

    Like @torybyrd, I also lived overseas several times while growing up. So Mediterranean is my heart-and-tummy language. I recently came across a few videos on YouTube by Thomas Delauer advocating a Keto-Mediterranean way of eating. Two week into it and educating myself as I go, I think I'm more of a Low-Carb Medi eater. Still, already reaping some rewards.

    In America, if you don't live near ready access to freshly caught seafood, it's kinda difficult to incorporate fish into your diet on a regular basis. Those I'm listening to advocate for eating it three times a week. Between canned sardines and mackerel in the pantry and picking up some salmon every week, this has been doable. How do you all do on this front?
  • shamimhz64
    shamimhz64 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I’ve just started my diet today. I’d love to make friends with anyone who wants to give diet a try so we can swap diets and support each other. My goal is to have a healthier lifestyle while losing weights.
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 408 Member
    GigiShy wrote: »
    Hello there! Newbie here, if anyone is still around. :)

    Reading through the thread, it sounds like people enjoy this way of eating, but there's not been enough activity to keep the group going. Giving a shout-out to see if anyone is still out there and interested in keeping conversation and support alive.

    Like @torybyrd, I also lived overseas several times while growing up. So Mediterranean is my heart-and-tummy language. I recently came across a few videos on YouTube by Thomas Delauer advocating a Keto-Mediterranean way of eating. Two week into it and educating myself as I go, I think I'm more of a Low-Carb Medi eater. Still, already reaping some rewards.

    In America, if you don't live near ready access to freshly caught seafood, it's kinda difficult to incorporate fish into your diet on a regular basis. Those I'm listening to advocate for eating it three times a week. Between canned sardines and mackerel in the pantry and picking up some salmon every week, this has been doable. How do you all do on this front?

    We try and eat fish or seafood 2-3x weekly. We live in the desert so fresh is not the word I'd use. Lol that being said I've managed to find some frozen sources we enjoy. We also eat canned fish. We like it. Mostly just tuna or salmon. We also have some restaurants near by for poke or sushi 👍