February 10



  • jmu1965
    jmu1965 Posts: 1,040 Member
    February 10, 2022 - no pass days used
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 23 minutes of a low-impact HASFit video I plan on a 30 minute workout.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    My why has always been to keep up with the grandkids and to be able to get up and down off the floor. I am also wanting to lower my cholesterol. My blood pressure has lowered. I am able to pick out cute clothes. ;)
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Exercise? Yes
    Calories? Yes. You are no more surprised than I am. :)
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    Yes x3. A BodyFit by Amy YouTube video.
    My why is to keep up with my kids, to feel strong - and less achy, and to feel more comfortable in my clothes.
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,854 Member
    yes for 3
    0/3 pass days used

    why? to be as lively as I can to enjoy my family. to be around as long as I can.
  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,258 Member
    ✅ Exercise: 70 minutes walking
    ✅ Calories
    ✅ Tracked

    0 pass days used ( )
  • rashel1
    rashel1 Posts: 145 Member
    I like feeling more confident and having more energy.
    Exercise-20 minutes weights
    Tracking-yes, all
    Calories- RIGHT at my goal!
    2 passes remain
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,197 Member
    Thursday February 10

    ✅ Tracking

    ✅ Calories

    ✅ Exercise - indoor treadmill workout + outdoor walk with the pup: total time 50 minutes
    10,000+ steps

    0️⃣ Pass days used

    My why?

    - Reduce my weight and keep it at a lower level to maximize good health.

    - Gain and keep my mobility, strength, and endurance.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Exercise: 44 minutes walking, 46 minutes Peloton

    Tracking: every bite

    Under: yes

    Pass days used - 0/3
  • slimtastesbetter
    slimtastesbetter Posts: 8,104 Member
    3 Yesses today 🙂
    Exercise was a 30 minute walk and 5 minutes using a medicine ball and crunches on a stability ball.

    My Whys: Vanity, Self-confidence, to stay healthy, and to do what I can to avoid a cancer recurrence.🎀
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    pass day again

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Feb 10

    Significant progress in 20 days.
    Significant improvements in what I eat.
    Lowest sat day I’ve eaten since I started tracking 2018.
    Lowest trend weight since Aug 2021!

    I like that I have low-normal blood pressure & a resting heart rate 8 beats lower than in 2018. No, I love that!

    My lungs don’t feel like they are burning on hill climbs.

    My Big Why
    To be able to enjoy active hikes with my. Husband & son (when he visits)!instead of staying home “to rest”

    I like looking better in my clothes, too. LOL

    Also, I like not feeling guilty at the Dr’s office. I know I’m Doing all I can!
  • Winner_in_Life
    Winner_in_Life Posts: 955 Member
    Can someone volunteer to do the opener for the 20th. No experience needed. 😎

    I could try, I guess
  • calvin20874
    calvin20874 Posts: 1,206 Member

    Exercise: 55 minutes weight training, 45 minutes elliptical, 50 minutes stretching and PT exercises

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: under
    Pass days used: 0
  • Caroline_slowandsteady
    Feb 10
    Exercise: 15 minutes stretching, 45 minutes walking (extra long walk since I didn't take one the day before)
    Tracking: Planned the day
    Calories: Followed the plan

    Pass days so far: 2

    My why - that is always a good question to reflect on as it changes somewhat.
    When I first lost weight just after college, it was all about thinking I'd look better if I were skinnier. And also a bit of health concerns. I worked to keep it off because I liked the way I looked and felt.

    When I was pregnant with my almost-10 year old, I started gaining weight like crazy, gaining more than half of my body weight. I remember my ob saying, "Well, you'll have to work really hard to lose this weight after you have the baby!" I wanted to lose the weight to get back to myself again.

    At ~6 month post-partum I developed Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and the endocrine doctor told me that losing weight was the best thing I could do to keep that disease from progressing and impacting my life.

    Now, having been a parent for almost 10 years, the idea of "getting back to myself" by getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight seems absurd. "Myself" is who I am now, with the physical and psychological scars of pregnancy, autoimmune disease, life in a pandemic, parenting, etc. And the idea of getting to my pre-pregnancy weight as the destination seems impossible and arbitrary.

    I think I am beginning to accept that I may be in maintenance. My weight graph for the last month is a straight line. And yesterday I wore my "work" pants for the first time in a long time and they were actually kind of tight, even though I am a few pounds lighter than when I last wore them to work almost 2 years ago.

    I have just barely squeaked into the "healthy" BMI range, so by some measures I have achieved my weight loss goal.

    I think whether I am losing or maintaining, I am trying to live as healthy a life as I can, within the constraints of my life and without giving up all food-related fun. Yeah - I think that's a good goal, and one that I can continue to play with and that might even result in more weight loss over time.
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,503 Member
    ~💖~ 2 / 10 /2022~~ Waving Hi ~~ 🙋🏼 ~~ BLESSings Everyone ~💖~

    Exercise for at least 20 minutes .................................... ✅ ... 180+ min.
    Stay within my calorie budget for the day ...................... ✅ ... I am
    Keep track of everything I ate and drank ....................... ✅ .... I did

    STEPS......... 21,770+.......... 150 = walking ......... 30 cleaning

    While my foot is hurting... I am going to have to cut back a bit on walking as
    well as go at a slower pace.... (wearing my boot)

    #1 Why = To feel Healthy & COMFY & COZY in my Body....

    Documenting My CONSISTANCY = For personal ACCOUNTABILITY & Celebration
    (if there is a P=instead of number its a Pass Day)


    💖 Wishing EVERYONE all the BEST & Much Success 🏆 We Got This 🏆
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,066 Member
    Yes x3
    Monitored sugars under.
    My why? Love throwing on a clothes without feeling bloated. Xo
  • Intrinsicat
    Intrinsicat Posts: 473 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes hour walk half hour zumba
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Why? Short term, so I feel more confident on our cruise in April (these are the goals that keep me from buying the Snickers bar)

    Long term - my mom died at 55 of cancer and my dad died at 64 of heart issues. They both smoked and led sedentary lives. Other generations in our family lived into their 90s - I’m 50 and my mom’s dad is still alive. I’m determined to lead a healthier life in the hopes I can make it a little further into the golden years.