April 27

Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,656 Member
    Caleries yes
    Logged yes
    Exersised yes
  • Winner_in_Life
    Winner_in_Life Posts: 955 Member
    3xyes. Day 14 of Epic II + 2.8km walk + 9km run
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,066 Member
    Pass day ... lost count maybe number 5 or 6!!!!

    @Caroline_slowandsteady love love love this topic. Thank u for your honesty and feeling safe 2 share! Look emotional and celebration eating is set my thing and it def has a hold on me more right now than it has in say the last year and a half! I think mine is with the huge change or returning to work so I am feeling like rewarding myself on my days off or wen I get home from work!!! I also think switching to maintaince for the month has been difficult for me to adjust to. I am not making excuses more just identifying why I hve slipped back in to old habits. I am however not beating myself up as this will only make me feel worst so I am giving myself grace, trying to be mindful and focusing on days I can get thru the day with my 3 yes' s instead of dwelling on the pass days!!! Ur post really resonated with me and I know if we just stick with UAC and not give up on ourselves we will get thru the storm. I think the fact we are honest about it is the biggest step and I hve no doubt u will come back stronger than ever!!! Really looking forward to hearing way others hve to say on this topic. Also I hve been thinking about @biketheworld and @whatnerunning I miss them! Does anyone know where they are? Xo
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member

    1️⃣ Pass Day left

    @Caroline_slowandsteady Great topic.

    This month it’s particularly pertinent, with celebrations for grandson’s birthday, my birthday, Easter, and family entertaining because granddaughter was home for the holiday. These things are part of life, so we need to find a solution for them that works for us, and our particular situation.

    When I was in weigh loss mode, my view was that these times were just a temporary setback. I choose to indulge, but much less than I would have in the past, mainly because of all the effort I was putting into being fit and healthy. It just meant it took a little more time to get where I wanted to be.

    Having reached maintenance before Covid hit, I was determined not to lose ground. I have even managed to drop a little lower and achieved my UGW. The blips are a normal part of the process. I indulge, but make sure I work to redress the balance immediately.

    Small indulgences every day mean that I seldom feel deprived. And my new healthy body tends to give me reminders if I overdo things.

    Nothing tastes as good as being fit and healthy.
  • Jana_2020
    Jana_2020 Posts: 1,246 Member
    Can't really comment as I don't feel like I have a grip on it. It's harder also when you have young ones in the house and their treats are around and visible. Self control and self discipline aren't really my thing unfortunately. I do try to control Christmas eating which is easier for me because I have time off of work and can plan and make calorie wise foods. For Halloween, I buy at the last minute and give out candy that I don't particularly like but my daughter does so any leftovers, she will eat. Not sure what to offer @Caroline_slowandsteady, I'll be right there with you reading successful people's advice.

    No to logging or tracking, yes to exercise although it was shopping. I'm not taking sleeping pills while I'm on vacation and I'm getting really tired now. I'm not cooking as I should be bc I'm tired so I'm nibbling on whatever is easy and available.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,884 Member
    I prelog and plan celebrations. I feel physically and mentally bad when I overeat so its a win win to figure out what I really want and fit it in. Some of it is really just not worth it. Like the folks offering things at work.
  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,255 Member
    ✅ Exercise: 20 minutes walking
    ✅ Calories
    ✅ Tracked

    0 passdays used ( )

    For me, eating while celebrating something has at least two levels, influenced by the social context. I am an introvert who is often out of my comfort zone with the number of people and the level of stimulation at parties or other gatherings for celebrations. Often I attend those gatherings more out of a sense of obligation than a true inner desire to celebrate in that manner. Being aware of my feelings, being mindful and accepting that that is how I am, has been helpful to me. The other thing is planning which exceptions to my usual eating might be ¨worth it¨ if I really want to celebrate. If I am not mindful, I can end up hovering over the food table ¨enjoying¨ (keeping my mind occupied) with the food as a distraction at a large gathering or taking extra on my plate or ordering something indulgent and not fully savoring it. Our cultural expectation is that we eat more and ¨indulge¨ at these times (whether we want to or not.)

    I am especially aware of this today because today we just took my father-in-law out to lunch for his birthday. Since the death of his wife, my 88 year old father-in-law has become extremely radically politically conservative and it has become very hard to just enjoy being with him because he can´t seem to remember that my husband and I do not share or appreciate talking about his political views. (This is a man who at least until quite recently was still doing things like proudly wearing his MAGA hat, which pushes our buttons even when he is not telling me about which propaganda pamphlet he forgot to bring to share with me.) I planned and chose my food (a lunch plate of salmon, brocolli, and side salad) and avoided the croutons, cheddar biscuits, desserts and drinks, but honestly the food was not very good and it was a smaller lunch than I would notrmally eat so the greater risk of emotional eating was when I got back home and was by myself--that was when I really wanted to reward myself and compensate my ¨being good¨ and maintaing respectful behavior toward him by indulging myself. A major strategy I have is not having ¨celebratory¨ foods that are not in my eating plan in the house. So later in the afternoon when I was hungry and craving an indulgence, I managed to limit myself to 4 squares of dark chocolate and a couple tablesspoons of sugar free chocolate chips (about 200 calories of indulgence beyond what would normally be in the plan) before I fixed myself a taco salad that was much better than the restaurant food and felt really satiated.

    For me, the old HALT of emotional eating--- happy, angry, lonely, tired-- applies just as much to happiness as to the negative emotions and really those celebrations for me are often not wholehearted celebrations as much as social obligations that can trigger my ¨inner rebel¨ to demand compensation for ¨being good.¨
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,194 Member
    Thanks for today’s opening post @Caroline_slowandsteady 💐 and Happy Birthday to you! 🥳🥳🥳

    @Mrs_Hoffer posted a link to a helpful article on April 14 (which happened to be my birthday). I posted about it on the 14th — essentially, the article was so helpful, I decided to skip the pass day for a #healthfirst day instead. It felt great.


    I have long struggled with how much of a big deal I make about the eating and food aspects of holidays and celebrations. I have always been overeager to make the most delicious food and to feed everyone. I can skip eating a lot of it myself, but I have become more aware about how unhealthy it is to be so obsessive about food and particularly how I seem to use it to show love. Pretty sure I came by this from my dad who was the same.

    We had a good opportunity last Christmas to scale things back and it taught me a lot. Our daughter’s partner’s sister (same age as our daughter — 28) was close to palliative at that point with ovarian cancer. James would be with us when he could and everything was very relaxed about meals and all the “special dishes” that we may or may not be gathering to enjoy. We ate close to “normal” for most of the holiday period and we all confirmed we felt better for it. I was able to release myself from the sense of guilt that I wasn’t making all the food that normally (I thought) was the source of so much of the joy, and for that holiday, stopped trying to make everyone happy through food. 💡💡💡

    We skipped a big Easter food celebration this year and instead kept it healthy and moderate. It will take me much more practice, but this has been a wake up, and I think one our whole family needed. Food is a cultural element of our celebrations, but it isn’t the reason for the celebration. I am not helping myself or my family when I keep making so much of the focus about food. I am still learning. 🥰
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,194 Member
    edited April 2022
    Well done today on ✅✅✅

    bON @SummerSkier Pre-logging and planning for celebrations is such a successful approach. I know what you mean by the feeling better physically and mentally when I have more agency in the intentional plan for enjoyment and in keeping moderation in mind.

    Svetlana @Winner_in_Life — great workout!

    Terri @TerriRichardson112 You have a great strategy ensuring you allow yourself small indulgences each day and having learned to listen to the cues your healthy body sends you 💐

    Kate @snowshoe072 I really like your approach to treating each day like an ordinary day. 🌷
  • jmu1965
    jmu1965 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, Pahla B Cardio
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • victorious55
    victorious55 Posts: 3,325 Member
    April 27, 2022

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Habits to maintain this month:
    Kitchen Closed? Yes
    Did you go "nuts" with nuts today? No (17 days -free)
    Within Sugar macro today? Yes (14 days)

    Pass day 7/3 (this is for accountability to myself and my records).

    I have learned to focus on the occasion instead of the food. I have come to hate the feeling of being sick, etc. the next next day. Therefore, eating in moderation goes for celebrations. This month is one of celebrations in my family. Birthdays, Easter, conferences, etc., etc.,. Deliberate activities to celebrate the occasion has really help me and my family.
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,194 Member
    Well done today Susan on finding your path to managing what would have been a very uncomfortable experience. That sense of entitlement to “compensation” or “reward” for being good or just because we “deserve” something is truly double edged. And you managed yourself so well today in the face of it. 💐 @ideas2 Super ✅✅✅ day — especially after knowing the story behind the day.

    Champion behaviour posting today Jana and Donna and thank you both for sharing so openly and honestly. @Jana_2020 @donna25trinity 🌷💗🌷
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,194 Member
    Wednesday April 27
    ✅ Exercise - morning core and stretching; two outdoor walks.
    ✅ Tracked it all
    ✅ Calories on point (did not use any exercise calories today 🥳🥳🥳)

    2 pass days used
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 46 minutes walking, 46 minutes Peloton, 5 minutes stretching
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Pass days used - 9 or 10?

    I am definitely a recovering celebratory eater ;) The problem with my prior ways is that EVERYTHING was a celebration. I still feel these urges to enjoy every moment of life through food but I manage through this with the following general tactics:

    -Have a plan before the celebration. If I know what the food will be, pre-log and pre-track. If I don't, go in at least knowing I'm going to mentally select portions that will fit within my remaining calories.
    -Define what is a true celebration and set myself to just below maintenance calories on that day to give myself a bit of space to enjoy.
    -Find other ways to enjoy life. I used to get SO much of my daily joy from food. I still love my moments I eat and find a lot of pleasure in it, but I have to keep that in check. Sometimes it just requires mental discipline when all else fails as it can be super tough but I've just gotten to the point where the outcome of making choices has become so motivating it trumps the joy I used to get from overeating.

  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,194 Member
    Such great insights @victorious55 and @ashleycarole86 and way to go in each posting a ✅✅✅ day 💐💐

    Well done Jill on a great day - hope you are feeling much better this week? 🌸 @jmu1965
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Exercise? Yes
    Tracking? Calories
    Calories? No