May 10



  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Exercise? Walk, 1 mile
    Under calories? Nope
    Tracked meals? Nope
    Pass Days? All used
    Water? Nope
    Apple Cider Vinegar? Yes

    I got 2 out of 6 of my goals completed today. Pretty hungry and forgot to track as I ate. Gonna keep going :smiley:

  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,255 Member
    edited May 2022
    ✅ Exercise: 45 minutes swimming
    ✅ Calories
    ✅ Tracked

    0 passdays used ( )

    I have been thinking a lot lately about what I read in ¨Atomic Habits¨ about findings of the high rates of heroine addiction among soldiers in Vietnam during the war and how surprisingly few of them struggled with addiction to heroine when their environment changed back to the U.S. The book talks about how important the environment, and taking control over it is, and how much the habits are affected by signals from the environment.

    So for my backup plan, I want to include an emphasis on things that take me out of the toxic food environment of the American culture, which is basically what I have done on a larger scale with my husband since retirement. I think if I find I am again reverting back to old overeating habits instead of my current lifestyle, I will have to focus harder on real whole foods, avoiding added sugars and flours, planning, meditating, being willing to assert myself in social situations, refusing to accept the cultural standards (stuff like baking at Christmas) and allowing myself time for self hypnosis and/or meditation.

    A key way for me to reset is using some self hypnosis scripts that I have-- Darcy Buhler´s ¨Think Yourself Thin¨ which basically helps with the mental part of the stuff above.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,300 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 👍🏻
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? 👍🏻
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? 👍🏻

    (Documenting consistency (if there is a P=instead of number its a Pass Day)
    UAC: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28

    May goals
    1 Miracle Morning ~ S.A.V.E.R.S
    2 Wake up EARLY for meditation
    3 Yoga (5/6 times weekly)
    4. Minimum sweets (work them in my calorie goal)
    5. 30 day squat challenge 6. No late night snacking
    7. Daily journal logging
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 78 minutes walking, 31 minutes Peloton, 5 minutes stretching
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Pass days used - 0

    How do I stop these behaviors and get the momentum going again?
    I think my backup plan is to become so ingrained in my habits that it feels wrong NOT to do the things I plan to do.
    I also think assessing why I want to skip the thing, not do the thing, etc. is usually helpful. If it's not critical to miss the thing for some emergency reason, I do it anyway, because often when I start (like riding the Peloton, for example), I'm glad I did. If I had set the intention to do it in the first place, I know my reason to try to avoid it is not usually worth entertaining.
    I also try to let critical thoughts of the past go. Sure, these slip ups are something to learn from, but if I panic and try to overcorrect, that doesn't help.
    The journey is long. There are many days laid out in front of us to be our best selves. I think about this stuff way too often as it is, so I just try to keep it positive and light. Now that habits and strategies are set, I focus on executing the plan one moment at at time.

    Good topic to get us thinking @MadisonMolly2017
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    3x yes
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    May 10, 2022

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, Iron Series by Caroline Girvan
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Habits to maintain this month:
    Kitchen Closed? Yes
    Did you go "nuts" with nuts today? No (9 days -free)
    Within Sugar macro today? Yes (7days)

    Pass day 1/3 (this is for accountability to myself and my records).

    Thanks @MadisonMolly2017
    My emergency plan starts with forgiving myself.
    1. I talk a lot to myself and assure myself. I am very good at prep talking to myself :) I have a list of sentences I say to myself during this period.
    2. I start my reset immediately. There is no next month, next week, etc. (because when you break 1 plate, you do not take all the plates in your cupboard/cabinet and break them all :'( ) That is one of the things I say to myself.
    3. I have a 10 days good menu that I know works for me. I start my reset with this menu. Then I add other good days' menu from MFP.

    Some of the sentences I say to myself. Hopefully, it might help anyone here.
    1. Nobody fall in a muddy place and walk around with the mud on their body. They immediately take care of themselves.
    2. You do not slip on on 1 stairs and then consciously roll down the other stairs. You will hurt yourself.
    3. You don't break 1 of your plates and then open your cupboard/cabinet, bring out the other plates and break them. So why do you want to keep going down this path? Time to reset!
    4. There is a saying in my mother's tongue that goes like this "the person that hangs around a smelly place/poop for a long time will have flies as their friends and maggots as their companion". This sentence is very deep in meaning and always gets me moving immediately to reset.

    My suggestion is come up with the menu that will help you jumpstart your reset button. You can build your menu from your good days in MFP.
    Make a list of motivating, encouraging sentences to move you forward.

    Thank you so much @victorious55!!

    I’m going to use all of your ideas!

    10 years of maintenance!! Bravo!!
  • lesdarts180
    lesdarts180 Posts: 2,789 Member
    Coming here and reporting regardless, Champions in the making!

    @atoina, very honest, shame you couldn’t manage the exercise.
    @enlightenme3, I hate dentist appointments!
    @1stplace4health, you did the exercise! Well done.

    Pass days are OK - just keep trying and you will get there.
  • Winner_in_Life
    Winner_in_Life Posts: 955 Member
    May 10, 2022

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, Iron Series by Caroline Girvan
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Habits to maintain this month:
    Kitchen Closed? Yes
    Did you go "nuts" with nuts today? No (9 days -free)
    Within Sugar macro today? Yes (7days)

    Pass day 1/3 (this is for accountability to myself and my records).

    Thanks @MadisonMolly2017
    My emergency plan starts with forgiving myself.
    1. I talk a lot to myself and assure myself. I am very good at prep talking to myself :) I have a list of sentences I say to myself during this period.
    2. I start my reset immediately. There is no next month, next week, etc. (because when you break 1 plate, you do not take all the plates in your cupboard/cabinet and break them all :'( ) That is one of the things I say to myself.
    3. I have a 10 days good menu that I know works for me. I start my reset with this menu. Then I add other good days' menu from MFP.

    Some of the sentences I say to myself. Hopefully, it might help anyone here.
    1. Nobody fall in a muddy place and walk around with the mud on their body. They immediately take care of themselves.
    2. You do not slip on on 1 stairs and then consciously roll down the other stairs. You will hurt yourself.
    3. You don't break 1 of your plates and then open your cupboard/cabinet, bring out the other plates and break them. So why do you want to keep going down this path? Time to reset!
    4. There is a saying in my mother's tongue that goes like this "the person that hangs around a smelly place/poop for a long time will have flies as their friends and maggots as their companion". This sentence is very deep in meaning and always gets me moving immediately to reset.

    My suggestion is come up with the menu that will help you jumpstart your reset button. You can build your menu from your good days in MFP.
    Make a list of motivating, encouraging sentences to move you forward.

    Thank you! I LOVE this :)
  • Caramel_Apple
    Caramel_Apple Posts: 2,156 Member
    yes x3
    0/3 pass days used
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,270 Member
    @victorious55 - I wish there was a “love” button for your post. Thanks for those awesome reminders/sayings. And now I have to ask, what is your mothers language?

    A 3 “yes” day
    Pass days: 1/3
  • jmu1965
    jmu1965 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • SilverSage1
    SilverSage1 Posts: 54 Member
    edited May 2022
    Exercise - ✅
    Calories - ✅
    Tracking - ✅

    Still 2/3

    @victorious55 Great thoughts! I’m saving those to use in my weak moments.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    @victorious55 thank you for your inspiring & helpful post. That’s a great idea to choose 10 days from my days that have worked. And I love yo try ur quotes. Thank you.

    May 10
    Exercise yes
    Tracked yes
    Calories no
    Passes used up.

    May 2022-UAC goals: 1/7 days. Hopefully, I will start to post some more successful days of reaching the goals.
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    Daily Check-In Date: Tuesday May 10th

    Did I track everything? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie range? Yes calories were 1,413
    If calories were over for the day, was the difference walked off before bed?

    How many miles on Treadmill today? 1.46 miles
    Treadmill Days are Mon thru Fri and Sat & Sun Off
    Active for 20 minutes on Sat & Sun

    Progression of weekly 1.5-to-2-pound lost goal: 3.2 at the moment
    Did I drink my daily water goal? 5 out of 7
    Pass Day Count: 2/3
    Last Month Pass Day Count: Skipped April so that would be 30

    May Goals: After the emoji is the progress on each goal.
    Track calories immediately after each meal 💙 I set the notifications up for this in the app so once the habit is built up again I will remove this from my goal list. :)
    Cook at home - eat out twice a month 💙 Aiming for 2 Fridays out of the month
    Use my food scale to measure everything.
    Use my ramekins for measuring individual servings to learn and control correct portion sizes for me and my son.
    Learn there are no "good" and "bad" foods and I am not on a diet anymore 💙 I have this drilled deep in my brain so this will take a while to unlearn - all food is ok if it is within my calorie range :)
    No more starting and stopping because I am not on a diet anymore. 💙 No more diets. Period.
    Learn how to have a sustainable healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life 💙 Track, Food Scale and Portion Control, Exercise, and well-balanced meals. Not-so-healthy foods are ok once in a while.
    Fine-tune meals to get within calorie range 💙 Breakfast is planned out. Lunch is next. Dinner will be open for whatever using the remaining calories.
    Learn that going over calorie range for a meal or a day is not a "failed diet for the month". 💙 This is a new one for me and I think a mental game-changer once I fully grasp this concept.
    If calories are over for that day, need to walk them off before bed. 💙 This is new as well. I am trying to replace my "diet mindset" with a "healthy weight management mindset". It is not the end of the world if I go over my calories for a meal because I can walk off the extra calories before bed.
    Use fewer pass days in May than I did in April
    Get back on my treadmill

    <End of Check-In Post>

    As for today's discussion - I think this is a wonderful topic, I do not have a safety plan so I am hoping to pull ideas from this, or a summary could be posted on this topic? I will say that I started counseling for dealing with the abuse from my ex-husband and one of the main points that helped me and I still use for other areas of life when I get nervous or stuck in a pattern of thinking - is to use what my counselor taught me which was developing a safety plan. The general formula is when X happens, do 1-2-or-3. This helps me keep moving forward and not worry, or give up on whatever is the issue. So I definitely will be coming up with ideas for developing a safety plan for when things go haywire on my diet. However, I must admit that since I have changed over to "maintenance calories for my healthy goal weight" and using that instead of the standard 1200 calorie diet I do, I am eating more, not hungry or thinking about food all day, and well below my maintenance calorie number of 1611. So I think that this will help me a lot since I have more choices now and not so restrictive of a diet.

    I do know that before with my roller coaster yo-yo diets, I go full speed ahead with treadmill every day and tracking, and only allowed 1200 calories per day which basically is eating the same thing every single day. Then once I got happy with the results and down to a size 4 and 145 pounds I started skipping treadmill and tracking and started eating "normal" foods again - which then the flood gates broke and I couldn't stop eating all the foods I did not allow myself to eat when I was on my diet and it all came back.

    I will definitely be coming back to today's post and see what ideas this group has on this topic. For right now, I am learning that if I do "fall down" I just need to get right back up and keep moving forward. One meal that went over the calories or a day that went over the calorie limit is not the end of the world. I can simply walk off the extra calories that day. This is helping me not be so rigid in my thinking and learning to be more flexible in my diet...umm healthy lifestyle....I am not sure what to call "it" I am so used to "diet".

    Off to the treadmill shortly and then I need to prepare for a phone interview tomorrow morning. 🙏🙏 Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited May 2022
    3 yeses. 1 pass day used for the month
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,500 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? yes

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? yes

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? yes