TGIF Cuppa Joe: 5.20.22

DocSkippy Posts: 7,238 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

“You can usually tell that a man is good if he has a dog who loves him.” – W. Bruce Cameron


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,238 Member

    Nothing wakes you up more quickly than turning the corner into your strip mall Starbucks and see about 100 FBI agents in tac/swat gear conducting maneuvers in an abandoned supermarket. Fascinating to see if not a little harrowing too.

    90+ yesterday meant afternoon pool time. Tucker started getting curious. Today we meet trainer at 1030 for more training and getting him comfortable with swimming.


    Good luck managing DMIL while DW is away, Sam! I can send mine to keep her company?

    Hows the A/C holding up, Dennis? Seems like the beginning of the hottest part of the year is when they choose to break down! Ugh....

    Hot weekend forecasted - so planning on extra patio/lounge/pool time.

    TGIF! Be safe.

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,896 Member
    Mornin' BBB

    That pool looks so inviting, Skip. Tucker doesn't look stressed. The most important thing is to let him do it himself and not rush him. It should come eventually, especially since he is so attached to you.
    Does the trainer have you giving Tucker a demo by tossing a beer into the pool and having you dive in for it?
    Hot weekend is no joke. Our club's field trial is this weekend and the temps are supposed to hit the mid 90s both Sat and Sun. We must have angered the Gods somehow. Temps are just up this weekend. Yesterday was cool and Monday it will be back to cool. We will be starting at 7 am and hopefully done running dogs by 1pm.

    BBB OP ;-)

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,826 Member
    Good Morning
    Very noisy here this morning, got here a few minutes after 6 and started tearing off roof; say they should finish up by 4
    Kelly, our house is lucky if it gets completely cleaned weekly; if someone is coming to see how clean we keep the house they might as well not come. Kitchen cleaned daily, bed spread up daily and try to keep picked up, floors get cleaned couple times a week and dusting done about weekly. We are past that stage in life where we feel we need to impress anyone.
    Will be mid 90's today, feel for those on roof.
    Skip, you have really slimmed down, were it not for white beard you could pass for 30's
    Those out in heat stay hydrated
    Hopefully DW will be back this morning and relieve me of DMIL duty; I've got Toad sitting out ready to go somewhere.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,684 Member
    Good morning BBB

    No luck on the electric issue at ds2s. He needs an electrician to deal with it .

    Tuc looks happy! Skip does Too!

    I got an apology email from boss as to how screwed up his HQ is this last 2 weeks while he was away...and what a great job I do. Ha. Just keep my pay coming!

    Ride safe on those bear tracks Steph yikes!

    Enjoy your ds1 home Kelly

    Good luck at the trials this weekend Lee

    Happy roofing for Sams house, have dmil sit outside in shade and supervise the crew lol.

    Dennis, they're lucky to have your IT

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,167 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Heat? 90s? AC? ... I can hear the furnace running. Sigh.

    I wish we had a pool for Sassy to play in. When we have taken her to the shore of Puget Sound, she runs right out in the water, but hasn't done any swimming, despite her webbed toes.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,803 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • I don't want to try your diet plan Skip but there's no denying the WL.
    • The A/C is working which is good because Lou sent all his hot TX air east. The question is how long it will work. The outside unit has a leak in the coil. Two years ago, it was the coil in the inside unit. At this point we don't know if it is a slow leak or something bigger. The part is under warranty, but the labor and refrigerant are not and would cost about $1300. I would replace the system, but I don't have confidence in any of the new ones. Mary, I don't think you sell residential, but do you have a recommendation?
    • I have nothing on my agenda today and that's what I am going to do.
    • Good luck with the trials Lee.
  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning.

    I'll agree with Sam. I wouldn't want to follow your method Skip, but I can't argue with the results.

    We may get rain today or tomorrow (more likely) that's supposed to break the heat spell and drop us back to the 80's.
  • raineray
    raineray Posts: 2,196 Member
    Good Morning BBB -
    Connecting on FB is not enough so I'm baaaak!

    - pool time here and in summer no heater necessary - YIPPEE!

    Skip - I would not say 30s but darn good! Bravo!
    Sam - how many days will they be working on your roof?
    Lee - good luck at the trial this weekend - sorry about the heat
    Lou - Texas is hotter than FL - enjoy the 80s
    Kelly - enjoy DS1 being home
    Dennis - good luck with the AC
    Mary - hopefully DS2 finds a reasonable electrician
    David - I remember living in the PNW - heat on lots of the time

    Do good out there everyone ❤️

  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,993 Member
    Morning BBB

    I'm longing for a pool. It got into the 30's last night so Ron has the fire going. Will br vsck to 70's tomorrow. Too windy to ride yesterday so moved our rest day. Which means we need to get out today.

    Also have a haircut appointment in town and want to check out the brewery.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,803 Member
    Welcome back Raine. We missed you.
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,238 Member
    RAINE! YAY! So great to see / welcome you and #Larry back!! We've all missed you!!!!

    I'd settle for 40's :wink:
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,684 Member
    Hi Rsine. We love and miss You!

    Dennis: "You can't stop a Trane" at least thats what they say! I'm happy with our 2010 Trane A/C. Its only had cleanings by a hvac tec everyother year. 11yrs old now.. Even though Trane HQ is here in LaCrosse Wisconsin. The guts come from Mexico. I do business with Trane. York, Daikin and others. Their guts come out of China.

    As a past China parts importer's the thing these Fort500 USA companies and gov do imo, they bamboozle the American consumers with Made in U.S.A. As long as you assemble the foreign parts in the USA to make your product, and have some small % of USA components or paint, labels, wires, etc. You can label it and sell as made in the USA.

    I'd talk to a hvac technician that Does NOT sell or rep any specific brand A/C and get their feedback. When only have AC on 3 months of use yours way more!?
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,167 Member
    Our daughter-in-law's dad is an HVAC tech. He mostly works commercial and government accounts, but a number of years back he and I (mostly he) added AC to our house. As with many appliances, he says there are a couple of companies that make almost all of the AC units sold in the US. They just put different labels and color schemes on them. He got us a previous year's model at below cost. I have no idea what brand it is, but it has worked flawlessly for the last seven or eight years, with no maintenance at all.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,803 Member
    edited May 2022
    I've been a big Trane fan in the past. My neighbor had a high-end Trane installed last year and has had nothing but problems since. There is not a Trane dealer close which is also a concern. Apparently in the last 10 years some of the manufacturers switched from copper to aluminum coils. It hasn't worked out well. Dave is right about there are only a few manufacturers who each make multiple brands. The local dealers are pushing Carrier.

    I'm just grateful it's working now. Our unit is actually a heat pump so it's used most of the year.