The silence is killing me ๐Ÿ˜ญ

mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
Hopefully with SPRING around the corner, this group will pick up some activity. If anyone here uses Garmin activity trackers - I have a "Horse People!" group there. We usually have 2 challenges each month: 1 for most steps in a week, and the other for Horseback ride distance. Feel free to join :smiley:


  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    If not...
    No matter, I'm here for the long haul ๐Ÿค 
    And if no one shows up to chat, I'll just talk to myself ๐Ÿ˜œ
    It'll be a great place to keep notes for my own personal horses & goals ๐Ÿ˜
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    I've been riding for exercise since the beginning of the year - treadmill or indoor running off it's just too cold or precipitating - & it's working very well! Slate since the beginning, but just in the last few weeks, I've also started riding Sunny. Riding both in the same day really burns the calories and I'm seeing results in all 3 of us ๐Ÿค . Today, I rode both and the real feel temp was 27ยฐF with mud - ice everywhere. I'm really looking forward to warmer/dryer conditions.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    I hate that the groups are no longer on the main page. I always forget to come look for new posts!

    I don't have a Garmin. I'm a Fitbit gal (as you probably know from my exercise log entries). I have hardly been riding at all over the last year, but today I got on a lesson horse and it felt soooooo good! I know my legs will be sore tomorrow (she's a kick-start), but it was well worth it. We did two run-throughs of a training level dressage test and my instructor said I looked great. I'm very happy! :smile:

    Sorry about your riding conditions. There is no way we'd be out if it were 27 degrees! This morning it was in the 40s and I was all bundled up with my long johns under my breeches, but it got up to 76 this afternoon.
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    Have you ever received automatic notifications when there is a post in your groups. I haven't, but I only started using this platform consistently since last summer. I submitted a request to the MFP Help, but haven't received a reply.

    I follow your logs daily, so I know your a FitBit gal. And its obviously working for you. Not sure I'll ever be as consistent as you though - over 3000 days for your streak is amazing. And congrats on getting back in the saddle (its almost therapeutic, hey?)

    Anyway, I'm hoping to get much more consistent with checking this group. Chatting with others about their horse activities is so motivating for me.
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    Well, I got a reply...

    Durden (MyFitnessPal)
    Feb 15, 2022, 8:54 AM PST

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us and for the great suggestion to add push notifications to Groups. We do not currently offer this as a feature, but will definitely consider it for a future update.

    We love when our members help us try to improve. If you have not yet already, we would greatly appreciate you joining our Beta team as well. For more details on our Beta program please see:

    In the meantime, thanks so much for using the program. Please let us know if you have any additional feedback or questions. We wish you all the success in reaching and maintaining your weight management and fitness goals.

    Kind Regards,
    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    Wanted to post a couple pictures from today but couldn't do it on my phone. So I had to log in on my PC to share...

    Got to ride 3 times today! 1st with my mom for a "Riding for Fitness" session to help her get back into heathy exercise.

    Meet my Mamma - with Slate ๐ŸŽ

    I rode Sunny while she rode Slate ๐Ÿ‡

    Then my usual strength building rides - 1ride for both horses. I had a really great day ๐Ÿคฉ
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lovely pictures! Sorry about the reply you got from MFP. Oh, well.

    I just got back from vacation with my family. We took a 7 day cruise out of Galveston and my pony tried to colic while I was in Mexico. Ugh! She's okay, but I did not need that added stress! In am hoping to ride this weekend, but we'll see how it goes. I do need the exercise after all that cruise indulgence! :lol:
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    Oh Man!!! I'm so JEALOUS! I love cruise vacations - I've been lucky enough to have gone 4 times in my adult life. Hoping to go again soon (maybe for our 25th year anniversary). I'm so glad to hear your horse is okay. I imagine that took some of the fun out of your vacation ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    So, I've been asked by a couple people now about "Riding for Fitness". This is just something I made up to encourage my Mamma to get into healthy exercise. She's 5'2" and over 200# so right now we ride 10 -15 minutes at the walk only to stretch her legs & groin, with focus on engaging her core muscles for better balance & body control. As she gets fitter & more flexible, we will increase the the ride time & move up to the trot and repeat the exercises - both sitting & posting. Really, I'm just making it all up as I go ๐Ÿคช.


    Hubby was awesome and snapped this photo of us yesterday...
  • TrailRider53
    TrailRider53 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know if I am doing this correctly! I'm trying to respond to mgood4x4! I just joined MyFitnessPal today, and I am not great with technology.

    Mouse_Potato, so sorry about your pony but glad she's okay. What kind of pony/what do you do with her? I have an 11 hand pony I drive and am just getting back into riding after a couple of years off when I had to put my 34 year old horse down, and I Just couldn't find a suitable replacement. Last fall, I bought an unbroke 4 year old stallion, and I think he's going to be the one! I had him gelded, and my husband has been training him when he has time.

    mgood4x4 - Sooooo cool you are taking care of your mom like this! I bet that riding will make her feel great!

    I started back to teaching this year after many years of being away, and boy, it threw me for a loop. I think next year will be much better! Times HAVE changed. I pretty much ate my way through the year! Today was my LAST day, so now I am looking forward to 2 months of daily riding with my new guy!

    This is me riding Viktor back in March. Haven't been on him since. He had about 12 rides on him in these pictures. Oh, and I couldn't leave Judy, the pony, out!

    I can't wait to hear from you all! I have 45 pounds to lose, btw!!



  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    Great pictures, ladies!

    @TrailRider53 She isn't *really* a pony. She's a 14.3 Arabian mare. I just call her my pony as I call my cats kittens and used to call my dog puppy (I had to put her down two years ago). It's an endearment. Not that she endears herself to me regularly! :lol: She started acting up back in January, so we've gone back to basics - ground work, round penning, etc.. The vet says she's fine, but she sure does have attitude!

    We're heading into the worst of summer, so not much riding going on now. We've been under heat advisories all week and there is no relief for the foreseeable future. This coming Saturday we are going to try to ride two hours earlier and see how that goes. Otherwise, we won't be too active until October!
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    edited June 2022
    @TrailRider53 - Welcome to the group! Unfortunately, not a very active group, but I like the conversations we have her when they happen. I blame MFP indirectly for the inactivity of the groups because there is no notification of new activity or comments unless you deliberately check the community page daily. Otherwise, I would've replied to your post weeks ago ๐Ÿ˜…

    Anyway, your new guy is lovely! Looks like a nice, calm, levelheaded kind of mount that I hope I can find when I have to retire my boys. How's your daily riding coming along. I'm guessing by your username that you love to trail ride, but would love to hear more about you & him. Breed, size, plan for your riding or competition? Maybe where you ride - I see an arena space, and somewhat wooded trail in your pics.

    UPDATE on Mom's Riding for Fitness... Well she injured her back somehow and her doctor told her not to do any strenuous activity (or ride) until it was completely healed. She had lost 20# and was up to 60 minute rides at the walk & trot before the injury almost 3 months ago. Now she is making excuses like "its too hot", "I'm too tired", or "too busy". She says she will start again after the summer when her family reunions are over. I guess we'll see. I do give the horses days off if there is excessive heat, or chores that hubby & I have to work on together. But I still try to ride both horses at least 3 days per week.

    @Mouse_Potato - as a fellow Arabian owner, I really like the size definition for the breed on Wikipedia. Not a pony regardless of actual size and able to handle heavier tasks than one would suspect due to bone density. That's why I am comfortable riding my 13.2 Sunny while still 160#. He is pony-sized but horse-strong and carries my extra weight quite well ๐Ÿคฉ cusodc5rv9zv.jpg
    Educational size description copied from - "The breed standard stated by the United States Equestrian Federation, describes Arabians as standing between 14.1 to 15.1 hands (57 to 61 inches, 145 to 155 cm) tall, "with the occasional individual over or under". Thus, all Arabians, regardless of height, are classified as "horses", even though 14.2 hands (58 inches, 147 cm) is the traditional cutoff height between a horse and a pony. A common myth is that Arabians are not strong because they are relatively small and refined. However, the Arabian horse is noted for a greater density of bone than other breeds, short cannons, sound feet, and a broad, short back, all of which give the breed physical strength comparable to many taller animals. Thus, even a smaller Arabian can carry a heavy rider."
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    As I said, it's just an endearment. My last horse was a 16.3 Thoroughbred and I called her my pony as well! :lol: I have no doubt that Princess is stronger than many horses her height. She's very stout for an Arabian - broad in the chest and round through the barrel. Definitely an easy keeper. I had to order a custom saddle for her as most horses as broad as she is don't have that short Arabian back!
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    edited June 2022
    I totally understand your endearment! I was the same with my 13 year old Mastiff with his gray muzzle - I got some pretty weird looks ๐Ÿคช

    I just wanted to share the description in case anyone felt the need to comment about the pics of me riding Sunny. It wouldn't be the 1st time (& probably not the last either) for someone to declare me too large for him.
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member

    Rather than just accepting the silence & inactivity in this group, I've decided to post updates for my horse life here. I invite ANYONE to comment, and/or join in with their own updates. All activity is welcome ๐Ÿ˜.

    I have been using Equilab to track all my horse activities - except chores which I track with my Lily. Unfortunately, looking back I realized I only rode 6 days last month. I'm such a horrible horse owner. After all, they need exercise too! Anyway, I plan to do much better this month - 15 days is my goal ๐Ÿค 


  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nice work! My girl is currently in "boot camp" with a professional trainer, so I won't be riding her again until sometime in October. In the meantime, I will happily follow your progress!
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    @Mouse_Potato - just curious... what are you having you're trainer with on with your girl?

    Well my intention was there, but I haven't ridden since my last post. Friday was gorgeous, but Hubby & I went to his appointment to finally get his tooth implant finished (took over a year total) so we celebrated with a night out. Then it rained yesterday & today, so hopefully I can get out there tomorrow.

    Anyone else use Equilab?
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    edited September 2022
    Ugh! Typo in my last message. That's what I get when I'm typing messages on my phone after midnight ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    I meant... @Mouse_Potato - just curious... what are you having you're trainer WORK on with your girl?

    Anyway, I DID get back in the saddle today ๐Ÿ˜ Ride was cut short due to pouring rain, but it was good.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    @mgood4x4 No worries! Sorry for the delay. Got my COVID booster and I've been dealing with fever and fatigue.

    So, I've had my girl for several years now. We started with a trainer who was very strict (not abusive, but very firm). I rode with that trainer for many many years and adopted most of her tools and techniques. Then we moved to a different barn where I started working with a trainer who is very touchy-feely. She believes in discipline, but is super careful to make sure there isn't a physical cause before assuming naughtiness. I definitely support being fair to my horse, so we've been pretty cautious about asking her to work when we think she might be hurting. Well, we took it too far (I suspect). I have had multiple vets look her over. I have bought supplements. I have paid for joint injections. Massages. Chiropractors. ANYTHING I could do to make her comfortable. And it seems that she works okay for a few weeks and then has another "injury" or pain that has her refusing to move forward and sometimes throwing little tantrums. My old trainer would have told me "make her do it," but my current trainer is more "stop everything and let's look at her."

    Well, as you know, Arabians are pretty smart. I think she's figured out how to get out of work. I mean, it's possible that it's all legitimate, but we haven't gotten anywhere with her in an embarrassingly long time, so I finally got fed up and contacted another trainer. He has many decades of experience and is very well regarded in the community. I agreed to give him complete control over her for 90 days to see what he can do with her. I spoke with him briefly yesterday and he wants me to come out and watch a training session on Thursday morning. He's been working with her for 60 days now. I am very eager to hear what he has to say. Maybe she's a brat. Maybe the problem is me. I just need to know what to do to fix it.
  • mgood4x4
    mgood4x4 Posts: 72 Member
    edited September 2022
    @Mouse_Potato - Smart ๐Ÿด pony! So what did your trainer say on Thursday?

    I like to think I'm a fair but firm leader. I say if they feel good enough or have enough energy to do the wrong thing, then they are good enough to do the right thing. I will stop and test if I think something is wrong - but the test is light groundwork in a small pen, then grooming, and a little more ground work. Then turn loose. If ๐ŸŽ casually leaves or seams painful I will figure out why. If horse leaves quickly to get away from me & work, then he's good to work! I'm not sure I explained it quite right, but you get the picture ๐Ÿ˜ I'm also more suspicious of learned behavior, rather than physical issues when I have to test. And even if I'm wrong and there is some minor physical issue, normally exercise improves it (what don't kill me, only makes me stronger ๐Ÿ˜‰).

    Anyway, I took time to ride more this week than I have all month & feeling pretty good about it. Hopefully, I can take the time ride both ๐ŸŽ again today ๐Ÿค 

  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    @mgood4x4 Nice riding!

    I met with the trainer on Thursday morning and he basically confirmed everything I suspected. My mare is a spoiled brat! :lol: He said she fought him for the first 40 days, at one point opening her mouth as wide as she could and just... SCREAMING to anyone who would listen! She did some bucking and spinning and just generally made a drama queen of herself every time he asked her to do anything. But he was unfazed. He let her throw her fit and then asked again. When I saw her on Thursday he walked, trotted, cantered, backed, and did laterals without so much as a mare glare. He said she's really a sweet horse (I knew that). Doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She just figured out how to get out of work and she used it. He's got a few more weeks with her and then it's my turn. I just hope the weather cools down by mid-October. It's way too hot to ride right now!