Introduce yourself

SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
edited July 2022 in Social Groups
Introduce yourself here. For instance: who are you, what is your MFP and weight history, what do you hope to find here, what is your personal goal to achieve by Christmas 2022?


  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    My name is Simon and I am from the Netherlands. I've been yoyo-ing up and down in weight for years and want to get in shape in the coming months: reduce stress, loose weight and get more physically active. I like walking with my wife and kids, I have a spinning bike in my house and I'm a wannabe golfer. I work in healthcare, more than full-time, which makes working out enough a challenge (esp. in COVID times).
    I started MFP almost 1 year ago and found it to be very helpful (lost almost 4 kg) for a couple of months but fell off the wagon due to very busy private and work life and consequent sleep loss and lack of physical activity. Gained the same 4 kg (and then some). My goal for this time will not only be to loose weight and PA but also to manage stress and sleep because otherwise it won't work.
    Happy to meet you!
  • xzombie4ux
    xzombie4ux Posts: 7 Member

    My name is Valentine, and I'm from the southern U.S. I'm a fairly young adult and all my life, I've been considered overweight or obese. On Christmas Day 2021, I realized that at 240 lbs (108.86 kg), I had probably gotten a little out of control, and that I would love to be considered a healthy weight for once in my adult life. I've since lost nearly 60 lbs (27.22 kg), and I would love to keep that progress going and finish out the year strong.

    My main goal is to continue losing weight at this rate, as well as keep up with regular exercise, as I am a full-time student. I can't wait to see where I'll be this Christmas!

    It's great to meet you!

  • mummermike8
    mummermike8 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I'm Michael and I'm from the eastern USA. I'll be 58 in September, had some health problems and need to get healthy. I'm currently at 244lbs and want to get to 180. I have little to no support at this time so I hope to find it here. Best of luck to everyone on their journey.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Hi, I’m Nan from Scotland.
    Age 67
    As active as my age allows
    Have 20 lbs I’d like to lose and reckon if I took myself in hand I could lose it all by Christmas.
    I’m in other groups on here which challenge me to do my best for me.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Hiya, Jennifer here for check-in!
    Looking forward to the kick start of my re-start (of many). 38, single momma of an almost 3 y/o little man. I struggle with "me time" right now like any single parent. Just trying to find my groove meanwhile being present for my little guy (he only grows up once)!
    I have been obese my entire life - at my lowest I was 240ish lbs, highest 340ish (ugh!)
    I want to be around for my son and be able to play with him as he grows!
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @SimpleSimonEU Have you made a plan so have something to work from to get in the relaxation, exercise, sleep you need?
    @xzombie4ux you obviously have a plan that’s working, maybe you could share an outline of your days to help others see how it can be done
    @mummermike8 have you been losing any weight so far? Have you made a plan? Do you exercise daily?
    @EmotionalEater84 being a full time carer is hard whatever the age of the person you care for but you have to get some aaahhh time every day as with Simon do you have a plan for your days?

    I’m retired and single, sharing my home with mum (91). Life can be very demanding and hectic when I have planned a heavy housework day and she wants to keep stopping me to chat.
    Our day goes something like this
    I get up earlier than mum and get in an hour of exercise (when it’s dry it doubles up as me time because I walk in the countryside)
    Then we have breakfast, wash up and I start on the heavier chores while she preps lunch and dinner
    We stop for coffee then I get back to chores while she reads her newspaper.
    She cooks and serves lunch.
    Then she crochets and watches tv while I go back to chores or gardening. This continues after an afternoon cuppa till dinner
    In the evening mum continues with the tv and crochet while I adjourn to my sitting room and do my craft projects and reading till bedtime.

    It was hard getting a routine and took time to make it work but it can be done
  • mummermike8
    mummermike8 Posts: 9 Member
    Lessennan, I was 280 at my heaviest about 2 years ago. I have lost weight with the help from a nutritionist. I seem to be stuck in the 240s now. I try to go to the gym when I can. Not to put my business out there but I don't have a support system around me. Quite the opposite, everything is a battle, the nutritionist and the gym are always a struggle. My problems but dealing with it.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @mummermike8 stick with it and the weight will drop again. It’s hard getting folk to support you
  • poodiebeer
    poodiebeer Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone. I started MFP in May of 2021 at 284 pounds, I currently weigh 184 pounds and need to lose another 50. The community and groups on MFP have been so helpful to keep me going when motivation lags, as it does off and on. Good luck to everyone.
  • justkris543
    justkris543 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I’m Kris. I’m 53 and from California. I’ve been in a long-term relationship with my weight and am familiar with MFP (along with Noom, WW, & IF). I was most successful with IF, but went off the rails when my mom was terminally ill. It’s been a steady climb since. I’m here to achieve sensible goals. I’m currently at 183 and feel like losing 5 lbs a month is reasonable and doable. If I can achieve that, I’ll be around 155-160 by Christmas and I would be satisfied with it. It’s funny how as one gets older, being skinny no longer seems as important. Prevention comes to the forefront. So fingers crossed that I’m able to achieve my monthly goals and see how it impacts my health.
  • mummermike8
    mummermike8 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome Kris, your goal is very doable. Best of luck to you.