Celebrate your progress or share you challenges here

SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
This section is about discussing progress, challenges and tips and tricks. Seperate from the weekly weigh-in for easier following.


  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    My plan is
    Eat within my calories
    Exercise 30 mins minimum per day
    Sufficient sleep
    Sufficient me time
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    edited July 2022
    @Lessennan Thanks for your excellent question "Have you made a plan so have something to work from to get in the relaxation, exercise, sleep you need?"
    That will exactly be my challenge! I have an eating pattern that fits within my budget and have no problem of sticking to it unless... I get stressed and do not get enough sleep. So part 1 of my plan is to prioritize sleep, which I did not do so much previously. Part 2 will be to actively manage stress better by becoming more aware of when and what are stressors, reduce the stressors and reduce stress by (for instance) breathing exercises. Looking into some programs for that. Tips welcome!
    Seems like you have a solid day program. Where are your challenges? And, by the way, what are NRE and NEE?
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    @mummermike8 Thanks for joining and sharing. I always admire single parents! It is such a challenge to raise a child, I would not know how to do it on my own. So kudos to you for that! And having to do that all on your own must really be a struggle, hopefully we can support you (a little).
    When it comes to maintaining weight, what are your biggest challenges?
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    NRE non random eating, like when you pass the cookie jar but stop and have one when it’s not on your plan.

    NEE no evening eating. Like when you’re watching tv after dinner, and just munch

    Stresses like planning to do too much and fretting when you don’t get everything done is manageable
    Stresses round your or someone else’s health are harder to shift.
    I’ve got both kinds

  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Not sure if this is where this should go, but my plan for tomorrow is
    Rise early. Clear as much as I can from the kitchen.
    Have breakfast with mum.
    Rescue easy stuff from freezer for lunch and dinner
    Attack the kitchen from ceiling to floor and deep clean.
    As this will take most of the day and it’s every day exercise I’ll be counting all of it as exercise.
    Meals pre organised against my calorie allowance.
    What’s everyone else planning for day 1
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    Great planning @Lessennan! And don’ be woried about what the scale will do: if it doesn’t play ball this week, it will confess next week. Just stick to your plan!

    I will start weighing tomorow and stick to my calorie-budget, for which I have an menu and dis some geoceries today. Let’s go! 😀
  • xzombie4ux
    xzombie4ux Posts: 7 Member
    Hey all!

    I just wanted to share where I'm at before this all starts, as well as share some of what I've done up to this point that has helped me lose weight and keep it off. I do want to give a general disclaimer that I currently struggle with an eating disorder, and that has impacted my weight loss a *lot*.

    Between now and Christmas, I'd like to:
    - exercise at least four times a week, even if it's just a 10 minute walk
    - stay within my calorie goals, but be sure to eat enough to sustain myself with my new increase in activity
    - meet a bare minimum of 46 grams of protein daily (I am a vegetarian and need to be extra mindful about that to make sure I'm not losing muscle -- the heart is a muscle and can be impacted negatively if you lose weight without keeping your protein up)

    Tomorrow, I am starting a Chloe Ting workout program. It is 21 days long, and will fit in perfectly before my classes start up again in late August. I can share the specific program I'm planning on doing if anyone would like, as well as what exercises I do typically.

    I can't wait for the next couple of months!

    Valentine <3
  • mummermike8
    mummermike8 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be at the gym at 5 a.m. Best of luck to everyone.
  • justkris543
    justkris543 Posts: 3 Member
    Day 1 Plan: today is a work day, so I’ll use my two 10 minute breaks to go walk. I’ve already prepped my breakfast and lunch, so I’ll log those on my lunch hour. My intention is to do that the night before and to actually log dinner first so I know how to budget the rest. For this week, I’m also taking a break from alcohol and am going to eat fruit after dinner for dessert.
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    So how is everybody doing? All started and underway?

    For me day 4 after starting to log food and weigh in every day. And apart from some hungry feelings that I easily tackle within my budget I’m doing fine. Also getting my sleep and activities in 😀. So: four days down, only four plus months to go 💪😂
  • xzombie4ux
    xzombie4ux Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone!

    This has been a very tough couple of days, mostly because I'm not entirely used to eating to compensate for intense activity. Today was the first rest day of the workout program I'm doing, and I could not be more excited! I'm ending my day with a peppermint coffee and a movie night online with my partner! I spent today relaxing, tidying up my grandparents' house, and taking their dog out on short, frequent walks.

    I won't be weighing in until Monday morning, but I feel hopeful, even if I've been eating slightly more than I would have liked. These workouts are also going really well. I'm not sure what the second half of this first week will be like, but I have faith that I can power through and stay strong! We've got this!

    Valentine <3
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    It’s Friday already and I’m not doing so well.
    I’m substituting gym exercise for deep cleaning and as always I started off doing far too much on Monday
    Tuesday I was too tired physically so did very little
    Wednesday I finished off the Monday clean but started on the binge eating rubbish. ( my go to candy when I’m tired)
    Thursday I deep cleaned the back entry room, a more realistic morning job, but binged candy once more.
    Today I’ve done out the food plan before I start my day. I’ll do some gardening till midday then relax when my friend arrives for the weekend. Maybe the weight will equalise a bit if I stop the bingeing
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    @Lessennan Sorry to hear you didn't have a good start. But there is plenty of time, there's a new start every week. Did you make a plan for your activities for the coming week? And have you considered not buying candy, but healthy snacks instead, so it is impossible to binge on unhealthy things?

    @xzombie4ux, Valentine, great to hear that you stuck to you activity program. Of to a great start! I find that MFP does not compensate a lot of food-calories for activities, so if you stick to the budget you should be fine! And you got to enjoy a nice night with your partner. Helps to keep up the good spirit!

  • xzombie4ux
    xzombie4ux Posts: 7 Member
    I wanted to give an update about the workout program I've been following!

    Today marks just over halfway done (day 11 out of 21), and it's been really enjoyable so far. I might be cursing the video while I do it, but I never regret doing it afterward. I don't think that this program is sustainable for a long period (at least for me personally), especially with my upcoming schedule changes in a couple weeks. I definitely want to try to do more of the workout programs Chloe Ting releases in the future (I am currently doing her 2022 Summer Shred Challenge https://chloeting.com/program/2022/summer-shred-challenge), but there's no way I can keep up with these as my usual routine.

    Does anyone have any ideas for good but flexible workouts? I've been considering visiting the Rec Center on campus and signing up for whatever free classes they might have, but I want to try to find something to do that can work around my classes and coursework.
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    @xzombie4ux Looks like a nice program. For me 30 minutes/day is hard to fit in my day. I like the 7Minutes workout app: routines that take 7 minutes. You could do multiple different routines, dependent on time/flexibilty. There many apps out there, I like the one just called “Seven”, with nice instructions. Good luck!
  • SimpleSimonEU
    SimpleSimonEU Posts: 151 Member
    Anybody still out there? :)