Ugh! Protein numbers!!

Jodi_Pencek Posts: 2 Member
We are having such a hard time getting protein numbers up. Carb numbers are great, but our fat numbers are like at 54-60%. Any suggestions??


  • LoriDown97
    LoriDown97 Posts: 1 Member
    Same struggle….I supplemented with a protein shake to get a lower fat protein source. Not ideal but helps. I was eating too many fats. So if I figure out my proteins for the day then my fats that helps.
  • ashleygold93
    ashleygold93 Posts: 1 Member
    Plan every meal around your protein! Start with picking some form of protein and then plan the other parts. Also, aim to have your snacks (or at least one) be protein based too! (Jerky, almond butter, etc.)

    Takes practice for sure and definitely protein shakes help too!
  • KombatGurl
    KombatGurl Posts: 5 Member
    Best tip is to combine protein and fat in meals. Peanut butter is great in protein and unsaturated fats. So not only are you getting a good source of protein but your also eating a source of fat with a low carbon footprint. So you're killing 2 birds with one stone, good nutrition and environmentally sustainable. :)