Tell Me About... (a fitness game)



  • grammamary98
    grammamary98 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Tell us about someone you admire

    There are many famous people I admire but I will tell you about our oldest daughter. She is dyslexic and had to fight all her life proving that she could succeed. She was in special classes and had an IEP through middle school. She knew she wanted to go to college and become a teacher. The State college wasn't going to let her in until one of the HS teachers who also taught there convinced them she could do the work. They accepted her under the condition that she take a writing course during the summer, get a B and take a limited number of credits during her first year. We'll she got an A in the writing course and after the 1st semester made honors and told them she wanted to take a full course load. Even though she did well with her classes the Prof who had to give her the recommendation to be admitted to the education department gave her a hard time and didn't give her a very good recommendation. Regardless she persevered was admitted and graduated with honors. She has been teaching for more than 25 yes now.

    Done-Wii Fit - Training Plus - Snowball Fight, beginner

    Done-Wii Fit - Aerobics - Basic run, long

    Done-Wii Fit - Strength - Lunge

    Done-Wii Sports - Training - Golf - Putting
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    @grammamary98 Wow, what perseverance! I'm so happy that someone with so much drive to succeed and overcome obstacles is mentoring our youth!
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Penguin slide complete

    I didn't realize there were duplicate questions, but I found one. I am constantly dipping my toes into lots of areas, for example I know a little bit of several languages but have never become fluent in any of them. I would like to learn how to program. I think that would be interesting.
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Tuesday, Aug 30 rolls and spins

    Jane: 6 - Tell us about something that makes you nervous
    Wii Fit - Aerobics - Hula Hoop
    Wii Sports - Training - Golf - Hitting the Green
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Tilt City, beginner
    Wii Fit - Yoga - Half moon
    Wii Fit - Strength - Torso Twists, 3 reps
    Wii Fit - Strength - Single Leg Twist, 10 reps

    Mary: 6 - Tell us about your favorite ice cream flavor
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Perfect 10, expert
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Rhythm Kung Fu, advanced
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Obstacle Course, advanced
    Wii Fit - Balance - Snowboard slalom, advanced
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Perfect 10, advanced
    Wii Fit - Balance - Ski jump

    Peggy: 5 - Tell us about your favorite season
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Rhythm Parade, beginner
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Balance Bubble Plus
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Island Cycling, advanced
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Driving Range, driver
    Wii Sports - Training - Baseball - Batting Practice

  • janeem1
    janeem1 Posts: 247 Member
    Wii Fit - Aerobics - Hula Hoop
    Wii Sports - Training - Golf - Hitting the Green
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Tilt City, beginner
    Wii Fit - Yoga - Half moon
    Wii Fit - Strength - Torso Twists, 3 reps
    Wii Fit - Strength - Single Leg Twist, 10 reps

    one thing that has always made me nervous is having to drive somewhere by myself when I don't know where I am going. Always worried about getting there on time and finding a place to park. So far I have managed to get places OK so not sure why I still get nervous. Things are so much easier these days with GPS but I still get nervous.
  • grammamary98
    grammamary98 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Tell us about your favorite ice cream flavor

    When I was younger(pr-teens and teens) my favorite flavor was rum raisin. Now it is Moose Tracks.

    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Perfect 10, expert
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Rhythm Kung Fu, advanced
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Obstacle Course, advanced
    Wii Fit - Balance - Snowboard slalom, advanced
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Perfect 10, advanced
    Wii Fit - Balance - Ski jump
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Wednesday, Aug 31 rolls and spins

    Jane: 3 - Tell us about your favorite movie
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Perfect 10, beginner
    Wii Fit - Strength - Single arm stand, 6 reps
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Bird's Eye Bull's-Eye, advanced

    Mary: 1 - Favorite holiday
    Wii Sports - Training - Tennis - Returning Balls


  • janeem1
    janeem1 Posts: 247 Member
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Perfect 10, beginner
    Wii Fit - Strength - Single arm stand, 6 reps
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Bird's Eye Bull's-Eye, advanced

    my favorite movie is Singing in the Rain
  • grammamary98
    grammamary98 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Favorite holiday
    This is a tough one. I have 2 favorites for different reasons. Thanksgiving because we get together as a family and everyone brings part of the meal. The other is Christmas. Now that the grandkids are older it's not as hectic when we get together. I like hearing all the Christmas music and putting out my decorations all of which have special meaning.

    Wii Sports - Training - Tennis - Returning Balls
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    List complete
    Tell us about your favorite season: I love having seasons, so it's really hard to pick my favorite. I know my least favorite is summer because I hate that the ticks keep me out of the woods. (I have a tick borne illness that can be made worse if I get another bite). For that same reason, probably winter is my favorite because I don't have to worry as much then. I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (did I say love?) snow!!!!! The more the merrier. I grew up in snow and now it's a bit of a luxury. We get a little each winter and once in a while get a bigger storm, but not enough for me.
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Thursday, Sept 1 rolls and spins

    Jane: 3 - Tell us about something that makes you sad
    Dance for 3 songs and tell us what they were
    Wii Sports - Training - Baseball - Swing Control
    Wii Fit - Strength - Jackknife - 10 reps

    Mary: 3 - Tell us about your favorite number
    Wii Fit - Strength - Triceps Extension, 20 reps
    Wii Fit - Yoga - Chair
    Wii Fit - Strength - Side lunge, 20 reps

    Peggy: 6 - Tell us about your favorite movie
    Wii Sports - Training - Boxing - Throwing Punches
    Wii Fit - Balance - Ski slalom, advanced
    Wii Fit - Strength - Single leg reach, 10 reps
    Wii Fit - Yoga - Tree
    Wii Fit - Aerobics - Free step, 30 mins
    Wii Fit - Aerobics - Super Hula Hoop, 10 mins


  • grammamary98
    grammamary98 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Tell us about your favorite number

    My favorite number is 3

    Wii Fit - Strength - Triceps Extension, 20 reps
    Wii Fit - Yoga - Chair
    Wii Fit - Strength - Side lunge, 20 reps
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Friday, Sept 2 rolls and spins

    Mary: 6: Tell us about your favorite television show
    Wii Fit - Strength - Side lunge, 10 reps
    Wii Fit - Balance - Tightrope Walk, expert
    Wii Fit - Balance - Lotus Focus
    Wii Fit - Aerobics - Free run, 20 mins
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Rhythm Kung Fu, beginner
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Snowball Fight, expert


  • janeem1
    janeem1 Posts: 247 Member
    Dance for 3 songs and tell us what they were - I have a zumba disc for my wii. Haven't used it in awhile so started out with some slower songs. I danced to Born this way, Next to me and True to myself.
    Wii Sports - Training - Baseball - Swing Control
    Wii Fit - Strength - Jackknife - 10 reps

    One thing that makes me sad these days is to watch my mother's mental decline with dementia. She is still physically strong at 95 and lives with my sister. She can still do a lot of things for herself but mentally she is not where she used to be. Her doctor once described her as being happily confused. :-)
  • grammamary98
    grammamary98 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Tell us about your favorite television show:
    My favorite shows that will still be on the air this fall are Chicago Med and Chicago Fire.

    Wii Fit - Strength - Side lunge, 10 reps
    Wii Fit - Balance - Tightrope Walk, expert
    Wii Fit - Balance - Lotus Focus
    Wii Fit - Aerobics - Free run, 20 mins
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Rhythm Kung Fu, beginner
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Snowball Fight, expert
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    I'm sorry about your mom, Jane. My dad went through that. It's tough. <3
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Saturday, Sept 3 rolls and spins

    Jane: 6 - Tell us about your favorite number
    Wii Fit - Balance - Ski slalom, beginner
    Wii Fit - Strength - Arm and leg lift, 20 reps
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Skateboard Arena, advanced
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Island Cycling, Free Ride
    Wii Fit - Aerobics - Basic run, island lap
    Wii Fit - Strength - Balance Bridge

    Mary: 1 - Tell us about something that makes you angry
    Wii Fit - Yoga - Bridge


  • ruthe_51
    ruthe_51 Posts: 320 Member
    I finally finished the expert snowball fight! That was a challenge for me. I have Essential Tremors and my hand kept wanting to tremble while I was trying to throw snowballs.

    One of the things that makes me happiest is my grandkids. I have 3 grandsons plus one that passed when he was 5 from a rare kidney disease. Two of the other boys developed the same kidney disease but were able to get kidney transplants and are doing well now. My daughter is my hero as I have watched her go through all of this and care for the family.
  • grammamary98
    grammamary98 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Tell us about something that makes you angry

    This is a difficult question because I don't get angry very often. One thing that can make me angry is when someone judges another person when they don't really know them or what's going on in their life.

    Wii Fit - Yoga - Bridge
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Ruth - you can always ask for a replacement task - don't hesitate!

    Sunday, Sept 4 rolls and spins

    Ruth: 6 - Tell us about your favorite food
    Wii Fit - Balance - Balance bubble, beginner
    Do an activity of your choice for 15 mins
    Wii Fit - Strength - Plank challenge
    Do an activity of your choice for 10 mins
    Wii Fit - Strength - Single Leg Extension, 10 reps
    Wii Fit - Training Plus - Basic Run Plus, short

    Mary: 3 - Tell us something you know about penguins
    Walk it out - 6000 steps
    Walk outside for 25 mins
    Wii Fit - Strength - Plank, 30 secs
