African Safari Tracking (starts Sept 11)



  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member

    Your pick is the chimpanzee.

    Your final destination will be the Serengeti National Park. You will need to accumulate 10,000 steps to make your way to the Serengeti.

  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member

    You have arrived at the Omo River. With more than 50 unique tribes living in the Omo River Region of Southwestern Ethiopia, it's a fascinating destination for those interested in African culture. This remote location is barely accessible by 4 wheel-drive, but you will still be touring the region. You will be spending a few nights in each village and these are not luxury camps by any means. Your tour will also include a section down the Omo River which is great for white-water rafting. While exploring this great location, you will be looking for a Hyena. You will be choosing a guide for your white –water rafting and search for a hyena. Of course you will have 3 guides to choose from to complete your task of locating a hyena. One guide will have located your hyena; one will have a health/fitness challenge to complete; and one will have a Wii Exercise challenge to complete. If you do not choose the guide with your animal you will have to complete the posted challenge before picking another guide. Once you have found your hyena you may continue to the next destination.

    Your pick is a Wii challenge: 20 minutes Water Sports any Wii game. Post another pick when completed.

  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member
    You have reached the Virunga Mountains. You will be visiting the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park where you are able to go gorilla tracking. The park covers about 200 square miles of extremely dense rainforest and is a proclaimed World Heritage site. Part of the fun of tracking gorillas here is trying to follow them through the dense foliage. You will of course need to pick a tour guide in order to track your gorilla for your collection of animals. You will have 3 guides to choose from to complete your task of locating a gorilla. One guide will have located your gorilla; one will have a health/fitness challenge to complete; and one will have a Wii Exercise challenge to complete. If you do not choose the guide with your animal, you will have to complete the posted challenge before picking another guide. Once you have found your gorilla, you may continue to the next destination.

    Your pick is a Wii challenge: Wii Challenge: Log 3 miles on any Wii game that counts steps/miles. If the game you are using does not count mileage use 2500 steps to equal 1 mile.
  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member

    You have arrived in Zanzibar which has amazing beaches, fascinating history and wonderful spices. Not to be missed is Stone Town an old Arab town built by those who got rich from the slave and spice trade. You can spend many idle hours and days just wandering through the fascinating labyrinth of narrow streets and alleyways of Stone Town. While doing so, you will be looking for your final animal on the Safari, the chimpanzee. In order to find this animal you will find a guide to take you. You have your choice of three guides each one offers something different. One will have your chimpanzee; one will have a health/fitness challenge; and one will have a Wii Exercise challenge. If you do not choose the guide with your animal you will have to complete the posted challenge before picking another guide. Once you have found your chimpanzee you may continue to the last destination.

    Your pick is the chimpanzee.

    Your final destination will be the Serengeti National Park. You will need to accumulate 10,000 steps to make your way to the Serengeti.
  • ruthe_51
    ruthe_51 Posts: 320 Member
    I haven't been active as I have Covid. My first time! I may or may not rejoin this challenge when I am feeling better. Right now I'm just aiming for enough strength to take a shower.
  • grammamary98
    grammamary98 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Name: Mary

    Steps: 10,000
    Traveling to: Serengeti National Park
    Pick # 3
    Animals collected: Hippo, Baboon, camel, parrot, penguin, elephant, hyena, gorilla, zebra, chimpanzee
  • kde490
    kde490 Posts: 258 Member
    Ruth, I hope you feel better soon.

    Name: Kenya
    Steps: 10,000
    Traveling to: Serengeti National Park
    Pick #1
    Animals collected: hippo, baboon, camel, parrot, penguin, elephant, hyena, gorilla, zebra, chimpanzee
  • janeem1
    janeem1 Posts: 247 Member
    Feel better Ruth.
  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member
    aw Ruth - Sorry to hear that. I hope you start feeling better
  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member

    You have arrived at the Serengeti National Park. You will be leaving your animals here to live in the protected lands of the Serengeti. However, in order to do that, you must complete one last challenge in order for your animals to be released. In order for your animals to be released and you to get your way back home, you must complete a marathon (26.2 miles). You may do this by using any Wii game that tracks steps and/or miles. If you are using a game that only counts steps (for example Wii Fit Free Step), each mile will be equivalent to 2500 steps. Once you have posted that you have completed your marathon, your challenge is complete.

  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member

    You have arrived at the Serengeti National Park. You will be leaving your animals here to live in the protected lands of the Serengeti. However, in order to do that, you must complete one last challenge in order for your animals to be released. In order for your animals to be released and you to get your way back home, you must complete a marathon (26.2 miles). You may do this by using any Wii game that tracks steps and/or miles. If you are using a game that only counts steps (for example Wii Fit Free Step), each mile will be equivalent to 2500 steps. Once you have posted that you have completed your marathon, your challenge is complete.

  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Name: Peggy
    Steps: water challenge completed (I don't have any games with water sports, so I did ones that were on or near water, like Segway, Balance Bubble, Birdseye Bullseye, etc)
    Location Traveling to: Ethiopia
    Pick - #2
    Animals collected: Hippo, Baboon, Camel, Parrot, Penguin, Elephant
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Sorry you caught Covid, @ruthe_51! I hope it's mild and you have a quick recovery. Please let us know how you're doing!

  • kde490
    kde490 Posts: 258 Member
    26.2 - 2 WIO = 24.2
  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member

    Congratulations!! You are the winner of the challenge.
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Congratulations Kenya!

  • kde490
    kde490 Posts: 258 Member
    Oh, oh. I haven't finished the challenge yet. I posted to track my progress toward the marathon. I added 2 Wii miles today and have 22.2 miles to go.
  • janeem1
    janeem1 Posts: 247 Member

    Sorry I haven't been as active this challenge. Had my daughter and family visiting from California and then I got covid after they left. I will hopefully be up to speed whenever th e next challenge starts.
  • Lopeyp
    Lopeyp Posts: 1,347 Member

    Oops. Sorry I read your post wrong (obviously)

    You all can keep moving on and finish even if someone else finishes before you.

    Jane - Sorry to hear that you have Covid. Hope you feel better soon.
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Diane - i thought we were done since you didn't respond to my last post. Can I get the results from that one? I've done 10k since then if that comes into play.