When I forget my meds, things happen!

TrishCmfp Posts: 11 Member
It is ridiculous! Since I joined MFP I have been faithfully logging my food and exercise. I am terribly proud of myself - and it is nice to know that I am among ADHD friends who "get" what an achievement that daily commitment is!!

For lots of reasons, I have elected to eat pretty much a Paleo diet - NOTHING refined or processed, no grains, no dairy, no legumes, no added sugar.

And instead I am eating fresh meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds.

I feel brilliant and I have totally left my sugar/carb addiction behind me (for now.) I have absolutely no cravings for them whatsoever. This too, is brilliant!

I have, however, had two days since I started tracking, when I have eaten and eaten and eaten until I could barely move.

Like about more than double my normal amount of food.

And when were these days?

They were the only two days in this period that I have forgotten to take my Concerta XL.

I really didn't feel like the meds were having an appetite suppressant effect, because I have always liked to eat, whether I needed to or not - but clearly, my impulse control is absolutely shot to pieces when I don't take the meds.

Has anyone else experienced this? I kind of wasn't aware that I was succeeding in controlling impulses so well until I realised this.

I am delighted to have discovered this for myself :happy:


  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
  • munky_do
    munky_do Posts: 40 Member
    Hope you're still around. I can relate. When I forget to take my ADD meds, I go into snacking mode all day, it's like snacking helps me focus or something. Unfortunately the snacks tend to be impulsive choices... the big huge muffin in the cafeteria, a big bag of Swedish Fish..etc...
    When I first started my medication (dexedrine), it really did act as an appetite suppressant. I've been on the same dose for 12 years and it's not such a suppressant anymore, except that maybe without it I wouldn't be able to eat like a "normal" person... I actually don't really know because I started taking it in my teens. Kind of weird to think about that.

    Anyway, things definitely do happen! I hate getting to work and realizing I forgot to take my meds! Those are the days when I know I'm going to be trying to clean up some mistake or another...
  • Cerizez
    Cerizez Posts: 155 Member
    Likewise. If I don't take my meds, I'm a snacker. I think that's how we get our dopamine fix?