Countdown Activity 3 - Healthy Eating & Nutrition Plan

kaliswalker Posts: 1,316 Member
edited June 24 in Social Groups

5% Challenge date Saturday July 20th

It’s time to decide what diet you can follow for 8 weeks. Your diet will determine what you eat, how often, how much and calories. There are many to choose from – Flexitarian, Volumetrics, South Beach, Weight Watchers, American Heart Association, DASH, Diabetes Diet, Keto, Vegan, Mayo Clinic, USDA Diet, Canada Food Guide, Dukan, Paleo, The Full Plate Diet or whatever else you choose. You need a plan that works for you, with food that you like. Browse online for new recipes and have them ready. Regardless of the plan you choose, learn and follow the set of standard guidelines recommended by the plan. But all weight loss diets come down to the same thing a calorie deficit. That's the magic!

Set yourself up for success with a weekly menu plan complete with recipes attached, then it will be easier to make the shopping list to include the foods you need for those meals. It helps when you are shopping for specific things and it improves impulse control in the food store (keeps the junk food out).

Following a weekly menu, the plan gives you control over your eating and calories. You empower yourself to make better choices and have better overall impulse control. Enjoy the foods you eat, as they are making you healthier and helping you attain your goals. Be ready to try new foods or new ways to prepare food.

Now is the time to make friends with MFP tracker. (right click to open new tab)

New - 12 DIY Kitchen Projects to Clean Up Your Eating Habits (right click to open new tab)

There are great low calorie meals ideas all over the internet. Enjoy finding them.

Check list

Do you know what diet you will follow?
Have you followed this diet before?
Found some recipes?
Grocery list?
Do you have the food on hand to get started?
Did you clean up your kitchen?
Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here?


  • kaliswalker
    kaliswalker Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited December 2022
    I will follow the Volumetrics diet which emphasizes eating low-energy-dense, high-nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy. The idea is to fill up on LOTS of low calorie foods. It is the basis for Weight Watchers, NOOM, etc. I am ordering the book so I can learn more about it.

    Update - OK I just ordered The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet: Smart, Simple, Science-Based Strategies for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off by Barbara Rolls PhD who originated the diet.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,614 Member

    Do you know what diet you will follow? Just staying in calorie range
    Have you followed this diet before? Yes, it works for me, I eat what I wish , as I wish, but in calorie range.
    Found some recipes? Absolutely.
    Grocery list? I keep a running one,, as I run out of something, I at once put it on my phone which is with me 99.9% of the time.
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Sure do.
    Shop? I go often so i do not over buy.
    Did you clean up your kitchen? It's pretty much always cleaned, organized.
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? ITs here
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,309 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow? Macro tracking
    Have you followed this diet before? Yes
    Found some recipes? Yes
    Grocery list? Yes
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Yes
    Shop? Go often and get just what we need
    Did you clean up your kitchen? Yes
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? It's here and my macro over and left are always on my blog
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    My diet will be Mediterranean based with calorie counts. New veggie recipes will be tried and the main part of my meals. I’ll work on grocery and recipes lists. Will need to shop more frequently for fresh fruit and veggies and fish. Posted here but thinking blogging my journey will be motivating for me.
  • MegLovesHistory
    MegLovesHistory Posts: 23 Member
    I don't plan on doing a specific diet, per se. I already have cut sweets and sodas drastically. I mainly need to concentrate on portion control, maybe incorporating less processed foods and more fresh foods. Calorie deficit and exercising is my plan!
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,405 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow?
    * Yes, I plan to follow the Keto vegetarian plan
    Have you followed this diet before?
    * Yes, and I was successful
    Found some recipes?
    * Yes, has some good meal plans and recipes that I've used.
    Grocery list?
    * Yes, and I almost always plan to have the right foods on hand.
    Do you have the food on hand to get started?
    * Yes, most of it
    * I use InstaCart to have products delivered when I need more.
    Did you clean up your kitchen?
    * no need :)
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here?
    * Not yet but I will
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,862 Member
    5% Challenge date Saturday January 7th

    I want to get back to the basics, tracking my portion/nutrition and will try to get in the habit of using MFP for this. I've also heard some things about the benefits of incorporating bone broth for collagen, but for weight-loss as a side benefit. I need to do some more research, but plan to do so. BUT - the old tried and true: 'count everything that goes into your mouth' and track, track, track is how I hope to begin 2023. I did South Beach several years ago and was quite successful at that time but I was years younger and I think that dropping lbs. does get consistently harder as you age. I will also research/refresh what I learned years ago about South Beach and would like to learn more about Volumetrics. Hopefully, my renewed interest in research for the plan(s) that my work best for me will be instrumental in moving me in the 'right' direction.

    DH is retired and does the cooking and most of the grocery shopping while I'm at work but I can/do have input on what I would like to eat ... hopefully my research into the above will help me to suggest healthy options.

    I really need to learn how to use the MFP tracker in a way that suits me ... once I begin, I'm sure that it will get easier and will feel like less of a 'chore' but I really need to make sure that I use this important tool, even if I have a love/hate relationship with it!

    I will have to check out the suggestion contained in this writing: 12 DIY Kitchen Projects to Clean Up Your Eating Habits:

    ☑️Check list
    Do you know what diet you will follow? Nutrition tracking and portion control; nutrition tracking and portion control; nutrition tracking and portion control!! I also want to research adding bone broth to my plan as well as getting reacquainted with The South Beach Diet. I also want to do some research and learn about: 'Volumetrics'.

    Have you followed this diet before? Nutrition tracking and paying attention to what you do each and every day will help to set you up for success. South Beach and/or Volumetrics, should I decide to start either one of these, will (hopefully) act as a bonus.

    Found some recipes? Hubby coooks; I'll have to guide him.

    Grocery list? I have an iPhone and share a Grocery List with DH from my 'Reminders', so I can get him to purchase anything 'special' that I may need.

    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Haha - it was Christmas Eve only 2 short days ago. Seriously, I will have the refrigerator cleared out of the 'bad stuff' and begin replacing that with the 'good stuff' that DH and I **both** should be eating.

    Shop? Have not shopped yet - will continue to throw caution to the wind this week and be ready as 2023 begins.

    Did you clean up your kitchen? It is a work in progress!! I did some kitchen clean-up in the fall, but did not completely finish. I usually try to do a Spring Cleaning as well. Since Thanksgiving and Christmas are now over ~ it is fine to begin kitchen clean up early in 2023 and continue kitchen clean-up and reorganization until I'm done.

    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? Posted here and will post in the 2023 Winter 5% Challenge ~ 🔴🌡️RED HOTS🌡️🔴 Team. We have a thread there for writing our 2023 Winter 5% Challenge Pre-Challenge Activities. We can post our commitments there so we can easily find out writing(s) and refer to them whenever we may need to.

    Heidi (hicim705), Captain
    2023 Winter 5% Challenge ~ 🌶️Red Hot Chili Steppers (RHCS) Team🌶️

    Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges (hosted on MFP)
    Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges ~ Bloggers!!
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    1950’s style mainly with portion control
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 13,026 Member
    Diet plan is setting and staying within my calorie range as best I can. Hubby cooks dinner so I don't always have a lot of control over what's being served but mostly it's healthy and possible to stay in range. Breakfast is predetermined and lunch is often very similar from day to day. That baking and other holiday treats will be mostly or completely gone before the challenge kicks off - otherwise we usually do not have "junk" food around.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,277 Member
    I will be following basically the Mediterranean diet plan, with some tweaks along the way as i need to. breakfast is pretty much the same. lunch an dinner vary day to day.
  • ruffit1
    ruffit1 Posts: 1,374 Member
    I don't diet today. I cut out junk food, sugars and do the best I can. I also put more produce in my shopping cart. I have become my mother!!
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,907 Member
    Focus on healthy heart eating it DASH or Mediterranean, both are similar and lean heavily on veggies , fruits, and such.
    I love veggies so tis a good plan for me in many ways!
    I do the shopping, the planning, the cooking ( mostly)..Now if I could just get the supposed other adults in this place to stop bringing in temptation in the form of chips and fast food!! Soda is no big deal never
    liked it and never fizzes..urgh.
    Clean kitchen is a must..I won't cook if it isn't clean! The crew usually cleans up after we eat..then I clean up to my standard later on before bedtime.
    Yes posted goals..
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    I don't 'diet' per se because I tend to obsess. I plan on moderate portions and reducing excess sugars, especially my horrible soda habit. I've found the more I work out, the better I tend to eat.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,423 Member
    I am also following the Mediterranean Diet for health reasons. I’d love some friends on MFP that also follow this WOE!!
  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,443 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow? mine

    Have you followed this diet before? Yes but didn’t stick to it

    Found some recipes? I have a recipe box of favorite recipes and a bunch of things I just know how to make.

    Grocery list? Shop? Have most on hand

    Do you have the food on hand to get started? YES

    Did you clean up your kitchen? No, not yet

    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? Not yet
  • WinterflowerSP
    WinterflowerSP Posts: 1,001 Member
    Do you know what diet you will follow? Yes. Low fat/low cal IFM 16/8 Calories allowed on tracker
    Have you followed this diet before? Yes with success
    Found some recipes? I will find some new ones to help me.
    Grocery list? Ongoing
    Do you have the food on hand to get started? Yes but need to purchase more
    Shop? I will be taking my list to the store before the challenge begins.
    Did you clean up your kitchen? I will be literally de-junk-fooding my kitchen this week!
    Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here? Yes
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    I will be following WW, using a weekly meal delivery service, and leaning on fresh fruit, nuts and Greek yogurt as my main snacks