Roll call ~ Mon. 1/23/23

mikehikemike Posts: 3,714 Member
Good Morning men.


  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 5,033 Member
    Good Morning,
    Up two pounds today since I started back at WW Thursday.
    Friday went to a fried catfish and chicken buffet with some friends,
    Saturday DW wanted to go to Chinese restaurant
    Yesterday all of DMIL's family met at Mexican restaurant to celebrate her turning 95 last Wednesday.
    Busy day today starting off with a yoga class
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,447 Member
    Good morning!

    Sam, with a lineup like that, two pounds up sounds not so bad. :wink:

    Back to work today. I'm still pushing on year end. I am starting to get behind on that due to other work pressures. Ugh. I'll be glad once we are on the other side of it.

    Connie speaks tonight in Leavenworth. She is so awesome.

    Praying for Bill, Bob, and the rest of you guys.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,714 Member
    NWS says 4"-7" of snow coming this afternoon. Already a few inches on the ground and trees. It's beginning to look like winter, finally. Was planning on doing an errand this evening, but maybe roads will nix that.

    Well, my miserable head cold completely disappeared after I threw out a moldy bag of potatoes I discovered in the kitchen on a shelf.

    Some piano practice today, then if weather allows, a hike in the falling snow. Tomorrow paddling with a friend on a flat section of river while my car gets serviced.

    Will try to avoid between meals eating today. Gotta start somewhere.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,215 Member
    I too have been to the Sistine Chapel and had my quiet, serene, experience there.
    thoughts are always with Steve and Connie as she speaks in Leavenworth.
    Glad Dave is enjoying his retreat, elders and all.
    I had a scare with my left eye vision yesterday but seems better today. My wife encouraged me to call the on-call doc yesterday early yesterday evening. He will call my ophthalmologist this morning. Of course vision is better this morning too. A good thing really.
    I told my eye doc that I basically only did what I jocularly referred to as "wimpy yoga". I wasn't trying to denigrate it but just be brief in our short meeting. One community college zoom class I do was designed to aid folks with bone issues like osteopenia and osteoporosis. I have been avoiding or highly modifying any "inverted" yoga positions. In addition to obvious ones like headstands which I am not doing anyway they suggest avoiding 1) Downward facing Dog, 2) Forward Fold, 3)Plow, and 4) Legs up the wall.
    Makes sense. I do a very modified version of Down Dog with my hands atop a bed with a fairly high thick mattress and keeping my chin up more. I do a very modified forward fold that is less most folks "halfway lift" position.
  • myallforjc
    myallforjc Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning

    Sam, the left eye vision going wonky would be a bit unnerving for me. I hope they find an answer.

    After two active days, I did a lot of rest yesterday, though I did do 2 sessions of my pre-surgery exercises. The range of motion stuff is more than unpleasant. My dulcimer is now downstairs so I will try to get through tuning it since our humidity has dropped as it does every winter. I have lots of small things to do before we leave for Oregon Thursday night. 10 can chili goes on the stove today as well.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,451 Member
    Good morning (barely) gentlemen.

    I enjoyed the retreat. When I got home, Sassy was very glad to see me. She barely ate while I was gone. The first night, Rita said, Sassy never slept, just walked from one door to another and looked out the window, waiting for me to come home. Then she slept almost all day, Saturday. I guess she really is MY dog.

    This morning I called and cancelled the last two PT sessions on my calendar. I don't think the minor progress I was seeing in my hip pain was worth the back and knee issues it was causing.