April Week 2 Group Challenge - Question Week

jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
edited April 2023 in Social Groups
Question Week

Let's take some time to question ourselves, share the answers, and see where it takes us. Here is a list of questions - pick any one of them every day and post an answer. Or ask one of your own! Use the answers to find the best ways to keep on going with this challenging journey to weight loss, health, and fitness.
  • What do I need to do this week?
  • What lessons did I learn from things that did not go so well last week or recently?
  • What is your greatest accomplishment so far in *month*?
  • What can you do right now to make the coming week less stressful?
  • What is one thing you need to do this week that you have been putting off?
  • What good habits do you have?
  • What are you resisting?
  • How can your teammates help you? How can you help them?
  • What is the next step towards your goal?
  • What excess baggage are you carrying that you can drop this week?
  • What will help keep you on plan this week?

Looking forward to great discussions this week and some sharing conversation between all of us. Every time we share, we're giving hope and new ideas to someone else. I've seen it happen a MILLION times in our groups. What will you share this week that will touch or be JUST what someone else needs to hear?!

Jessica :blush:



  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @NouveauRee - Congratulations on your re-commitment to your health and joining the F2F group! I’m inspired by your ability to plan and prepare your meals ahead of time. I’m also focusing more on macronutrient balance to increase my protein. I also want to eat more ‘clean’ natural foods like fruit and vegetables.

    I’m relatively short at just under 5’4” so I have to keep my daily calorie limit fairly low to maintain a healthy weight. I have a similar fear of missing out (FOMO) and most people can manage larger portions or more calories because they’re taller than I am, so I’ll sometimes take a smaller sample of the ‘treat’ or put it aside in a bag or container for later. That way, I can plan better and work the calories into my daily target at some point.

    To make the coming week less stressful, I’m trying to get a number of tasks done today. Success will depend on my ability to focus my attention and not get distracted so I’m going to build in a ‘reward’ break after working steadily for two hour increments. I’m going to put my laundry in the washing machine now and, while it’s running, I’m sorting items to organize or donate them. I’ll put the donations directly in the car so they are ready for drop off after my break at noon.

    I also need to get ahead on some work tasks later tonight. I need to remind myself how satisfied I’ll feel when the jobs are done. I hope I can gain positive momentum throughout the day by checking items off my list. Best wishes to everyone!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,284 Member
    What will help keep you on plan this week?

    1. Have a PLAN and a schedule
    2. Prep the day before (food, workout clothes/equip)
    3. Start the day with an On-Plan action, first thing (put on workout clothes, or do one set of something, or make that breakfast smoothie)

    -Mica/Mission Slimpossibles
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,585 Member
    What can you do right now to make the coming week less stressful?

    I just returned from traveling to visit my mom for her birthday, so I am spending time doing some household chores (laundry is in, bathroom has been cleaned), and then creating my pre-logged meal plans for Monday - Friday with a focus on getting my protein goal each day. I will also commit to my gym classes and write all of it down in my journal.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    What good habits do you have?

    I'm doing pretty well with exercise and staying consistent with walking. I'm also doing really well with water intake. Last week, I did a little better with fruits and vegetables but want to continue working on that this week. Also, I need to pay more attention to protein in my meal planning. I have plans to pick up groceries after work tomorrow and that will give me food for the rest of the week. I already have my fruit for snacks (apples and bananas) and I plan to do sandwiches for lunches. Probably will have baked chicken with steamed veggies for dinners. I have oatmeal packets for breakfast if I'm hungry...I don't do breakfast every day.

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    What do I need to do this week?
    Be consistent- keep tracking, eat more fiber, fruits & veggies, less carbs/processed foods
    My food is prepped for the week
    Happy Easter to those that celebrate

    Sometimes, I feel like I'm just talking to myself here when I post
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member
    What can you do right now to make the coming week less stressful?

    As much as it is helpful… I need to plan and possibly pre-track. Usually when I go overboard it’s because I didn’t plan and so in the moment I don’t make the best choice. And yet I will say.. I really dislike meal planning. Everything sounds complicated and nothing sounds exciting so it takes me way longer than it should, but I still need to do it! For accountability I will come back on here once I’m done.
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 273 Member
    edited April 2023
    what do I need to do this week?

    I need to continue with tracking my protein. I never realized that I was eating so little of it. I'm going to work on getting at least 70g a day this week. Today I got 30.8g. Tomorrow will be better.
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks @PatriceFitnessPal hope you were able to check off the tasks you had planned for yesterday. I like how you break everything down into manageable steps. I definitely need to incorporate this more with every day tasks. Also good to know I’m not the only one with food FOMO. Those close to me do not get it but then again they are able to eat more without it impacting their weight. I’m closer to 5’3” than 5’4” and always used to round up but with the weight situation must face and accept I am not able to eat as much daily without consequences. I’ll have to try your tactic of reserving some foods for later when I can fit it in my daily plan. Then I won’t feel as if I’m depriving or missing out.

    It looks like several have goals to plan and most importantly stick to the plan. Hope it goes well this week and it helps motivate you to keep at it. The meal planning does get easier. I’ve been leaning towards cooking more separate items that I can easily mix and match. I also store them separately too. This also helps when scanning the fridge to see if I need to cook another grain or vegetable or protein during the week. Thankfully the fam isn’t picky and will eat leftovers plus they can grab or make things for themselves if they don’t like what’s available.

    @Jugar I remember learning the Start, Stop, Keep Doing method but haven’t applied them to my food and fitness journey but will now. In a nutshell that sums up a lot of this weeks questions. What are you going to start doing to help you get to your goal? What are you going to stop doing that’s preventing you from getting to your goal? What are you doing that’s working and you will keep doing to get you to your goal?

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week and let’s turn those plans into action! Best Wishes🌸
  • Armygirlarmyof1
    Armygirlarmyof1 Posts: 527 Member
    What do I need to do this week?

    I need to meal plan and prep this week. And I need to get outside as much as possible to work in the yard and get fresh air
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,585 Member
    What is one thing you need to do this week that you have been putting off?

    I have been putting off unpacking more of my clothes and books, and setting up my office. I should spend some time and take at least one box this week/weekend and make it an effort to officially unpack more things.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    What do I need to do this week?
    Be consistent- keep tracking, eat more fiber, fruits & veggies, less carbs/processed foods
    My food is prepped for the week
    Happy Easter to those that celebrate

    Sometimes, I feel like I'm just talking to myself here when I post

    And that's ok @LaurieWrobo ...sometimes we have to talk ourselves through things...don't you also feel like you get your best ideas when doing so?! I certainly do...

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    For myself, I did the exercise today. Food not bad, but included a piece of birthday cake from yesterday. It's gluten free and all kinds of good, but it still is more food than I need, for sure! But exercise felt good. Tomorrow I will try to do a sweatier session, and get to it in the morning.
  • Jlswensen
    Jlswensen Posts: 61 Member
    What do I need to do this week?

    I need to stick to my plan for fuel, exercise, and sleep and make good choices on the one day that I plan to go out to eat by choosing very healthy items for the rest of the meals that day.

    I’ve gone shopping, and have all my meals planned and almost prepped for the week.
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 273 Member
    What will help keep you on plan this week?

    Drink at least 1 protein shake to get in 70g a day. Continue tracking everything I eat and drink.

    I'm still not getting enough protein. I'm limited to what I can eat and drink which is frustrating. I have to watch my Phosphorus and potassium intake which eliminate a lot of food that I can have.
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 99 Member
    What one thing have you been putting off do you need to do this week....

    Taxes 🫣. I have my own small business selling on ebay and other online sites...but I'm so bad at bookkeeping. I had a great bookkeeping website that I used, but halfway through the year last year they all of the sudden decided to shut it down. So now I gotta go and pull the numbers and such.
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