April Week 2 Group Challenge - Question Week



  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,223 Member
    What good habits do you have?

    Tracking my food & staying in range
    Walking every day

    Everything else is a work in progress.

    -Mica/Mission Slimpossibles
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,223 Member
    What is one thing you need to do this week that you have been putting off?

    State Inspection for my 2011 Honda CR-V. I'm bringing it today. It had better pass.

    -Mica/Mission Slimpossibles
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,179 Member
    How can your teammates help you? How can you help them?

    Remembering that your Captains are human too...listening...and keeping me laughing/smiling. @jugar posted a response to my posting from yesterday and it really hit home. It meant to much to me to know I'm not alone and that's what her post did for me.

    I hope I can help my teammates by always listening...reading what they're sharing and trying to comment as often as possible. By sharing new ideas when they hit and challenging them to keep trying...that's what I hope I can do for them. I'm not perfect, but I certainly care about each and every person in our challenges and on our teams. So guys...I'm here if you need me...just say the word and don't be afraid to speak up.

    Thanks for always making me smile y'all...thank you for all that you do!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @jessicakrall8 That is beautiful! We know that our little F2F community is not for everyone, but I think we have something here that really works for the people who stick with it. It might not be the solution to all weight loss and fitness, but it is a place to share, listen, and give a hand however we can. I especially like the way each team has a slightly different personality. And I love the people who give their time day after day. Thanks!
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 271 Member
    what is the next step toward you goal?

    Drink at least 2 protein shakes a day and get a gym membership.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    @kelliward1 I also have an Etsy shop, well 2, but since 2020, I've hardly done anything because of all the restrictions and postal problems. I'm rethinking (have been for such a long time) and how to get back to it soon. I initially thought I'd take a month off but that has turned into 2 years. Also, the systems of recording sales changed where I am and I avoided selling in order to avoid the tax-time headache until I was up for it.

    So, what do I need to do? Taxes too! Plus, get my online biz going again.

    If you want to send me your shop link, I'll give it a like ♥️
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    What lessons did I learn from things that did not go so well last week or recently?

    I'm comfortably lazy these days. Lockdowns allowed me to develop bad habits that difficult to kick. I'll find a way to make little positive changes.
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 99 Member
    @BodyTalking I do Etsy as well as eBay. My main niche is vintage items..mainly clothes,glassware, china, kitchen and home decor. I also find old crafting kits and books to sell.

    I did sit down and worked on getting my numbers from 4 of the 5 sites I sell on. Will work on the last site today and get the numbers from my mileage app I use to get my mileage I can deduct.

  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    edited April 2023
    @kelliward1 good, it has to be done and, now that you've said it, you'll get it completed and lighten the stress.

    I made started glass decor and started sea glass collecting and selling plus making jewellery. I'm working on printed items now. I realised I needed to lessen the time consuming handmade things because I was burning myself out.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    What is your greatest accomplishment so far in April?

    Last week's challenge to focus on nutrition. It was a helpful reminder to be aware and to make healthy choices.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,223 Member
    What is the next step towards your goal?

    I'm at my goal weight. My "next step" always seems to be the same step - Get Stronger. Strength training is hard for me. Then I overdo it and have to back off because I've injured something. I have a lot of old-lady aches and pains anyway, and sometimes I have a hard time figuring out if I'm just sore, or if it's just one of my "normal" pains, or if I've done an injury. I worked out for weeks before realizing that I had tennis elbow.

    Mica/Mission Slimpossibles
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,179 Member
    What will help keep you on plan this week?

    Planning ahead and pushing to stay on plan. Also, having a backup plan in place, should I have cravings or run short on time. Keeping my activity levels high, drinking my water, getting my sleep in and just eating better. I've already had broccoli twice this week...never uttered those words ten years ago...and even more amazing, broccoli is one of my favorite veggies now...wouldn't touch it in my teens/20s...

    Hope you're all having a great week...really enjoying all the comments, questions and great advice!
    Jessica :blush:
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 271 Member
    What good habits do I have?

    I had to really think about this one. But I narrowed it down to 3 what I thought was good habits.
    1. I drink the amount of water ordered by my doctor
    2. I get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night
    3. I keep a really good journal
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @jessicakrall8 I think there's a huge fear in things not being perfect or better like we imagined when we start out as far as getting to goals and not being able to maintain it, I struggled going under 200 then under 150 and when I reached goal I was honestly shocked I did. And you've always very approachable, just remember we're here for you too!

    What's the Next Step Toward Your Goal?

    This is a good one, I've been waiting to do a spinal cord stimatulor before thinking of this so I've been looking at getting through that but there's been a huge turnover at the pain clinic and it's taking forever. I need to get back down about 5-10 lbs and can't do much more exercise with my limitations so that means being better about my eating especially when eating out.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    edited April 2023
    I wrote everything into my notes app and didn't get round to posting here 😊

    What do I need to do this week?
    Tax! Also, for fitness, move more - walk, flex, balance and strength.
    What lessons did I learn from things that did not go so well last week or recently?
    I'm comfortably lazy these days. Lockdowns allowed me to develop bad habits that are difficult to kick. I'll find a way to make little positive changes.
    What is your greatest accomplishment so far in April?
    Last week's challenge to focus on nutrition. It was a helpful reminder to be aware and to make healthy choices.
    What can you do right now to make the coming week less stressful?
    Clean and tidy up. It's an ongoing problem and I really struggle to get even the basic housework done. I actually woke up after a 'nightmare' of all kinds of strangers appearing in my flat for various reasons and the place was awful.
    What is one thing you need to do this week that you have been putting off?
    Get my online business going again. I now know that I was exhausting myself, physically and mentally, and just shelved it all. I need to get back to it.
    What good habits do you have?
    I don't drink many sweet drinks. I drink water or green tea all the time. I occasionally have coffee (mostly black) but I do enjoy wine or beer and, very occasionally, a cocktail. I eat a varied diet with few restrictions and don't resist the healthier options. Plus, I regularly log my food and drink consumption into MFP. Not daily but, when I need to be more mindful of it, it's daily.
    What are you resisting?
    Planning. I couldn't think what to write here but, I suppose, I resist planning things like meals and setting routines because I probably wouldn't stick to it.
    How can your teammates help you? How can you help them?
    As I'm not the most consistent, I don't think I'm very good at being here regularly enough to be fully supportive. I read everyone's posts and give a like. I sometimes make a comment on what one or two say but, generally, I get motivated just by reading everyone's ups and downs and adding my own progress notes. I'm friends with some members and like their feed posts. Someone said they feel like they're talking to themselves on here and, I guess, it is a bit lite that, maybe like an open diary with a feeling of accountability to set some goals and be proud of achieving them.
    What is the next step towards your goal?
    Increase the core exercises I do, reduce treats and lazy carb calories, use my time more effectively when at home.
    What excess baggage are you carrying that you can drop this week?
    Avoiding meeting a friend because I haven't made her, already very late, birthday present. If I make it, I can meet her and not feel bad anymore.
    What will help keep you on plan this week?
    Yeah, there's that word 'plan'! I'll address all the answers given above and, hopefully, that will guide me forward.

    Yesterday, I bought 2 kilo hand-weights as I sometimes felt the 1 kilo wasn't enough. I'll also be able to use both sets to go up to 3 kilos when I'm ready. Gonna work on these arms 💪😁
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    Ok, I've got a plan!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,179 Member
    Good morning y'all...hope your Saturday is starting out great! It's supposed to be a beautiful day here in Virginia...how about where you are?! What's your plan for today? What grand adventures await? Nothing too exciting here...I couldn't sleep overnight, so I got up and did some walking indoors...got a couple of miles in and a good jump on my steps for today. And it helped me to relax. I think I'm going to do that more often...really helped me to relax and get back to sleep.

    I'm waiting for a plumber to arrive to work on my slow draining sink in the kitchen and then to fix my leaky pedestal sink. Took me a few months to save up for it, so hoping this corrects both issues.

    If anyone has a suggestion for next week's challenge, please voice it soon...trying to decide what we will do and get it set up this afternoon to begin tomorrow. This week's discussions have been great, but a little slow. I guess this one didn't resonate with everyone, but it's always important to take time to reflect on the past and study lessons learned in order to plan for the future and make small changes to create large impacts. Hope you feel the same way. Thanks to all who participated this week. I was able to think through a few questions, but had a few busy days this week too, which didn't allow me to post every day. We're all in that boat though...life is hectic.

    Enjoy your day and I'll be back later to check in for any posted ideas/thoughts and then to post next week's link for the new Group Challenge.
    Jessica :smile:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,179 Member
    The April Week 3 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, April 16th. This week will be an active challenge. Please join us for the 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Challenge. Here's your link:


    Hope to see you there!
    Jessica :blush:
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